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The Origin And References Of The Hermesian Spurious Freemasonry.
The Greeks having received their mythology from Egypt , Avere surprised to find deceased mortals , even though they had rendered essential benefits to their felloAV creatures , placed in the empyrean as constellations ; but haA'iug learned the Egyptian doctrine , that from such an exalted station in the vast expanse , they Avere enabled to overlook and influence the actions of men , they did not hesitate to admit them into their pantheon , and adopted them as legitimate objects of Avorship in tho character of hero gods or mediators . And softening CIOAVU the Eastern names of the constellations
and signs to the genius of their OAVII language , they adopted their mythological history to their OAVII preconceived ideas of religion ; or rather , perhaps , founded a religion on the astronomical facts and fancies Avhich they gleaned from other nations of greater antiquity than their OAVII .
On this principle the gigantic southern Serpent of Egypt , Avhich occupies such a vast space iu that hemisphere as to give it the appearance of a river , Avas called by the Greeks Hydra , from v & iop , water ; ancl the Indian ship , Agastya , was denominated Argo ; Avhile the Cueph or Canuphus of Egypt , a bright star in the rudder of that ship , AVUS softened into Canophus . Typhon AVUS embodied in the form of an enormous serpent qui homines ac bestias devorat , and called Python .
Dr . Lamb * is of opinion that the universal Avorship of the serpent originated in the expectation of a divine mediator . It had respect to the promised seed of the Avoman , that poAverful Nachasb , Avhich should in due time come into the Avorld ancl restore all things ; termed by the JOAA ' fc ^ n ( Habba ) , and rendered into Greek , 6 ! px ° / wos—lie that cometh . And tins Avas strikin gly represented in Phcenician mythology by a beautiful serpent entAvined around an eggimplying that the seed Avas not 3 'et
come—, Avas as yet hi the Avomb of time . Again , Hani , or the planet Jupiter , Hammon of the Egyptians , AA'as transferred AA'ithout alteration either in name or attributes ; ancl that which Avas anciently knoAvn by the name of Aretz , became Aprjs in Greek , and in Latin , Mars . The northern Bear Avas called in the ancient Sanscrit , Maharesha , Avhich the Greeks changed into / xeyas ApKros , Ursa Major ; ancl the Indian constellations Capeya ancl CasyapaParasiea ancl
Antar-, niada Avere modelled into Cepheus and Casseopeia ; Perseus and Andromeda . f And in the Orphic hymns Bacchus Avas Avorshipped in conjunction Avith a beautiful star . Isis seems at first to have been a star AA'hich tho Egyptians called Sothis , and the Greeks Sirius .
Ihese instances AVIII suffice to SIIOAV that the Hermesian allegories Avere propagated in every Egyptian colony , and afford no inconsiderable testimony to the transmission of truths Avhich existed in times before the dispersion of mankind , especiaUy Avhen Ave consider that the Almighty preserved , even amidst the apostate nations , some evident AA'itnesses of himself , ancl of the truth Avhich AA'ere designed to be kept in remembrance amongst all the people of the earth . Thus Abraham in ChakleaJob amongst the Arabians ; Jethro in Midianand
; ; Balaam on the River Euphrates , contributed to preserve a knoAvledge of the patriarchal Avorship in their respective localities , and thus prevent it from being Avholly obliterated , or the important prediction of " a Star that should have dominion , " be lost . It is quite clear that the same belief AA'as prevalent in all other countries , for Avhen the Capitol at Rome was destroyed by fire , ancl the Sibylline oracles burnt , deputies were sent to all parts of the world to collect materials from ancient tradition for another
compilation of the same nature ; and the testimony of all these traditions appears to have concurred in one universal belief , that at some future ancl distant period , " a King should arise whose dominion should extend over the whole earth , and diffuse happiness and salvation to mankind ; and that his advent should be marked and authenticated by a new Star , or miraculous appecwance in the heavens . " This Avas eighty years before the Christian era . But Pliny informs us that a new star had already appeared Avhen this collection Avas made , Avhich created great speculations amongst Avise and learned astro-
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The Origin And References Of The Hermesian Spurious Freemasonry.
The Greeks having received their mythology from Egypt , Avere surprised to find deceased mortals , even though they had rendered essential benefits to their felloAV creatures , placed in the empyrean as constellations ; but haA'iug learned the Egyptian doctrine , that from such an exalted station in the vast expanse , they Avere enabled to overlook and influence the actions of men , they did not hesitate to admit them into their pantheon , and adopted them as legitimate objects of Avorship in tho character of hero gods or mediators . And softening CIOAVU the Eastern names of the constellations
and signs to the genius of their OAVII language , they adopted their mythological history to their OAVII preconceived ideas of religion ; or rather , perhaps , founded a religion on the astronomical facts and fancies Avhich they gleaned from other nations of greater antiquity than their OAVII .
On this principle the gigantic southern Serpent of Egypt , Avhich occupies such a vast space iu that hemisphere as to give it the appearance of a river , Avas called by the Greeks Hydra , from v & iop , water ; ancl the Indian ship , Agastya , was denominated Argo ; Avhile the Cueph or Canuphus of Egypt , a bright star in the rudder of that ship , AVUS softened into Canophus . Typhon AVUS embodied in the form of an enormous serpent qui homines ac bestias devorat , and called Python .
Dr . Lamb * is of opinion that the universal Avorship of the serpent originated in the expectation of a divine mediator . It had respect to the promised seed of the Avoman , that poAverful Nachasb , Avhich should in due time come into the Avorld ancl restore all things ; termed by the JOAA ' fc ^ n ( Habba ) , and rendered into Greek , 6 ! px ° / wos—lie that cometh . And tins Avas strikin gly represented in Phcenician mythology by a beautiful serpent entAvined around an eggimplying that the seed Avas not 3 'et
come—, Avas as yet hi the Avomb of time . Again , Hani , or the planet Jupiter , Hammon of the Egyptians , AA'as transferred AA'ithout alteration either in name or attributes ; ancl that which Avas anciently knoAvn by the name of Aretz , became Aprjs in Greek , and in Latin , Mars . The northern Bear Avas called in the ancient Sanscrit , Maharesha , Avhich the Greeks changed into / xeyas ApKros , Ursa Major ; ancl the Indian constellations Capeya ancl CasyapaParasiea ancl
Antar-, niada Avere modelled into Cepheus and Casseopeia ; Perseus and Andromeda . f And in the Orphic hymns Bacchus Avas Avorshipped in conjunction Avith a beautiful star . Isis seems at first to have been a star AA'hich tho Egyptians called Sothis , and the Greeks Sirius .
Ihese instances AVIII suffice to SIIOAV that the Hermesian allegories Avere propagated in every Egyptian colony , and afford no inconsiderable testimony to the transmission of truths Avhich existed in times before the dispersion of mankind , especiaUy Avhen Ave consider that the Almighty preserved , even amidst the apostate nations , some evident AA'itnesses of himself , ancl of the truth Avhich AA'ere designed to be kept in remembrance amongst all the people of the earth . Thus Abraham in ChakleaJob amongst the Arabians ; Jethro in Midianand
; ; Balaam on the River Euphrates , contributed to preserve a knoAvledge of the patriarchal Avorship in their respective localities , and thus prevent it from being Avholly obliterated , or the important prediction of " a Star that should have dominion , " be lost . It is quite clear that the same belief AA'as prevalent in all other countries , for Avhen the Capitol at Rome was destroyed by fire , ancl the Sibylline oracles burnt , deputies were sent to all parts of the world to collect materials from ancient tradition for another
compilation of the same nature ; and the testimony of all these traditions appears to have concurred in one universal belief , that at some future ancl distant period , " a King should arise whose dominion should extend over the whole earth , and diffuse happiness and salvation to mankind ; and that his advent should be marked and authenticated by a new Star , or miraculous appecwance in the heavens . " This Avas eighty years before the Christian era . But Pliny informs us that a new star had already appeared Avhen this collection Avas made , Avhich created great speculations amongst Avise and learned astro-