Article AMABEL VAUGHAN. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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Amabel Vaughan.
don't think there s a saint before it . Ancl Avhat Avere 3 'ou going to do with the cocoa and sugar may I ask ?" " Oh ! Ave make it up in cups or a stray basin , hot and thick , Avith bread in it , in the wards : its very jolly ; " Penalurick ansAvered as if he Avas surprised any one should ask such a question . " Well , do you know I AVUS a Blue Coat boy once : " Mark continued , " and Avhen I
was as young as you I used to stop the people at the gate ( any lady or gentleman Avho looked kind , you know ) , and get them to go out ancl buy me things , as Ave couldn't go out ourselves . But then Ave bought , ( when Ave had any money , Avhich AA-asn't very often , ) rolls ancl saA'eloys , and oatmeal ancl sugar , ancl Yorkshire pudding , and all sorts of things , —for Ave Avere A'ery hungry and glad to supplement our dinner Avhen Ave had anything to supplement it Avith . "
There are ahvays boys lingering about the gates during playtime , for people often come to see some of the boys , AVIIO of course are difficult to find , and the loiterers arc ahvays ready to go in quest of the lad AA'hose friends have come to see him because they are almost sure of a tip for Avhocver finds him first . So hearing Mark say he Avas once a Blue Coat boy three or four gathered round him , for he had a sunny face and a pleasant maimer , and boys are great physiognomists , and kneAV he Avould not be cross Avith them .
It AVUS half-past IAVCIVO ancl the boys did not go to dinner till one—so Mark stood with his back to the cloister Avail , ( just over his head Avas a quaint old monument" Here lies a benefactor : let no one move his bones , " ) and chatted away to the boys about his own school life . "Do you knoAV , " he said , " I was in No . 5—up that stone staircase , " pointing with his right hand to the entrance close to Avhich AA'as the Avard mentioned . "
"It ' s No . 3 IIOAV ; " a boy interrupted . " Quite right , I was aAvare of it . Well I Avent in for oatmeal and sugar , and I used to get a quartern of oatmeal for 3 d . or 4 cl ., and a pound of sugar at the same p rice , mix them together ancl sell them for a penny a spoonful . Sometimes I would make friends AA'ith the servants , mix my oatmeal and sugar in a- gallipot AA'ith Avater into a sort of dough or paste , put a good lot of sugar on the top , pop it into the nurse's oven , with the servant ' s permission , and Avhen it Avas baked I would sell it sometimes for as much as 2 s . Gd . It cost me , I suppose , 4 d . "
" My eye ! " said a little felloAV passing Avith an irresistible look of impudent incredulity . "Well , brother Crag , and Avhat have you got to say ? " Mark observed , bringing the boy up Avith a round turn . The others laughed at the appellation which is universally used by old Blues to young ones . ( Crug means bread in Christ ' s Hospital language . ) " Oh nothing , " said the boy as he joined the group . "I made a good deal of money iu this way , " Mark continued , " and then I thought I
Avould try the cocoa and sugar , but the boy , whose monopoly that trade Avas , interfered with me , and interfered to that extent that my nose bled and my eyes twinkled and turned a greenish blue afterwards , so I gave it up . Then we used to have our potatoes baked or steamed at that time in the skins , and as they were rarely done the boys couldn't eat them . So I started in that trade . I used to fill my pockets Avith the potatoes left by the other boys , take them up to the ward , put them under the fire there amongst the hot cinders , and after they
Avere baked sell them three a penny with a little butter on them , which I had induced some kind lad y AVIIO I waylaid at the gate , as you did me , Peualurick , to purchase for me . " Please are you in trade noAv ? " said a sandy boy with very large eyes and very large feet . " No , " said Mark , smiling " I Avish I Avere , it pays a long way better than my profession . " "Why , there ' s Anthony , " Mark exclaimed , as one of the beadles passed , in his neat livery and silver badge with the school arms on his breast'across near the in the middle of
, pump the quadrangle . Do you still run after him and sing " Anthony ' s nose is long , Ancl Anthony ' s nose is strong ; T ' would be no disgrace , To Anthony ' s face , If his nose Avcrc not so long ? "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Amabel Vaughan.
don't think there s a saint before it . Ancl Avhat Avere 3 'ou going to do with the cocoa and sugar may I ask ?" " Oh ! Ave make it up in cups or a stray basin , hot and thick , Avith bread in it , in the wards : its very jolly ; " Penalurick ansAvered as if he Avas surprised any one should ask such a question . " Well , do you know I AVUS a Blue Coat boy once : " Mark continued , " and Avhen I
was as young as you I used to stop the people at the gate ( any lady or gentleman Avho looked kind , you know ) , and get them to go out ancl buy me things , as Ave couldn't go out ourselves . But then Ave bought , ( when Ave had any money , Avhich AA-asn't very often , ) rolls ancl saA'eloys , and oatmeal ancl sugar , ancl Yorkshire pudding , and all sorts of things , —for Ave Avere A'ery hungry and glad to supplement our dinner Avhen Ave had anything to supplement it Avith . "
There are ahvays boys lingering about the gates during playtime , for people often come to see some of the boys , AVIIO of course are difficult to find , and the loiterers arc ahvays ready to go in quest of the lad AA'hose friends have come to see him because they are almost sure of a tip for Avhocver finds him first . So hearing Mark say he Avas once a Blue Coat boy three or four gathered round him , for he had a sunny face and a pleasant maimer , and boys are great physiognomists , and kneAV he Avould not be cross Avith them .
It AVUS half-past IAVCIVO ancl the boys did not go to dinner till one—so Mark stood with his back to the cloister Avail , ( just over his head Avas a quaint old monument" Here lies a benefactor : let no one move his bones , " ) and chatted away to the boys about his own school life . "Do you knoAV , " he said , " I was in No . 5—up that stone staircase , " pointing with his right hand to the entrance close to Avhich AA'as the Avard mentioned . "
"It ' s No . 3 IIOAV ; " a boy interrupted . " Quite right , I was aAvare of it . Well I Avent in for oatmeal and sugar , and I used to get a quartern of oatmeal for 3 d . or 4 cl ., and a pound of sugar at the same p rice , mix them together ancl sell them for a penny a spoonful . Sometimes I would make friends AA'ith the servants , mix my oatmeal and sugar in a- gallipot AA'ith Avater into a sort of dough or paste , put a good lot of sugar on the top , pop it into the nurse's oven , with the servant ' s permission , and Avhen it Avas baked I would sell it sometimes for as much as 2 s . Gd . It cost me , I suppose , 4 d . "
" My eye ! " said a little felloAV passing Avith an irresistible look of impudent incredulity . "Well , brother Crag , and Avhat have you got to say ? " Mark observed , bringing the boy up Avith a round turn . The others laughed at the appellation which is universally used by old Blues to young ones . ( Crug means bread in Christ ' s Hospital language . ) " Oh nothing , " said the boy as he joined the group . "I made a good deal of money iu this way , " Mark continued , " and then I thought I
Avould try the cocoa and sugar , but the boy , whose monopoly that trade Avas , interfered with me , and interfered to that extent that my nose bled and my eyes twinkled and turned a greenish blue afterwards , so I gave it up . Then we used to have our potatoes baked or steamed at that time in the skins , and as they were rarely done the boys couldn't eat them . So I started in that trade . I used to fill my pockets Avith the potatoes left by the other boys , take them up to the ward , put them under the fire there amongst the hot cinders , and after they
Avere baked sell them three a penny with a little butter on them , which I had induced some kind lad y AVIIO I waylaid at the gate , as you did me , Peualurick , to purchase for me . " Please are you in trade noAv ? " said a sandy boy with very large eyes and very large feet . " No , " said Mark , smiling " I Avish I Avere , it pays a long way better than my profession . " "Why , there ' s Anthony , " Mark exclaimed , as one of the beadles passed , in his neat livery and silver badge with the school arms on his breast'across near the in the middle of
, pump the quadrangle . Do you still run after him and sing " Anthony ' s nose is long , Ancl Anthony ' s nose is strong ; T ' would be no disgrace , To Anthony ' s face , If his nose Avcrc not so long ? "