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The Origin And References Of The Hermesian Spurious Freemasonry.
nomers , as to its peculiar purport , but nothing particular occurred except that sometime afterwards the Persian monarchy Avas destroyed . But this star Avas not like the star that appeared at Christ's birth , Avhich possessed three properties peculiar to itself . First , it moved from the north to the south ; secondly , it appeared in the lowest region of the air ; and , thirdly , it AA'as not eclipsed , or its light injured , as is the case Avith other stars , by the presence of the sun . Iu the midst of all the astronomical absurdities Avhich distinguished the ancient
world , some rays of truth are clearly perceptible respecting the appearance of a Messenger from heaven to purify man's knoAvleclge , and to pave the way for his restoration to the favour of the deity ; and they Avere preserved and conveyed through the heathen world by means of the most sacred mysteries of their religion , which , for the sake of distinction , wo denominate the Spurious Freemasonry . Thusit is a well authenticated fact * that at the conclusion of the ceremony of
, _ , initiation in Persia , the candidates were apprized , as a last great secret , of an ancient prophecy left by the founder of their religion , Avhich he professed to have learned during his travels hi India and Egypt , that at some future period a great prophet should appear in the world , who should be the son of a pure virgin , ancl Avhose advent should
be indicated by a HBAV and brilliant star in the heavens , shining Avith celestial brightness at micl-day . t The neAvly initiated candidate Avas enjoined to & 11 OAV the direction of this supernatural appearance , if it shoidd occur hi his clay , until he had found the neAVborn babe , to whom he was commanded to offer rich gifts ancl sacrifices , and to fall prostrate before him with devout reverence , as the Creator of the world and the Redeemer of mankind . The same truth was hinted at by the Greeks Avhen they changed the name of
Zeratusht , the reputed founder or remodeller of the Persian mysteries , into Zoroaster , Avhich , according to Clemens , Avas derived from Astron Zoon , the living Star . And it is remarkable that the mysterious Avords Koux , Om , Pax , Avhich closed the ceremony of initiation in Greece , are pure Sanscrit , ancl are used at this clay by the Brahmins at the conclusion of their religious ceremonies . In their sacred books they are written Causcha , OmPacsha . The first means the object of our most ardent desires ; Om is the
, sacred monosyllable , Avhich is applied to the deity ; and Pacsha appears to be identical Avith the Latin Pax , or Peace , Avhich was used in solemn salutations , Peace be with you . And the whole may correspond Avith those angelic strains Avhich accompanied the appearance of the Star as the herald of the Prince of Peace . " Glory to God in the highest ; and on earth peace , good will towards men . "
This great deliverer had been announced by the prophet Malachi under the denomination of the Sun of Righteousness with healing in his wings , to signify that his light clears up men ' s understandings , and chases away the darkness of their minds , and that his rays ancl kindly warmth wfil heal all the diseases of their souls . Bishop Beveridge says , " Avhat the Sun is to the world , that Christ is to His Church . As the sun gives not only light to the Avorld , but heat , motion , and activity to all things in itancl invigorates the earth ancl makes it fruitful ; so does Christthe Sun of
, , Righteousness , cause righteousness to spring up in His Church , and being long since risen , he shines continually upon it , with healing in his wings or rays , even the wholesome benign influences of his Holy Spirit , Avhereby He heals us of our unfruitfulness and all our spiritual distempers . " ( To be Continued . )
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The Origin And References Of The Hermesian Spurious Freemasonry.
nomers , as to its peculiar purport , but nothing particular occurred except that sometime afterwards the Persian monarchy Avas destroyed . But this star Avas not like the star that appeared at Christ's birth , Avhich possessed three properties peculiar to itself . First , it moved from the north to the south ; secondly , it appeared in the lowest region of the air ; and , thirdly , it AA'as not eclipsed , or its light injured , as is the case Avith other stars , by the presence of the sun . Iu the midst of all the astronomical absurdities Avhich distinguished the ancient
world , some rays of truth are clearly perceptible respecting the appearance of a Messenger from heaven to purify man's knoAvleclge , and to pave the way for his restoration to the favour of the deity ; and they Avere preserved and conveyed through the heathen world by means of the most sacred mysteries of their religion , which , for the sake of distinction , wo denominate the Spurious Freemasonry . Thusit is a well authenticated fact * that at the conclusion of the ceremony of
, _ , initiation in Persia , the candidates were apprized , as a last great secret , of an ancient prophecy left by the founder of their religion , Avhich he professed to have learned during his travels hi India and Egypt , that at some future period a great prophet should appear in the world , who should be the son of a pure virgin , ancl Avhose advent should
be indicated by a HBAV and brilliant star in the heavens , shining Avith celestial brightness at micl-day . t The neAvly initiated candidate Avas enjoined to & 11 OAV the direction of this supernatural appearance , if it shoidd occur hi his clay , until he had found the neAVborn babe , to whom he was commanded to offer rich gifts ancl sacrifices , and to fall prostrate before him with devout reverence , as the Creator of the world and the Redeemer of mankind . The same truth was hinted at by the Greeks Avhen they changed the name of
Zeratusht , the reputed founder or remodeller of the Persian mysteries , into Zoroaster , Avhich , according to Clemens , Avas derived from Astron Zoon , the living Star . And it is remarkable that the mysterious Avords Koux , Om , Pax , Avhich closed the ceremony of initiation in Greece , are pure Sanscrit , ancl are used at this clay by the Brahmins at the conclusion of their religious ceremonies . In their sacred books they are written Causcha , OmPacsha . The first means the object of our most ardent desires ; Om is the
, sacred monosyllable , Avhich is applied to the deity ; and Pacsha appears to be identical Avith the Latin Pax , or Peace , Avhich was used in solemn salutations , Peace be with you . And the whole may correspond Avith those angelic strains Avhich accompanied the appearance of the Star as the herald of the Prince of Peace . " Glory to God in the highest ; and on earth peace , good will towards men . "
This great deliverer had been announced by the prophet Malachi under the denomination of the Sun of Righteousness with healing in his wings , to signify that his light clears up men ' s understandings , and chases away the darkness of their minds , and that his rays ancl kindly warmth wfil heal all the diseases of their souls . Bishop Beveridge says , " Avhat the Sun is to the world , that Christ is to His Church . As the sun gives not only light to the Avorld , but heat , motion , and activity to all things in itancl invigorates the earth ancl makes it fruitful ; so does Christthe Sun of
, , Righteousness , cause righteousness to spring up in His Church , and being long since risen , he shines continually upon it , with healing in his wings or rays , even the wholesome benign influences of his Holy Spirit , Avhereby He heals us of our unfruitfulness and all our spiritual distempers . " ( To be Continued . )