Article THE SECRET AT LAST. ← Page 2 of 2
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The Secret At Last.
But the best o' us a' are but mortals , I wot , Ancl the auld proverb ' s true " There ' s a crook in ilk lot ;" And sae , no to gie ye a lengthy oration , A crook Jenny had—her guidman was a " Mason ;" No' a mason by trade , but a " Freemason " grand , Wi' his secrets , his signs , ancl his grips o' the hand .
And 0 , but it troubled the auld body sail-To think he had secrets that she couldna' share ; Ancl for week after week , aye , and year after year , Baith early ancl late the same questions she'd spier . She had wrocht rooud his heart ancl she'd wrocht round his fears She had tried him wi' coaxing , wi' fl yting , and tears ; But it a' waclna' do , for by nicht or by clay He only wad answer her , " Nay , Jenny , nay . "
But the hardest o' stanes e ' en maun yield to the stroke , As the constant drop dropping ' 11 wear oot the rock . Sae ae cauld wintry night , when he'd come frae the meeting , Ancl Jenny began wi' her pleading and greeting , He rose frae his seat in the deepest vexation , Saying , "Weel , weel , at last I shall mak ye a ' Mason . '
Gae bar ilka door and mak windows fn' ticht , For awfu ' s the gait ye maun travel this nicht , 'Mid rapping ancl chapping and darkness ancl gloom , Ancl a' sorts o' horrors on this side the tomb . Sae mak up your mind , ere I talc ye ower far ; Daur ye gang through the secret ? " Quo Jenny" I rlfuir . "
, "But clear me , " quo Tani , " I had nearl y forgot ; Whate ' er shall we do for the want o' a goal ? Gae bring the big stool frae the ben ingle nook , Ancl bring me the poker , the sandglass , and Builc . Noo talc ye your seat while I turn cloon the licht , And sit there awhile wi' your een steekit ticht ;
Syne tak ye the sandglass , that emblem o' death , And ower the guid Bnik swear a terrible aith That ye'U never reveal what this nicht ye may hear , Nor as long as ye leeve ony mair questions spier , But wi' Masons and Masonry leave me alane , " To which she responded wi' solemn "Amen . "
" Noo tak ye the poker , and ne ' er think to fret . " Quo Jenny , "My faith , but ye ' ve made it riclit het ; The guidness be wi' us , but this is nae fun ;" But he strampet his fit like the crack o' a gun . " I daur ye tae whisper , far less thus to cry , " To which a sail- sich was the only reply .
Then he bent ower her shoother fu' solemn ancl queer , While Jenny sat quaking and trimlin' wi' fear ; Ancl he whispered fu' low , sae that nae ane micht hear , " Te maun promise again nae mair questions to spier . But can ye keep secret ? speak low in reply . " "Aye , deed that I can . " Then quo Tarn , " So can I ! "
And from that day till this he can gang to the meeting Without either fl yting or coaxing or greeting . Hawick .
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The Secret At Last.
But the best o' us a' are but mortals , I wot , Ancl the auld proverb ' s true " There ' s a crook in ilk lot ;" And sae , no to gie ye a lengthy oration , A crook Jenny had—her guidman was a " Mason ;" No' a mason by trade , but a " Freemason " grand , Wi' his secrets , his signs , ancl his grips o' the hand .
And 0 , but it troubled the auld body sail-To think he had secrets that she couldna' share ; Ancl for week after week , aye , and year after year , Baith early ancl late the same questions she'd spier . She had wrocht rooud his heart ancl she'd wrocht round his fears She had tried him wi' coaxing , wi' fl yting , and tears ; But it a' waclna' do , for by nicht or by clay He only wad answer her , " Nay , Jenny , nay . "
But the hardest o' stanes e ' en maun yield to the stroke , As the constant drop dropping ' 11 wear oot the rock . Sae ae cauld wintry night , when he'd come frae the meeting , Ancl Jenny began wi' her pleading and greeting , He rose frae his seat in the deepest vexation , Saying , "Weel , weel , at last I shall mak ye a ' Mason . '
Gae bar ilka door and mak windows fn' ticht , For awfu ' s the gait ye maun travel this nicht , 'Mid rapping ancl chapping and darkness ancl gloom , Ancl a' sorts o' horrors on this side the tomb . Sae mak up your mind , ere I talc ye ower far ; Daur ye gang through the secret ? " Quo Jenny" I rlfuir . "
, "But clear me , " quo Tani , " I had nearl y forgot ; Whate ' er shall we do for the want o' a goal ? Gae bring the big stool frae the ben ingle nook , Ancl bring me the poker , the sandglass , and Builc . Noo talc ye your seat while I turn cloon the licht , And sit there awhile wi' your een steekit ticht ;
Syne tak ye the sandglass , that emblem o' death , And ower the guid Bnik swear a terrible aith That ye'U never reveal what this nicht ye may hear , Nor as long as ye leeve ony mair questions spier , But wi' Masons and Masonry leave me alane , " To which she responded wi' solemn "Amen . "
" Noo tak ye the poker , and ne ' er think to fret . " Quo Jenny , "My faith , but ye ' ve made it riclit het ; The guidness be wi' us , but this is nae fun ;" But he strampet his fit like the crack o' a gun . " I daur ye tae whisper , far less thus to cry , " To which a sail- sich was the only reply .
Then he bent ower her shoother fu' solemn ancl queer , While Jenny sat quaking and trimlin' wi' fear ; Ancl he whispered fu' low , sae that nae ane micht hear , " Te maun promise again nae mair questions to spier . But can ye keep secret ? speak low in reply . " "Aye , deed that I can . " Then quo Tarn , " So can I ! "
And from that day till this he can gang to the meeting Without either fl yting or coaxing or greeting . Hawick .