Article THE WOOD MS. ← Page 2 of 7 →
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The Wood Ms.
The fifte is called Geometrye , ivhich teacheth a man to Meate ancl Measure the Earth and all other thinges , tbe which Science is also called Masonrie . The sixte Science is called Musick , which teacheth a man the craft of songe and voyce of tongue , organ , Harpe , and trnmpett . The seaventh Science is called Astronomie , which teacheth a man to know the course of the son and Moone , ancl Moone and starrs .
Theis be the 7 liberall Sciences , the which are all found by one Scyence , ( that is to say ) by Geometric . For it is knownc that all Mctt ancl Measures , Pondoracons ancl waights of all maner of thinges in earth , for theare is no mail that worketh any Crafte , but he worketh by some Mette or Measure . Nor no man that buyeth or selleth but by some measure or some waighte , but all is don by Geometrye . Thus Marchanntcs and crafts men and all other of the seaven Sciences , ancl cspeciallie the Ploughman and . tiller of all maner of groundes , or Deedes or Letters of others frnites .
For Gramer , nor Arithmetick , nor Astronomye , nor any of all the other t Sciences , can any man find Meytt or Measure without Geometrye . Wherefore we thinke that the science of Geometrye is moste worthiest that findeth all other Scyences . HOAV this worthie Science Avas first began we shall yon tell . Before Noe ' s flood , there was a , man that AV . IK called Lamech , as it is written in the Bible , in the 4 Chapter of Genesis .
This Lamech bad two ivives , the one called Ada , and tbe other called Zilla . By the first ivife he begat two sonnes ,- the one called Jabal , and the other Juball . Ancl b y his other wife he gat a sonne and a Daughter . These 4 children found the begininge of all the Crafts in the World . The eldest sonne Jabal found the Craft of Geometrye . Ancl he devided the flockes of sheepe and Landes in the feild . Ancl first wrought houses of
stone ancl of trees , as it is noted in the chapter above said . Ancl his brother Juball found the Craft of Musick , songe of Tongue , Harpe , and Organ . The third brother of Jubalkaine found the Craft of Smithes , of golde , silver , Copper , Brasse , Iron , ancl Steele . And his sister Naamah fotinde the crafte of weavinge . These 4 children knew well that God ivoulcl take vengeance for sinne either by ivater or b
y fyer . Wherefore they ivrote the Scyences which they had found in two pillers of stone , that the Sciences might be found after Noahe ' s Flood . One of the pillers of stone was of Marble , which would not burne with any fier .
Ancl the other piller of stone was of the stone called Laterus , which would not disolve , sinko , or be drowned in any Avater . Our intent is to declare unto yon truly how and in what manner these Pillers of Stone ( before declared ) were first found where in the sciences ( before mentioned ) were written . The great Hermerius , ivhich was Cush bis son , the which Cush was Sem bis sonne , the ivhich Sem ivas Noah his sonne . The said Hermerius ivas afterwards called Hermes , who was the father ol : the wise men .
The which said Hermes founded one of the saide Pillers of stone , in the which stone he found the Sciences written . Ancl the said Hermes taught the said Scyences unto men at the makinge or buildinge of the Tower of Babilon , thus Avas the Science of Masonrie first found ancl very much estemed . The Kinge of Babilon , Avhose name was Nemrod , was a Mason himselfe , and loved the Scyence of Masonrye , as is declared b y the Maisters of the Histories that when the Cittye of Nynivey and other citties of the East should
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The Wood Ms.
The fifte is called Geometrye , ivhich teacheth a man to Meate ancl Measure the Earth and all other thinges , tbe which Science is also called Masonrie . The sixte Science is called Musick , which teacheth a man the craft of songe and voyce of tongue , organ , Harpe , and trnmpett . The seaventh Science is called Astronomie , which teacheth a man to know the course of the son and Moone , ancl Moone and starrs .
Theis be the 7 liberall Sciences , the which are all found by one Scyence , ( that is to say ) by Geometric . For it is knownc that all Mctt ancl Measures , Pondoracons ancl waights of all maner of thinges in earth , for theare is no mail that worketh any Crafte , but he worketh by some Mette or Measure . Nor no man that buyeth or selleth but by some measure or some waighte , but all is don by Geometrye . Thus Marchanntcs and crafts men and all other of the seaven Sciences , ancl cspeciallie the Ploughman and . tiller of all maner of groundes , or Deedes or Letters of others frnites .
For Gramer , nor Arithmetick , nor Astronomye , nor any of all the other t Sciences , can any man find Meytt or Measure without Geometrye . Wherefore we thinke that the science of Geometrye is moste worthiest that findeth all other Scyences . HOAV this worthie Science Avas first began we shall yon tell . Before Noe ' s flood , there was a , man that AV . IK called Lamech , as it is written in the Bible , in the 4 Chapter of Genesis .
This Lamech bad two ivives , the one called Ada , and tbe other called Zilla . By the first ivife he begat two sonnes ,- the one called Jabal , and the other Juball . Ancl b y his other wife he gat a sonne and a Daughter . These 4 children found the begininge of all the Crafts in the World . The eldest sonne Jabal found the Craft of Geometrye . Ancl he devided the flockes of sheepe and Landes in the feild . Ancl first wrought houses of
stone ancl of trees , as it is noted in the chapter above said . Ancl his brother Juball found the Craft of Musick , songe of Tongue , Harpe , and Organ . The third brother of Jubalkaine found the Craft of Smithes , of golde , silver , Copper , Brasse , Iron , ancl Steele . And his sister Naamah fotinde the crafte of weavinge . These 4 children knew well that God ivoulcl take vengeance for sinne either by ivater or b
y fyer . Wherefore they ivrote the Scyences which they had found in two pillers of stone , that the Sciences might be found after Noahe ' s Flood . One of the pillers of stone was of Marble , which would not burne with any fier .
Ancl the other piller of stone was of the stone called Laterus , which would not disolve , sinko , or be drowned in any Avater . Our intent is to declare unto yon truly how and in what manner these Pillers of Stone ( before declared ) were first found where in the sciences ( before mentioned ) were written . The great Hermerius , ivhich was Cush bis son , the which Cush was Sem bis sonne , the ivhich Sem ivas Noah his sonne . The said Hermerius ivas afterwards called Hermes , who was the father ol : the wise men .
The which said Hermes founded one of the saide Pillers of stone , in the which stone he found the Sciences written . Ancl the said Hermes taught the said Scyences unto men at the makinge or buildinge of the Tower of Babilon , thus Avas the Science of Masonrie first found ancl very much estemed . The Kinge of Babilon , Avhose name was Nemrod , was a Mason himselfe , and loved the Scyence of Masonrye , as is declared b y the Maisters of the Histories that when the Cittye of Nynivey and other citties of the East should