Article FREEMASONS AND NIHILISTS. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Freemasons And Nihilists.
say " from a particular to an universal , " at once dub all Freemasons Atheists , Revolutionists , and Nililists ; because forsooth , certain sections of the family of Freemasonry have separated from the " parent stock , " and have shown themselves to be both very silly and very mi-Masonic in idle utterances or hurtful positions . A good deal of the common prejudice against Freemasonry may be attributed fairl y enough to the isolated acts of individualsto proclamationsand
, , resolutions , which only have a local , not a general importance , and to inflated views on the one hand of what Freemasonry is , and unsafe dogmata on the other of Avhat Freemasonry is not . But it is the Roman Church , after all , that we still have to thank , as ever , for a most untrue , most uncharitable representation of what Freemasonry is , wishes , teaches , and intends . Wherever the Roman Catholic Church is powerfnl and aggressivethere Freemasonry finds many
, opponents ancl has to meet countless libels . From 1738 , when the the first Bull of Clement appeared , down to the last allocution of Pio Nono , or the last address of Cardinal Manning , Freemasonry is condemned , unheard and on grounds which are altogether untenable and untrue . The original condemnation of Masonry , remember , was based on three facts , ( a ) , that Roman Catholics ancl Protestants venture to meet together ; ( b ) ,
that they did not teach Roman Catholicism , but a " sort of natural religion ; " ( c ) , that they were a " secret society , " hostile to all reli gion , law , ancl morality , b ' or these three reasons the Societ y was placed under a " perpetual interdict , " not to be removed . All the rites of the Church were to be denied to Roman Catholic Freemasons , their houses were to be destroyed , they themselves arrested and handed over to the Secular armand if any one harboured
, lodges or Masons they ivere to be heavily fined ancl imprisoned , ancl punished also by the Inquisition . Such is the "key note " of all the Roman Catholic ideas of Freemasonry , and the uncharitable utterances of tho first Bull have never been recalled , are still valid for Roman Catholics , and have borne a bitter fruit .
Many Roman Catholics are Freemasons , many Roman Catholic priests clo not approve of the position of the Church of Rome in this respect ; " but such is the power of caste ancl prejudice that to this very hour these foolish , views prevail officially where ever Rome bears sway , with this addition , that Freemasons are clubbed Revolutionists , Destructives , Atheists , and Nihilists . Now , as I said before , foreign Freemasons must defend themselves , we cannot do so .
Their foolish speeches and their unwise acts have often alienated friendl y rulers , and increased the irritation of hostile ones , while they have given point and lent a " virus" to the libellous statements of heated and unreasoning Ultramontane opponents . We laugh at such things in England , because we know well their utter absurdity ancl their inherent falsitybut it has struck me that ivith this closing
, number of the ei ghth volume of " Maga " Ave may Avell reiterate our horror as Freemasons of all Nihilistic proceedings , pointing out their entire antagonism to every principle of Freemasonry , ancl at the same time avow openly and manfull y the unchanged and unchanging loyalty of English Freemasons , and I will say the great Anglo-Saxon Brotherhood , to the laws and constitution of their native land , whatever the form of government may be .
Freemasonry knows nothing of " Revolutionism , " or " civil discord , " or " surreptitious plots , " or "secret political societies . " It ignores , disapproves of , ancl repudiates all such , whatever their names . Freemasons constitute an orderl y , peaceable , friendly , benevolent Brotherhood , intent on doing good and inculcating kindly feelings between man and man . They neA'er approve of unjust wars or intestine convulsionsbut are
, emphaticall y favourable to all those emotions and longings of the true patriot , AVIIO , objecting to acts which have a tendency to subvert the peace and good order of society , gives a strenuous support to lawful authority , aud unceasingly advocates at all times , aud under all circumstances , implicit obedience to the
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Freemasons And Nihilists.
say " from a particular to an universal , " at once dub all Freemasons Atheists , Revolutionists , and Nililists ; because forsooth , certain sections of the family of Freemasonry have separated from the " parent stock , " and have shown themselves to be both very silly and very mi-Masonic in idle utterances or hurtful positions . A good deal of the common prejudice against Freemasonry may be attributed fairl y enough to the isolated acts of individualsto proclamationsand
, , resolutions , which only have a local , not a general importance , and to inflated views on the one hand of what Freemasonry is , and unsafe dogmata on the other of Avhat Freemasonry is not . But it is the Roman Church , after all , that we still have to thank , as ever , for a most untrue , most uncharitable representation of what Freemasonry is , wishes , teaches , and intends . Wherever the Roman Catholic Church is powerfnl and aggressivethere Freemasonry finds many
, opponents ancl has to meet countless libels . From 1738 , when the the first Bull of Clement appeared , down to the last allocution of Pio Nono , or the last address of Cardinal Manning , Freemasonry is condemned , unheard and on grounds which are altogether untenable and untrue . The original condemnation of Masonry , remember , was based on three facts , ( a ) , that Roman Catholics ancl Protestants venture to meet together ; ( b ) ,
that they did not teach Roman Catholicism , but a " sort of natural religion ; " ( c ) , that they were a " secret society , " hostile to all reli gion , law , ancl morality , b ' or these three reasons the Societ y was placed under a " perpetual interdict , " not to be removed . All the rites of the Church were to be denied to Roman Catholic Freemasons , their houses were to be destroyed , they themselves arrested and handed over to the Secular armand if any one harboured
, lodges or Masons they ivere to be heavily fined ancl imprisoned , ancl punished also by the Inquisition . Such is the "key note " of all the Roman Catholic ideas of Freemasonry , and the uncharitable utterances of tho first Bull have never been recalled , are still valid for Roman Catholics , and have borne a bitter fruit .
Many Roman Catholics are Freemasons , many Roman Catholic priests clo not approve of the position of the Church of Rome in this respect ; " but such is the power of caste ancl prejudice that to this very hour these foolish , views prevail officially where ever Rome bears sway , with this addition , that Freemasons are clubbed Revolutionists , Destructives , Atheists , and Nihilists . Now , as I said before , foreign Freemasons must defend themselves , we cannot do so .
Their foolish speeches and their unwise acts have often alienated friendl y rulers , and increased the irritation of hostile ones , while they have given point and lent a " virus" to the libellous statements of heated and unreasoning Ultramontane opponents . We laugh at such things in England , because we know well their utter absurdity ancl their inherent falsitybut it has struck me that ivith this closing
, number of the ei ghth volume of " Maga " Ave may Avell reiterate our horror as Freemasons of all Nihilistic proceedings , pointing out their entire antagonism to every principle of Freemasonry , ancl at the same time avow openly and manfull y the unchanged and unchanging loyalty of English Freemasons , and I will say the great Anglo-Saxon Brotherhood , to the laws and constitution of their native land , whatever the form of government may be .
Freemasonry knows nothing of " Revolutionism , " or " civil discord , " or " surreptitious plots , " or "secret political societies . " It ignores , disapproves of , ancl repudiates all such , whatever their names . Freemasons constitute an orderl y , peaceable , friendly , benevolent Brotherhood , intent on doing good and inculcating kindly feelings between man and man . They neA'er approve of unjust wars or intestine convulsionsbut are
, emphaticall y favourable to all those emotions and longings of the true patriot , AVIIO , objecting to acts which have a tendency to subvert the peace and good order of society , gives a strenuous support to lawful authority , aud unceasingly advocates at all times , aud under all circumstances , implicit obedience to the