Article ON SELECTING THE BEST CHARITY. ← Page 4 of 4 Article LOVE AND MASONRY. Page 1 of 5 →
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On Selecting The Best Charity.
ignorance of the classes AA'hich such societies touch and benefit , Ave are at a loss to conceive . XII . " It is said that £ 230 , 000 a year is levied by absolutely fraudulent ancl pretended charities , Avhich it is very difficult to distinguish amongst tho mass of mismanaged and ill-considered charities . They are chiefly got up by individuals , ancl some have sham committees . No single person ought to trust himself , or to be trusted Avith the receipt and expenditure of the public money . " That some charities are mismanaged ancl Avant looking after we do not deny . But reform is not revolution .
XIII . " The time has come Avhen the AA'hole system not only of charity but of the charities AA'hich assume its name should be thoroughly looked into and ventilated before the public , and it should be determined in Avhat respects charityism is more respectable than pauperism . The Avant of a clear understanding of this is at the bottom of a large proportion of the unnecessary charities . A Royal Commission might bring out the AA'hole case , and make it clear , and if that cannot be got a conference Avould assist .
Organising the charities , or getting rid of even such a blot as the voting system , which reduces charity to a lottery of prizes ancl blanks , has been hitherto found to be impossible , and Avhen Ave are asked to make a selection out of the 1 , 200 voluntary charities , spending £ 2 , 250 , 000 a year , Ave should be able to make only a short list of those we could thqronghly approve for both their objects and management . There is , hoAvever , ample need and scope for the highest and best charityand Avhat is Avanted is to reform ,
, improve , ancl adjust the charities so that they may mutually carry out their objects in the most kindly , considerate , and humane manner . We knoAV . of no truer charity than to look into the necessity for , ancl the administration of the charities , and to protect the benevolent from the mischiefs of indiscriminate charitable out-door relief , Avhich is quite as bad as indiscriminate out-door poor laAv relief . The Public Authorities also require to be looked afterto see that they avail themselves of all the legal provisions for the
, benefit of the poor , and' thus clear the way for charity to deal only with its proper objects . A propaganda for charity reform should be Avilling to court the necessary unpopularity that it might do the incalculable service of getting the benevolent public to administer its charity in the Avisest Avay , for the relief of the suffering population whom it now vainly strives to reach . "
We are sorry to differ " toto coslo with the conclusion , as Ave have with the various portions of this ill-advised ancl sensational deliverance . The great effort of all so-called reformers just UOAV is to get rid of the open voting and substitute for it the secret voting and selection by an irresponsible committee . Under such a S 3 'stem charity will become not merely a sham ancl a bye-Avorcl among us , but Avill be "improved out of the land , " leaving for us , ancl this seething mass of human suffering and want , nothing but " the baseless fabric of a dream . " We thereforebelieving that such reformers are
, making a great mistake , think it right to warn our readers against statements Avhich are dubious , arguments Avhich are fallacious , and facts which are fictions , ancl advancing arguments Avhich are alike unsound , unfair , and allegations Avhich are equally unfounded and unjustifiable .
Love And Masonry.
BY ADNA H . LIGHTNEE . From the " Masonic Review . " THE yellow sunshine Avas lighting up the little dancing brook , and leaving silver gleams amid the maple leaves that spreacfa green canopy over the farm house on the hill .
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On Selecting The Best Charity.
ignorance of the classes AA'hich such societies touch and benefit , Ave are at a loss to conceive . XII . " It is said that £ 230 , 000 a year is levied by absolutely fraudulent ancl pretended charities , Avhich it is very difficult to distinguish amongst tho mass of mismanaged and ill-considered charities . They are chiefly got up by individuals , ancl some have sham committees . No single person ought to trust himself , or to be trusted Avith the receipt and expenditure of the public money . " That some charities are mismanaged ancl Avant looking after we do not deny . But reform is not revolution .
XIII . " The time has come Avhen the AA'hole system not only of charity but of the charities AA'hich assume its name should be thoroughly looked into and ventilated before the public , and it should be determined in Avhat respects charityism is more respectable than pauperism . The Avant of a clear understanding of this is at the bottom of a large proportion of the unnecessary charities . A Royal Commission might bring out the AA'hole case , and make it clear , and if that cannot be got a conference Avould assist .
Organising the charities , or getting rid of even such a blot as the voting system , which reduces charity to a lottery of prizes ancl blanks , has been hitherto found to be impossible , and Avhen Ave are asked to make a selection out of the 1 , 200 voluntary charities , spending £ 2 , 250 , 000 a year , Ave should be able to make only a short list of those we could thqronghly approve for both their objects and management . There is , hoAvever , ample need and scope for the highest and best charityand Avhat is Avanted is to reform ,
, improve , ancl adjust the charities so that they may mutually carry out their objects in the most kindly , considerate , and humane manner . We knoAV . of no truer charity than to look into the necessity for , ancl the administration of the charities , and to protect the benevolent from the mischiefs of indiscriminate charitable out-door relief , Avhich is quite as bad as indiscriminate out-door poor laAv relief . The Public Authorities also require to be looked afterto see that they avail themselves of all the legal provisions for the
, benefit of the poor , and' thus clear the way for charity to deal only with its proper objects . A propaganda for charity reform should be Avilling to court the necessary unpopularity that it might do the incalculable service of getting the benevolent public to administer its charity in the Avisest Avay , for the relief of the suffering population whom it now vainly strives to reach . "
We are sorry to differ " toto coslo with the conclusion , as Ave have with the various portions of this ill-advised ancl sensational deliverance . The great effort of all so-called reformers just UOAV is to get rid of the open voting and substitute for it the secret voting and selection by an irresponsible committee . Under such a S 3 'stem charity will become not merely a sham ancl a bye-Avorcl among us , but Avill be "improved out of the land , " leaving for us , ancl this seething mass of human suffering and want , nothing but " the baseless fabric of a dream . " We thereforebelieving that such reformers are
, making a great mistake , think it right to warn our readers against statements Avhich are dubious , arguments Avhich are fallacious , and facts which are fictions , ancl advancing arguments Avhich are alike unsound , unfair , and allegations Avhich are equally unfounded and unjustifiable .
Love And Masonry.
BY ADNA H . LIGHTNEE . From the " Masonic Review . " THE yellow sunshine Avas lighting up the little dancing brook , and leaving silver gleams amid the maple leaves that spreacfa green canopy over the farm house on the hill .