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Can Ave none of us recall a similar state of affairs 1—Then restless Speculation raised Her bloodshot eyes , and paused aud gazed , But not a ray of light could find To guide or calm her troubled mind . Onon it cameancl darker greAv
, , , As clouds of lies about it flew , Which cast a deeper , blacker shade Athwart the murky gloom of trade . Then came reports , none kneAV from Avhere , While panic hover'd in the air ; Then sudden as the lightning ' s flash
The storm broke with a fearful crash Like tumbling thunder , houses shaking That Avere years and years in making , And Avhen the sudden blast Avas o ' er All Avaw uncertain as before .
And Ave some of us realize the folloAving little episode : —• NOAV was the time the surly bears Like furies seized on stocks ancl shares , Trampled them all in mud ancl mire , Tore them to ribbons by the quire
, Hntil the Stock Exchange Avas streAved With bits of paper . Bad ancl good Were involved in common ruin By this Avar of Bull ancl Bruin .
0 , most accurate of Avriters , hoAv well dost thou describe tne inevitable collapse : — Then came the storm on that-sad day Which SAvept the hopes of years aAvay , And o ' er the trembling City pass'd , Destruction hanging on the blast , Foredooming , in long , dismal moans
, The ruin of a thousand homes ; Appall'd the timid sous of trade By the Avild havoc that it made ; With terror filled the stricken mind , For ruin rode upon the Avind ; Men Avalk'd about as shipAA'recked men
Walk on a desert seashore , Avhen The furious hurricane that gave Their vessel to the stormy Avave Has only left to their strain'd eye The bits of wreck that floated by . Thus did the troubled sons of gain Their anxiousrestless eyeballs strain
, To watch the fury of the storm That seem'd on wings of ruin borne , Each fearing , by his terror led , That it might burst upon his head ; Then wildly on each other pressed As panic ABAV from breast to breast ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Can Ave none of us recall a similar state of affairs 1—Then restless Speculation raised Her bloodshot eyes , and paused aud gazed , But not a ray of light could find To guide or calm her troubled mind . Onon it cameancl darker greAv
, , , As clouds of lies about it flew , Which cast a deeper , blacker shade Athwart the murky gloom of trade . Then came reports , none kneAV from Avhere , While panic hover'd in the air ; Then sudden as the lightning ' s flash
The storm broke with a fearful crash Like tumbling thunder , houses shaking That Avere years and years in making , And Avhen the sudden blast Avas o ' er All Avaw uncertain as before .
And Ave some of us realize the folloAving little episode : —• NOAV was the time the surly bears Like furies seized on stocks ancl shares , Trampled them all in mud ancl mire , Tore them to ribbons by the quire
, Hntil the Stock Exchange Avas streAved With bits of paper . Bad ancl good Were involved in common ruin By this Avar of Bull ancl Bruin .
0 , most accurate of Avriters , hoAv well dost thou describe tne inevitable collapse : — Then came the storm on that-sad day Which SAvept the hopes of years aAvay , And o ' er the trembling City pass'd , Destruction hanging on the blast , Foredooming , in long , dismal moans
, The ruin of a thousand homes ; Appall'd the timid sous of trade By the Avild havoc that it made ; With terror filled the stricken mind , For ruin rode upon the Avind ; Men Avalk'd about as shipAA'recked men
Walk on a desert seashore , Avhen The furious hurricane that gave Their vessel to the stormy Avave Has only left to their strain'd eye The bits of wreck that floated by . Thus did the troubled sons of gain Their anxiousrestless eyeballs strain
, To watch the fury of the storm That seem'd on wings of ruin borne , Each fearing , by his terror led , That it might burst upon his head ; Then wildly on each other pressed As panic ABAV from breast to breast ;