Article THE WORK OF NATURE IN THE MONTHS. ← Page 5 of 7 →
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The Work Of Nature In The Months.
Next conies the numerous family of the Veteues . Close by the hedge is the YCIIOAV Meadow Vetchling , or Everlasting Pea ; cattle are said to be very fond of this plant , which is a rapid spreader . Next Ave have the Tuberous' Bitter Vetch , Peaseling , or Wood Pea , with its purplish blossoms . It is but little heeded in England , but the Scotch , AVIIO call it Cornedle , esteem it very highly ; its roots are considered to be a valuable remedy in lung complaints , and are cheAved also to give a relish to liquor ; a
little of the plant is considered to allay both hunger ancl thirst . The flavour of the roots , like that of the "Best HarroAV ( another butterfly-floAveied plant ) is SAveet ; they are eaten boiled , or roasted like chestnuts in Holland and Flanders . Li ghtfoot says that in Eoss ancl Breadalbane a pleasant liquor is fermented from them ; Dickson recommends their cultiA'ation in England . Baxter says " it is supposed to be the ' Cham' of Caesar ' s Commentariesthe root of Avhich steeped in milk Avas so great a relief to the famished
, army of Dyrrachium . " This is also thought to be the " Caledonian Food " described by Dio on Avhich the hungry army of Valerius lived . There are two other species , the Black Bitter ancl the Wood Bitter . Perhaps the most graceful of the tribe is the Tufted Vetch , Avhose garlands are so tender that they can scarcely be untAvined from the hedge AA'ithout breaking . Many of the wild A'arieties of Vetch are highly spoken of by Gerarde as food for cattle , Avhilst
Dr . Plot in his " Natural History of Staffordshire , " says that this and the beforementioned Wood Vetch " adA'ance starven or Aveak cattle above anything yet knoAA'n . " All the ten species of vetch are thus useful , whilst their seeds afford a rich harvest of food to our bird friends . These plants have been long and Aviclely knoAA'n j their name in Celtic hems "Gwig "; in German , "Wiclcen "; "Bilcion" in Greek ; "Vicia" in Latinancl in French " Vesci . " One pretty species Ave cannot IIOAV stay to describe—that
, is the Milk Vetch , iu its A'arious varieties , but Ave must mention a someAvhat analogous jilant , the Sainfoin , Avhich is found wild on Eoyston Heath , Dover Cliffs , ancl other bleak chalky places . Its name , " Holy Hay , " Avould lead us to ask with Alfred Lear fiiixfovd
!" What have the pilgrims told About this flower ? Said they , when in times of old The Infant iu the manger lay , Thou thy blossoms didst display And changed his bumble birth-place to a boAVer . "
The French call this plant also "LEspareet' ; the Italians " Espanita , and " Cedrangolo . " Wandering up the hillside we ought to find , groAving close to the ground , the yellowgreen flowers of "Our Lady ' s Mantle " j the same hillside can scarcely fail to present also
the" Thymy mound that flings unto the Avinds Its morning incense . " Were the hill in Ireland Ave might gather the London Pride or None-so-pretty in its native Avilds ; Avere it in Wales or Scotland , the purple blossoms of the Moss Campion ; whilst on the moors we are pretty sure of gathering the bright yellow European Globe floAver , a member of the Eanunculus family ; here too we mi g ht pick up a specimen or two of the White Butterfly Orchis . Back to the streams and we shall find the YelloAV Iris , of Avhich Charlotte Smith says : —
" Betiring May to lovely June Her latest garland now resigns , The banks Avith Cuckoo-flowers are strewu , The ivood-Avalks blue with columbines ; And with its reeds the wandering stream Reflects the flag-flower ' s golden beam . " The root of this plant is scentless and sweet , ancl although sometimes used medicinall y , should be employed Avith caution , as it produces a heat in the mouth and throat Avhich will last for hours . Like other astringent infusions , it will , with iron make ink , and 2 P
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The Work Of Nature In The Months.
Next conies the numerous family of the Veteues . Close by the hedge is the YCIIOAV Meadow Vetchling , or Everlasting Pea ; cattle are said to be very fond of this plant , which is a rapid spreader . Next Ave have the Tuberous' Bitter Vetch , Peaseling , or Wood Pea , with its purplish blossoms . It is but little heeded in England , but the Scotch , AVIIO call it Cornedle , esteem it very highly ; its roots are considered to be a valuable remedy in lung complaints , and are cheAved also to give a relish to liquor ; a
little of the plant is considered to allay both hunger ancl thirst . The flavour of the roots , like that of the "Best HarroAV ( another butterfly-floAveied plant ) is SAveet ; they are eaten boiled , or roasted like chestnuts in Holland and Flanders . Li ghtfoot says that in Eoss ancl Breadalbane a pleasant liquor is fermented from them ; Dickson recommends their cultiA'ation in England . Baxter says " it is supposed to be the ' Cham' of Caesar ' s Commentariesthe root of Avhich steeped in milk Avas so great a relief to the famished
, army of Dyrrachium . " This is also thought to be the " Caledonian Food " described by Dio on Avhich the hungry army of Valerius lived . There are two other species , the Black Bitter ancl the Wood Bitter . Perhaps the most graceful of the tribe is the Tufted Vetch , Avhose garlands are so tender that they can scarcely be untAvined from the hedge AA'ithout breaking . Many of the wild A'arieties of Vetch are highly spoken of by Gerarde as food for cattle , Avhilst
Dr . Plot in his " Natural History of Staffordshire , " says that this and the beforementioned Wood Vetch " adA'ance starven or Aveak cattle above anything yet knoAA'n . " All the ten species of vetch are thus useful , whilst their seeds afford a rich harvest of food to our bird friends . These plants have been long and Aviclely knoAA'n j their name in Celtic hems "Gwig "; in German , "Wiclcen "; "Bilcion" in Greek ; "Vicia" in Latinancl in French " Vesci . " One pretty species Ave cannot IIOAV stay to describe—that
, is the Milk Vetch , iu its A'arious varieties , but Ave must mention a someAvhat analogous jilant , the Sainfoin , Avhich is found wild on Eoyston Heath , Dover Cliffs , ancl other bleak chalky places . Its name , " Holy Hay , " Avould lead us to ask with Alfred Lear fiiixfovd
!" What have the pilgrims told About this flower ? Said they , when in times of old The Infant iu the manger lay , Thou thy blossoms didst display And changed his bumble birth-place to a boAVer . "
The French call this plant also "LEspareet' ; the Italians " Espanita , and " Cedrangolo . " Wandering up the hillside we ought to find , groAving close to the ground , the yellowgreen flowers of "Our Lady ' s Mantle " j the same hillside can scarcely fail to present also
the" Thymy mound that flings unto the Avinds Its morning incense . " Were the hill in Ireland Ave might gather the London Pride or None-so-pretty in its native Avilds ; Avere it in Wales or Scotland , the purple blossoms of the Moss Campion ; whilst on the moors we are pretty sure of gathering the bright yellow European Globe floAver , a member of the Eanunculus family ; here too we mi g ht pick up a specimen or two of the White Butterfly Orchis . Back to the streams and we shall find the YelloAV Iris , of Avhich Charlotte Smith says : —
" Betiring May to lovely June Her latest garland now resigns , The banks Avith Cuckoo-flowers are strewu , The ivood-Avalks blue with columbines ; And with its reeds the wandering stream Reflects the flag-flower ' s golden beam . " The root of this plant is scentless and sweet , ancl although sometimes used medicinall y , should be employed Avith caution , as it produces a heat in the mouth and throat Avhich will last for hours . Like other astringent infusions , it will , with iron make ink , and 2 P