Article HISTORY OF THE AIREDALE LODGE, No. 387, ← Page 5 of 5 Article THE MURDER OF ARCHBISHOP A BECKET. Page 1 of 4 →
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History Of The Airedale Lodge, No. 387,
deserted , and the clouds of adversity too dense to be dispelled , otherwise than by the most patient fortitude of those few Avho , fortunately , had its interest in their hearts , and were therefore determined to uphold it . The Loyal Antient St . James ' s Lodge , No . 656 , was consecrated at Thornton , near Bradford , 29 th October , 1838 . There were only six meetings in 1838—February , MarchMaySeptember
, , , October , and December ; and at the three first the condition of the lodge formed the topic of discussion and the chief " business . " At the last ( St . John ' s ) meeting , on Thursday , December 27 th , 1838 , eleven being present , the minutes record that the meetings had been " twice neglected oiving to a want of a sufficient number , but now being our St . John ' s Festival ive have as under brothers present" ( the eleven above referred to ) . After this meeting
signs of a revival were apparent , five of the old members being returned as rejoined in 1839 , viz ., John Walker , senior , Thomas Walker , John Walker , junior , Wm . Whitwham , and Lycias Barker . There is , however , no prior record of any of these " declaring off , " and as all , excepting Wm . Whitwham , were present ancl did good work in the lodge during all the meetings in 1838 and 1839 , I am at a loss to understand Avhy it was requisite . The
Aire and Calder Lodge , 6 / 2 , Goole ; Savile , 6 f 7 , Leeds ; aud Verity , 681 , Ripon , ivere founded in 1839 . The returns for 1838-9 ivere made May , 11 th , 1840 , payment being remitted for twelve members . Iu 1840 four more rejoined , viz ., Joshua Bell , Thomas Ince , Benjamin Wilkinson , and Thomas Robinson . Tudor Lodge , Saddleworth , No . 688 , Avas founded this year , being consecrated 10 th February , 1841 . The Aire and Calder Lodge 672 , Goolowas consecrated 14 th
Octo-, , ber 1841 , its warrant bearing date , March 26 th , 1839 . On October 3 rd , 1841 , Wainman Holmes and Joseph Walker were proposed again as joining members ( the fee of 2 s . 6 d . must have been very troublesome at this period , as brethren could so readily " declare off , " as it was called , ancl after several years of non-payment rejoin on payment of that sum ) , but as the fees seem to have been overlooked , neither were returned either to Provincial or Grand
Lodge . However , during this year meetings " for mutual instruction " were held jointly by several of the Lodges in the district , including " Airedale , " always on Sundays , on 7 th March , at the Beehive Inn , Bradford ; 4 th April , at the Loyal Antient St James ' s Lodge , Thornton ; 6 th June , at the Scientific Lodge , Bingley ; 3 rd October , at the Black Bull Inn , Bradford ; 5 th December , at the New Miller Dam Inn , Bradford ; and no doubt others were held at these and other places . ( To be continued . )
The Murder Of Archbishop A Becket.
BT THOMAS B . TEOWSDALE . rpHE City of Canterbury is indebted not a little for the prominent manner J- in which it has figured in history to a deed done within the walls of its grand old Cathedral on a December day more than seven centuries since . We refer to the remarkable murder of A rchbishop Thomas a Be ' cket . To be
pre cise , this celebrated incident occurred on the 29 th of December , 1170 . We know of no episode in the chronicles of the county of Kent Avhich possesses a deeper interest ; so we ask the attention of our readers as we recapitulate its principal particulars .
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History Of The Airedale Lodge, No. 387,
deserted , and the clouds of adversity too dense to be dispelled , otherwise than by the most patient fortitude of those few Avho , fortunately , had its interest in their hearts , and were therefore determined to uphold it . The Loyal Antient St . James ' s Lodge , No . 656 , was consecrated at Thornton , near Bradford , 29 th October , 1838 . There were only six meetings in 1838—February , MarchMaySeptember
, , , October , and December ; and at the three first the condition of the lodge formed the topic of discussion and the chief " business . " At the last ( St . John ' s ) meeting , on Thursday , December 27 th , 1838 , eleven being present , the minutes record that the meetings had been " twice neglected oiving to a want of a sufficient number , but now being our St . John ' s Festival ive have as under brothers present" ( the eleven above referred to ) . After this meeting
signs of a revival were apparent , five of the old members being returned as rejoined in 1839 , viz ., John Walker , senior , Thomas Walker , John Walker , junior , Wm . Whitwham , and Lycias Barker . There is , however , no prior record of any of these " declaring off , " and as all , excepting Wm . Whitwham , were present ancl did good work in the lodge during all the meetings in 1838 and 1839 , I am at a loss to understand Avhy it was requisite . The
Aire and Calder Lodge , 6 / 2 , Goole ; Savile , 6 f 7 , Leeds ; aud Verity , 681 , Ripon , ivere founded in 1839 . The returns for 1838-9 ivere made May , 11 th , 1840 , payment being remitted for twelve members . Iu 1840 four more rejoined , viz ., Joshua Bell , Thomas Ince , Benjamin Wilkinson , and Thomas Robinson . Tudor Lodge , Saddleworth , No . 688 , Avas founded this year , being consecrated 10 th February , 1841 . The Aire and Calder Lodge 672 , Goolowas consecrated 14 th
Octo-, , ber 1841 , its warrant bearing date , March 26 th , 1839 . On October 3 rd , 1841 , Wainman Holmes and Joseph Walker were proposed again as joining members ( the fee of 2 s . 6 d . must have been very troublesome at this period , as brethren could so readily " declare off , " as it was called , ancl after several years of non-payment rejoin on payment of that sum ) , but as the fees seem to have been overlooked , neither were returned either to Provincial or Grand
Lodge . However , during this year meetings " for mutual instruction " were held jointly by several of the Lodges in the district , including " Airedale , " always on Sundays , on 7 th March , at the Beehive Inn , Bradford ; 4 th April , at the Loyal Antient St James ' s Lodge , Thornton ; 6 th June , at the Scientific Lodge , Bingley ; 3 rd October , at the Black Bull Inn , Bradford ; 5 th December , at the New Miller Dam Inn , Bradford ; and no doubt others were held at these and other places . ( To be continued . )
The Murder Of Archbishop A Becket.
BT THOMAS B . TEOWSDALE . rpHE City of Canterbury is indebted not a little for the prominent manner J- in which it has figured in history to a deed done within the walls of its grand old Cathedral on a December day more than seven centuries since . We refer to the remarkable murder of A rchbishop Thomas a Be ' cket . To be
pre cise , this celebrated incident occurred on the 29 th of December , 1170 . We know of no episode in the chronicles of the county of Kent Avhich possesses a deeper interest ; so we ask the attention of our readers as we recapitulate its principal particulars .