Article THE WOOD MS. ← Page 3 of 7 →
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The Wood Ms.
be bnilded , Nymrod , the King of Bablon , sent thither 60 Masons at the Rogation of the King of Nynivey , his coosen . And when the Kinge of ' Babilon sent the 60 Masons forth he gave them a charge one this manner ivhich was as followeth : First , that they should be true each one to other . Secondly , that they love truly together . Thirdly ' , that they should serve theis Lord trulie for his pay that the Kinge of Babilon mig ht receive homage for sending them to the King of Ninivie .
Divers oilier charges the Kinge of Babilon gave unto the said Masons . This was the first tyme that ever any Mason had any charge concerninge his Science . Moreover when Abraham and Sarah bis Avife went into JEgipte , there he taught the 7 Sciences to tho yE gip tians . Ancl Abraham had there a worthie Schollcr called ICuclid , who was siuguler well learned , and was a Maister of all
the 7 Sciences . In h is dayes the Lords ancl states of the Realme had so manie sonnes whom they had gotten , some by their wiA'es , and some by other Ladies of the Realme , for that Land is a hotte Lande , and replenished Avith generation , so that they had not competent livinge to maintayne theire children withall . Wherefore they made much care ( and then the king of that Land held a
great Councell anil Parliament to wit ) to enquire how they might finde their children , but they could find no good Avay . Then Proclamation , was made made throughout all tho Lande and Realme Avhich was That if there were anye man that could informe them that he should come unto the Kinge , ancl he should be so Avell rewarded for his travell as he should be well pleased .
After tliis Proclamation was made , then came this worthie scholler Euclid , who said unto the King and to all his great Lords of the Realme , yf you will let me have your Children to governe and to teach they sciences wherewith they mig ht live like Gentlemen . Upon condition that the Kinge and his Counsell ivoulcl graunt him a Commission that he mig ht have power and autboritie to rule them , after the
manner that the science ought to be ruled . Then the Kinge and all his Councell granted him a Commission ancl sealed it . And then this worthy Docter Euclide took these Lords' sons aud taught them the science of ( . eometrie by practise , to worke in stones all manner of worthie workes that belonged to the bnildinge of Churches , Temples , Courtes , Castells , Towers , Maimors , ancl all manner of other Buildinges . Then he gave to them straight charge on this manner followinge .
1 . First that they should be true to the Kinge , and to the Lords whome they served . 2 . That they should love well together . 3 . That they should be true eche one to other . 4 . That they should call eche other his fellow , and not his servant , ne his knave , nor any other evill name . 5 . That , that they should truly serve their Lord or Maister for theire paye
, Avhome they served . 6 . That they should orclaine , appointe , ancl chose the wisest of them to be the Masiter of the Lord's worke , and no other , neither for love , Lyneage , riches , nor favour to orclaine or appoynt another ( that hath little cunninge or experience ) to be Maister of their Lord ' s worke , whereby theire Lord should be evill served ancl themselves ashamed .
7 . That they should call their governoure of theire worke theire Maister , duringe the tyme that they worke with him . 8 . That they should assemble once everye yeare to devise how they should 2 M 2
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The Wood Ms.
be bnilded , Nymrod , the King of Bablon , sent thither 60 Masons at the Rogation of the King of Nynivey , his coosen . And when the Kinge of ' Babilon sent the 60 Masons forth he gave them a charge one this manner ivhich was as followeth : First , that they should be true each one to other . Secondly , that they love truly together . Thirdly ' , that they should serve theis Lord trulie for his pay that the Kinge of Babilon mig ht receive homage for sending them to the King of Ninivie .
Divers oilier charges the Kinge of Babilon gave unto the said Masons . This was the first tyme that ever any Mason had any charge concerninge his Science . Moreover when Abraham and Sarah bis Avife went into JEgipte , there he taught the 7 Sciences to tho yE gip tians . Ancl Abraham had there a worthie Schollcr called ICuclid , who was siuguler well learned , and was a Maister of all
the 7 Sciences . In h is dayes the Lords ancl states of the Realme had so manie sonnes whom they had gotten , some by their wiA'es , and some by other Ladies of the Realme , for that Land is a hotte Lande , and replenished Avith generation , so that they had not competent livinge to maintayne theire children withall . Wherefore they made much care ( and then the king of that Land held a
great Councell anil Parliament to wit ) to enquire how they might finde their children , but they could find no good Avay . Then Proclamation , was made made throughout all tho Lande and Realme Avhich was That if there were anye man that could informe them that he should come unto the Kinge , ancl he should be so Avell rewarded for his travell as he should be well pleased .
After tliis Proclamation was made , then came this worthie scholler Euclid , who said unto the King and to all his great Lords of the Realme , yf you will let me have your Children to governe and to teach they sciences wherewith they mig ht live like Gentlemen . Upon condition that the Kinge and his Counsell ivoulcl graunt him a Commission that he mig ht have power and autboritie to rule them , after the
manner that the science ought to be ruled . Then the Kinge and all his Councell granted him a Commission ancl sealed it . And then this worthy Docter Euclide took these Lords' sons aud taught them the science of ( . eometrie by practise , to worke in stones all manner of worthie workes that belonged to the bnildinge of Churches , Temples , Courtes , Castells , Towers , Maimors , ancl all manner of other Buildinges . Then he gave to them straight charge on this manner followinge .
1 . First that they should be true to the Kinge , and to the Lords whome they served . 2 . That they should love well together . 3 . That they should be true eche one to other . 4 . That they should call eche other his fellow , and not his servant , ne his knave , nor any other evill name . 5 . That , that they should truly serve their Lord or Maister for theire paye
, Avhome they served . 6 . That they should orclaine , appointe , ancl chose the wisest of them to be the Masiter of the Lord's worke , and no other , neither for love , Lyneage , riches , nor favour to orclaine or appoynt another ( that hath little cunninge or experience ) to be Maister of their Lord ' s worke , whereby theire Lord should be evill served ancl themselves ashamed .
7 . That they should call their governoure of theire worke theire Maister , duringe the tyme that they worke with him . 8 . That they should assemble once everye yeare to devise how they should 2 M 2