Article Monthly Masonic Summary. Page 1 of 1
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Monthly Masonic Summary.
Monthly Masonic Summary .
TT 7 TTH this last Number of our Fifth Volume we have not a very great deal * to report , though our Summary is still not deficient in interest . Our Royal Grand Master , accompanied by his Royal brother-in-law the Crown Prince of Denmark ( J . W : of the Danish G . Lodge ) , presided at the Annual Eestival , and made , as usual , a thoroughly Masonic and genial speech , to the happiness aud
loyal content of all present . He has since spoken -well and admirably in Paris , where he has greatly encouraged the Exhibitors by his presence , sympathy , and affability . H . R . H . the Princess of Wales and the Crown Prince and Crown Princess of-Denmark have been with him .
The Anniversary Eestival of the Girls' School has taken place under the distinguished presidency of our Pro-Grand Master , AA'hich is always welcome , ancl ever effective . £ 8 , 600 , in round numbers , constituted the return made , by , the generous exertions of the Stewards , and the ready liberality of the Order . The slackness of trade , and ho doubt the fact of the funded property of the School ,
account for what otherwise might seem a retrogression in the returns . Many Lodges and Chapters have done nothing , but on the whole we think the amount subscribed most creditable to Masonic beneficence .
There are now nine candidates for- ; the vacant' Secretaryship of the Girls School . We need hardly remark how important it is for the best interests of the School that we should really get the " right man in the right place . " The flow of circulars is abundant , but on this occasion a new species of recommendation has appeared—namely , individual exhortation in the interest of a particular
candidate . This we venture to think a great mistake , and one to be entirely deprecated and discouraged . The circulars of committees are one thing , —the declaration of individualism quite another thing . AVe rejoice to notice the increase of Royal Arch Masonry amongst us . It is a matter of sincere congratulation to all Companions of the Royal Art ! 2 o
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Monthly Masonic Summary.
Monthly Masonic Summary .
TT 7 TTH this last Number of our Fifth Volume we have not a very great deal * to report , though our Summary is still not deficient in interest . Our Royal Grand Master , accompanied by his Royal brother-in-law the Crown Prince of Denmark ( J . W : of the Danish G . Lodge ) , presided at the Annual Eestival , and made , as usual , a thoroughly Masonic and genial speech , to the happiness aud
loyal content of all present . He has since spoken -well and admirably in Paris , where he has greatly encouraged the Exhibitors by his presence , sympathy , and affability . H . R . H . the Princess of Wales and the Crown Prince and Crown Princess of-Denmark have been with him .
The Anniversary Eestival of the Girls' School has taken place under the distinguished presidency of our Pro-Grand Master , AA'hich is always welcome , ancl ever effective . £ 8 , 600 , in round numbers , constituted the return made , by , the generous exertions of the Stewards , and the ready liberality of the Order . The slackness of trade , and ho doubt the fact of the funded property of the School ,
account for what otherwise might seem a retrogression in the returns . Many Lodges and Chapters have done nothing , but on the whole we think the amount subscribed most creditable to Masonic beneficence .
There are now nine candidates for- ; the vacant' Secretaryship of the Girls School . We need hardly remark how important it is for the best interests of the School that we should really get the " right man in the right place . " The flow of circulars is abundant , but on this occasion a new species of recommendation has appeared—namely , individual exhortation in the interest of a particular
candidate . This we venture to think a great mistake , and one to be entirely deprecated and discouraged . The circulars of committees are one thing , —the declaration of individualism quite another thing . AVe rejoice to notice the increase of Royal Arch Masonry amongst us . It is a matter of sincere congratulation to all Companions of the Royal Art ! 2 o