Article AN HERMETIC WORK. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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An Hermetic Work.
to experience , That this natural Mistery is only to be found with the great Jehovah , Saturninely placed in the Center of the World . In the interim , AA'e account them happy , AVIIO by the help of art , are careful how they may wash this Philosophical Queen , and circulate ' the Catholick A irgin Earth , Avithin a Magick , Physical ! Christalline Artifice ; Nay , as Khunrade saith , they alone shall see the Philosophers King crowned with all the colours of the Avorldancl coming forth of his Bedchamberand glassy
, , Sepulchre , more then pe-fect in his external glorified fiery body , shining like a bri ght Carbuncle , or a compact , and Ponderous transparent Christal ; These shall see the Salamander casting out Avaters , and Avashing tbereAvith , the Leprouse Metals in the fire , as I my self have seen . AVhat shall I say ? These shall see the Abyss of the Spagyrick Art , Avhere this kingly art did rest and lye hid so many years in the Mineral Kingdom ,
as in their safest bosom . Assuredly the true Sous of this Art shall not only manifest such a river of Numitius ; in Avhich long since / Eneas ( being Avasbt , ancl absolved from his mortality ) , by the command of Venus , Avas presently transformed like to an immortal God , but also the Avhole Lydian Eiver ( called Pactolus ) transmuted into gold , as soon as Mygdonian My das hath Avashed himself in the same . Also in a long Series they shall partly see the Bath of naked Diana , and the Fountain of Narcissus ; yea , Scylla Avalking in the Sea Avithout her clothesby reason of the fervent rayes of the Sun ; and
, shall gather the blood of Pyramis and Thysbe , by Avhose help the white Mulberries Avere tinged into red . Partly also the blood of Adonis , transformed by the descending Goddess A ^ enus , into the Anemone Rose : Partly also the blood of Ajax , out of Avhich did spring the fairest FloAA'er of Hyacinth or Violet : Partly also the blood of the Gyants , struck by Jupiters'Thunderbolt : partly also the tears of Althea , shed Avhen she had divested her self of her Golden Eobesand laid them down : partly also the drops
, from Medea ' s decocted Avater , out of Avhich green things did presently sproAvt out of the earth : Partly also Medeas Potion boyled out of many hearbs , gathered three days before the Full Moon , for the healing of her good old Father Jason : Partly also the Medicine of iEsculapius ; Partly also the leaves by Avhose taste Glaucus was transformed into
Neptune : Partly also the expressed juice of Jason , by AA'hose benefit he got the Golden Fleece , in the Land of Colchos , after he had fought generously in the Field of Mars , not without great clanger of his Life : Partly also the Garden of Hespericles , from whose Trees might be gathered Apples of Gold : Partly also , Hippomines running a Eace Avith Atalanta , delaying and conquering her , by throAving down three Golden Apples , given him by Venus : Partly also the Aurora of Cephalus ; Partly also as it Avere , Romulus transformed by Jupiter into a God : Partly also the Soul of Julius CEesar , transfigured
by Venus into a Comet , and placed amongst the Stars : partly also Pytho the Serpent of Juno , springing up after Deucalious deluge out of the putrified Earth , heated by the rayes of the Sun ; rjartly also the Fire , Avhereby Medea lighted seven Candles : partly also the Moon inflamed by the great burning of Phaeton ; partly also the dryed shrub or branch of the Olive Tree , HBAV greening with berries , as a neAV and tender tree : partly also Arcadia , Avherein Jupiter Avas used to walk : partly also the dAvelling place of Pluto , at Avhose entrance the three beaded Cerberus did Avatch -. partly also that
Mountain Avhere Hercules burnt all his Members he had from his Mother upon a Pile of Wood , Avhen the Fathers parts did remain fixt aud incombustible in the fire , yet was he not one jot impaired in his life , but at length Avas changed into the likeness of a God . Further , these true children of the Philosophers , shall at last enter into the Temple of the transformed rustick bouse , Avhose roof was built out of fine gold . Indeed I cannot do less then once more proclaim aloud with the Adeptists . 0 happy , and thrice happy is this Artist , Avho by the most gracious blessing of the most high Jehovah obtains this
art to prepare ancl make this almost divine Salt , by whose efficacious operation , the metallick body or mineral is broke open , destroyed and killed , yet its soul is revived to the glorious resurrection of the Philosophick body : Most happy therefore is he who obtains this Art of Arts , to the glory of God , by earnest constant prayers : For certainly the knoAvledge of this Mystery cannot be obtained , unless draAvn and suckt out of the Fountain of Fountains , Avhich is God . Therefore every serious Lover of this inestimable art should believe the chief of his business is , That with uncessant desires and prayers
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An Hermetic Work.
to experience , That this natural Mistery is only to be found with the great Jehovah , Saturninely placed in the Center of the World . In the interim , AA'e account them happy , AVIIO by the help of art , are careful how they may wash this Philosophical Queen , and circulate ' the Catholick A irgin Earth , Avithin a Magick , Physical ! Christalline Artifice ; Nay , as Khunrade saith , they alone shall see the Philosophers King crowned with all the colours of the Avorldancl coming forth of his Bedchamberand glassy
, , Sepulchre , more then pe-fect in his external glorified fiery body , shining like a bri ght Carbuncle , or a compact , and Ponderous transparent Christal ; These shall see the Salamander casting out Avaters , and Avashing tbereAvith , the Leprouse Metals in the fire , as I my self have seen . AVhat shall I say ? These shall see the Abyss of the Spagyrick Art , Avhere this kingly art did rest and lye hid so many years in the Mineral Kingdom ,
as in their safest bosom . Assuredly the true Sous of this Art shall not only manifest such a river of Numitius ; in Avhich long since / Eneas ( being Avasbt , ancl absolved from his mortality ) , by the command of Venus , Avas presently transformed like to an immortal God , but also the Avhole Lydian Eiver ( called Pactolus ) transmuted into gold , as soon as Mygdonian My das hath Avashed himself in the same . Also in a long Series they shall partly see the Bath of naked Diana , and the Fountain of Narcissus ; yea , Scylla Avalking in the Sea Avithout her clothesby reason of the fervent rayes of the Sun ; and
, shall gather the blood of Pyramis and Thysbe , by Avhose help the white Mulberries Avere tinged into red . Partly also the blood of Adonis , transformed by the descending Goddess A ^ enus , into the Anemone Rose : Partly also the blood of Ajax , out of Avhich did spring the fairest FloAA'er of Hyacinth or Violet : Partly also the blood of the Gyants , struck by Jupiters'Thunderbolt : partly also the tears of Althea , shed Avhen she had divested her self of her Golden Eobesand laid them down : partly also the drops
, from Medea ' s decocted Avater , out of Avhich green things did presently sproAvt out of the earth : Partly also Medeas Potion boyled out of many hearbs , gathered three days before the Full Moon , for the healing of her good old Father Jason : Partly also the Medicine of iEsculapius ; Partly also the leaves by Avhose taste Glaucus was transformed into
Neptune : Partly also the expressed juice of Jason , by AA'hose benefit he got the Golden Fleece , in the Land of Colchos , after he had fought generously in the Field of Mars , not without great clanger of his Life : Partly also the Garden of Hespericles , from whose Trees might be gathered Apples of Gold : Partly also , Hippomines running a Eace Avith Atalanta , delaying and conquering her , by throAving down three Golden Apples , given him by Venus : Partly also the Aurora of Cephalus ; Partly also as it Avere , Romulus transformed by Jupiter into a God : Partly also the Soul of Julius CEesar , transfigured
by Venus into a Comet , and placed amongst the Stars : partly also Pytho the Serpent of Juno , springing up after Deucalious deluge out of the putrified Earth , heated by the rayes of the Sun ; rjartly also the Fire , Avhereby Medea lighted seven Candles : partly also the Moon inflamed by the great burning of Phaeton ; partly also the dryed shrub or branch of the Olive Tree , HBAV greening with berries , as a neAV and tender tree : partly also Arcadia , Avherein Jupiter Avas used to walk : partly also the dAvelling place of Pluto , at Avhose entrance the three beaded Cerberus did Avatch -. partly also that
Mountain Avhere Hercules burnt all his Members he had from his Mother upon a Pile of Wood , Avhen the Fathers parts did remain fixt aud incombustible in the fire , yet was he not one jot impaired in his life , but at length Avas changed into the likeness of a God . Further , these true children of the Philosophers , shall at last enter into the Temple of the transformed rustick bouse , Avhose roof was built out of fine gold . Indeed I cannot do less then once more proclaim aloud with the Adeptists . 0 happy , and thrice happy is this Artist , Avho by the most gracious blessing of the most high Jehovah obtains this
art to prepare ancl make this almost divine Salt , by whose efficacious operation , the metallick body or mineral is broke open , destroyed and killed , yet its soul is revived to the glorious resurrection of the Philosophick body : Most happy therefore is he who obtains this Art of Arts , to the glory of God , by earnest constant prayers : For certainly the knoAvledge of this Mystery cannot be obtained , unless draAvn and suckt out of the Fountain of Fountains , Avhich is God . Therefore every serious Lover of this inestimable art should believe the chief of his business is , That with uncessant desires and prayers