Article PAPERS ON THE GREAT PYRAMID. ← Page 2 of 6 →
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Papers On The Great Pyramid.
hoAvever exact Great Pyramid science may be , it is first necessaiy to have mastered the problem before the Pyramid symbolism can be understood . In the right view of this question lies , I believe , the true Masonic teaching of the Great Pyramid . HOAA ' , then , shall Ave view the Groat Pyramid 1 As a " Witness to the Lord ; " a temple—not for the celebration of service it is true , but for all that a temple—a budding dedicated to tho honour and glory of God .
Following JeAvish tradition , AA'hicli places the confusion at Babel in the 48 th year of the patriarch Abraham , I find a striking parallel between the Great Pyramid and that later temple with Avhich our Masonic traditions are so intimately connected . In studying the history of the Chosen People Ave cannot fail to note that the era of our Royal Grand Master K . S . marked the zenith of civilisation reached by Israel , and Avas folloAved immediately afterwards by the revolt of the Ten Tribes from the House of David and their eventual dispersion in the land of their enemies . AVe are thus led to the conclusion that by the erection of the House of God at Jerusalem , David ancl Solomon were inspired by the Spirit of God to provide against that period of darkness
and dispersion Avhich Avas about to close tho " Golden Age " of the HebreAV Monarchy , ancl to preserve a visible "Sanctuary" in Judah . So also was it , I believe , at that earlier period Avhen Shem , the King of Peace and Righteousness , succeeded to the headship of the human family on the death of the Patriarch Noah , ancl prepared to carry out the instructions of his father and to rear an everlasting monument to the Lord his God , previous to the final dispersion of the human race . Confuse not , therefore ,
this final dispersion , as Ave are Avont to do , Avith that previous dispersion in the days of Peleg , Avhen the earth Avas divided among the families of Man ( Genesis x . 25 ) . The one was to fulfil a beneficent and natural purpose—to prevent the exhaustion of any particular locality by the increasing numbers of men , ancl to enable the descendants of Noah to reap the promised blessing , to multiply and replenish the earth . But the other was a far different event ; for men had sinned and rebelled against the Lord , and His wrath
AA'as poured out upon them . A parallel may here again be found in the history of Israel . They had been brought through the Avaters of the sea—had entered the Promised Land—had been dispersed to their appointed possessions—had forgotten the HAV Avhich Moses had given them—had been regathered into one family by David—and had again enjoyed a period of united prosperity under Solomon , AA'I IO , also , was the Prince of Peace ; before their last ancl final dispersion Avhich ensued , though not immediately , on their revolt .
I knoAvthat this is not the generally accepted view of this early period of history , concerning Avhich the book of Genesis gives us so brief a summary ; yet it is perfectly agreeable to the tenor of that history , explains many things otkenvise hard to be understood , ancl is in keeping Avith the scheme of redemption and restitution as taught in Holy Writ . It is , then , after the reassembling of the tribes by Noah in the central land of
Egypt , Avhich inaugurated "the Golden Age , " that I place the building of the Great Pyramid by Shem as a witness to the Lord . This , then , being the theory , how is it supported by the facts of the case 1 for if the Great Pyramid was built on the true Masonic principle of preconceived plan and design , we may rightly expect to find iu the evidences of such design proof of its intended purpose . Such there must be , or the theory falls to the ground . No carved imagery or mural decoration portrays the
progress of the building or records its purpose ; if we Avould enter into the secrets that lie in the design of the Master Builder , Ave must , Avith Piazzi Smyth , arise and " measure the Temple of God . " But a Mason will require a particular measure . No hap-hazard rule will satisfy one instructed in the Masonic Craft . The unit of measurement used in the Pyramid is the inch , the basis also of our oAvn system of meterology . TAventyfive of these inches constitute the " sacred cubit , " which is the square of the " boss " * or 5 x 5 pyramid inches . This 5 x 5 cubit appears , however , never to have been in general use . There is no evidence of its use in the roughly-squared masonry of the
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Papers On The Great Pyramid.
hoAvever exact Great Pyramid science may be , it is first necessaiy to have mastered the problem before the Pyramid symbolism can be understood . In the right view of this question lies , I believe , the true Masonic teaching of the Great Pyramid . HOAA ' , then , shall Ave view the Groat Pyramid 1 As a " Witness to the Lord ; " a temple—not for the celebration of service it is true , but for all that a temple—a budding dedicated to tho honour and glory of God .
Following JeAvish tradition , AA'hicli places the confusion at Babel in the 48 th year of the patriarch Abraham , I find a striking parallel between the Great Pyramid and that later temple with Avhich our Masonic traditions are so intimately connected . In studying the history of the Chosen People Ave cannot fail to note that the era of our Royal Grand Master K . S . marked the zenith of civilisation reached by Israel , and Avas folloAved immediately afterwards by the revolt of the Ten Tribes from the House of David and their eventual dispersion in the land of their enemies . AVe are thus led to the conclusion that by the erection of the House of God at Jerusalem , David ancl Solomon were inspired by the Spirit of God to provide against that period of darkness
and dispersion Avhich Avas about to close tho " Golden Age " of the HebreAV Monarchy , ancl to preserve a visible "Sanctuary" in Judah . So also was it , I believe , at that earlier period Avhen Shem , the King of Peace and Righteousness , succeeded to the headship of the human family on the death of the Patriarch Noah , ancl prepared to carry out the instructions of his father and to rear an everlasting monument to the Lord his God , previous to the final dispersion of the human race . Confuse not , therefore ,
this final dispersion , as Ave are Avont to do , Avith that previous dispersion in the days of Peleg , Avhen the earth Avas divided among the families of Man ( Genesis x . 25 ) . The one was to fulfil a beneficent and natural purpose—to prevent the exhaustion of any particular locality by the increasing numbers of men , ancl to enable the descendants of Noah to reap the promised blessing , to multiply and replenish the earth . But the other was a far different event ; for men had sinned and rebelled against the Lord , and His wrath
AA'as poured out upon them . A parallel may here again be found in the history of Israel . They had been brought through the Avaters of the sea—had entered the Promised Land—had been dispersed to their appointed possessions—had forgotten the HAV Avhich Moses had given them—had been regathered into one family by David—and had again enjoyed a period of united prosperity under Solomon , AA'I IO , also , was the Prince of Peace ; before their last ancl final dispersion Avhich ensued , though not immediately , on their revolt .
I knoAvthat this is not the generally accepted view of this early period of history , concerning Avhich the book of Genesis gives us so brief a summary ; yet it is perfectly agreeable to the tenor of that history , explains many things otkenvise hard to be understood , ancl is in keeping Avith the scheme of redemption and restitution as taught in Holy Writ . It is , then , after the reassembling of the tribes by Noah in the central land of
Egypt , Avhich inaugurated "the Golden Age , " that I place the building of the Great Pyramid by Shem as a witness to the Lord . This , then , being the theory , how is it supported by the facts of the case 1 for if the Great Pyramid was built on the true Masonic principle of preconceived plan and design , we may rightly expect to find iu the evidences of such design proof of its intended purpose . Such there must be , or the theory falls to the ground . No carved imagery or mural decoration portrays the
progress of the building or records its purpose ; if we Avould enter into the secrets that lie in the design of the Master Builder , Ave must , Avith Piazzi Smyth , arise and " measure the Temple of God . " But a Mason will require a particular measure . No hap-hazard rule will satisfy one instructed in the Masonic Craft . The unit of measurement used in the Pyramid is the inch , the basis also of our oAvn system of meterology . TAventyfive of these inches constitute the " sacred cubit , " which is the square of the " boss " * or 5 x 5 pyramid inches . This 5 x 5 cubit appears , however , never to have been in general use . There is no evidence of its use in the roughly-squared masonry of the