Article THE WOOD MS. ← Page 7 of 7
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The Wood Ms.
5 . That no Mason take any allowance to be made Mason without the assent or consent of 6 or 7 of his brctheren of the said Science . 6 . That he that is to be made Mason be well able , and of good degree ( that is to say ) that he be of good birth , true , free borne , ancl no bondman , that he be righte ancl sounde of his lymmes as a man ought to bee .
7 . That no man take any Prontico , except be have sufficient worke ynoughc to employe one , twoe or three fellowes vppon , at the lcaste . 8 . That no Maister nor brother of the Science of Masonrye put any Lords or other mans worke to taske which ivas wontc to bo journey work . 9 . That every Maister shall give no more wages to any of their brethercn then they shall deserve that the Maister of the work be not deceaved with false , Avorkemen .
10 . That no Mason or brother of the Science doe slander one another behinde theire backes wherby they might cause one another to loose theire good names or wordly substance to their hindrance . 11 . That none of the bretheren of the Science of Masonry , within the place or bouse where they lodge , or without , shall use any manner of ungodly speeches , one to another , whereby quarrels might arise , except there be reasonable cause .
12 . That everye Mason shall reverence and yeeld worshippe to their elder , or Governoure . 13 . That no Mason shall use to play at any unlawfull games whe ' ereby theyro scyence should be discredited . 14 . That no Mason shalle use any Ribalde talke , whearb y the Science mighe receiue disgrace or dicredite . 15 . That no Mason walk abroad in the night from his loding except one
g or two of his bretheren or fellowes goe with him , that they may tostifie that he was in no evill companie . 16 . That every Maister and theire brethren shall come to tbe Assembly of the Massons if it be holden within 50 Miles compas of his or theire dwellii ' ige , if he or they have any warninge sufficieiite , at which assembly , whosoever hath trespassed against his brother , of his scyence , that then they shall stand
ancl abide such an awarde as theire Maister ancl brethren shall theare cletermin and sett clowne to make them accord and agree , yf they cannot make an accorde or agreement betweene them , then to leave them to goe to the conioii lawe .
17 . That no Masone shall make any Mowlds or Squyers or Rules for any Layer . 18 . That no Masone sett any Layer on worke within the Lodge or without to have Mo wide stones , with any Mowlds of his owne makinge . 19 . That every Mason shall receave and cherish strange Masons ivho travell abroade into clivers contries to seeke for worke , ancl to sett them on worke
accordinge as theire science requiveth ( that is to say ) yf be have Moivlde Stones readie he shall sett him in worke a fortnight at the leaste and paye him his wages truely , and yf there be no stones to sett the strange Masons on worke then the saide Maister of the science of Masonrie shall releive the stranger Mason with money to bring him to the next Lodge . 20 . That everye Masone make an ende of any manner of worke which he
hath taken to doe , be it Taske or Journey worke ancl finish it if he be well assured of his paye , which he ought to haA'e by agreement . These 20 Precejits , Rules , or Orders ancl everye one of the other precepts or orders before in this present booke prescribed which belongeth to the Soieuce of Masonrye , whatsoei'er , Everye Mason shall well and truel y observe , performe , fulfill and keepe to his or their power so god him helpe .
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The Wood Ms.
5 . That no Mason take any allowance to be made Mason without the assent or consent of 6 or 7 of his brctheren of the said Science . 6 . That he that is to be made Mason be well able , and of good degree ( that is to say ) that he be of good birth , true , free borne , ancl no bondman , that he be righte ancl sounde of his lymmes as a man ought to bee .
7 . That no man take any Prontico , except be have sufficient worke ynoughc to employe one , twoe or three fellowes vppon , at the lcaste . 8 . That no Maister nor brother of the Science of Masonrye put any Lords or other mans worke to taske which ivas wontc to bo journey work . 9 . That every Maister shall give no more wages to any of their brethercn then they shall deserve that the Maister of the work be not deceaved with false , Avorkemen .
10 . That no Mason or brother of the Science doe slander one another behinde theire backes wherby they might cause one another to loose theire good names or wordly substance to their hindrance . 11 . That none of the bretheren of the Science of Masonry , within the place or bouse where they lodge , or without , shall use any manner of ungodly speeches , one to another , whereby quarrels might arise , except there be reasonable cause .
12 . That everye Mason shall reverence and yeeld worshippe to their elder , or Governoure . 13 . That no Mason shall use to play at any unlawfull games whe ' ereby theyro scyence should be discredited . 14 . That no Mason shalle use any Ribalde talke , whearb y the Science mighe receiue disgrace or dicredite . 15 . That no Mason walk abroad in the night from his loding except one
g or two of his bretheren or fellowes goe with him , that they may tostifie that he was in no evill companie . 16 . That every Maister and theire brethren shall come to tbe Assembly of the Massons if it be holden within 50 Miles compas of his or theire dwellii ' ige , if he or they have any warninge sufficieiite , at which assembly , whosoever hath trespassed against his brother , of his scyence , that then they shall stand
ancl abide such an awarde as theire Maister ancl brethren shall theare cletermin and sett clowne to make them accord and agree , yf they cannot make an accorde or agreement betweene them , then to leave them to goe to the conioii lawe .
17 . That no Masone shall make any Mowlds or Squyers or Rules for any Layer . 18 . That no Masone sett any Layer on worke within the Lodge or without to have Mo wide stones , with any Mowlds of his owne makinge . 19 . That every Mason shall receave and cherish strange Masons ivho travell abroade into clivers contries to seeke for worke , ancl to sett them on worke
accordinge as theire science requiveth ( that is to say ) yf be have Moivlde Stones readie he shall sett him in worke a fortnight at the leaste and paye him his wages truely , and yf there be no stones to sett the strange Masons on worke then the saide Maister of the science of Masonrie shall releive the stranger Mason with money to bring him to the next Lodge . 20 . That everye Masone make an ende of any manner of worke which he
hath taken to doe , be it Taske or Journey worke ancl finish it if he be well assured of his paye , which he ought to haA'e by agreement . These 20 Precejits , Rules , or Orders ancl everye one of the other precepts or orders before in this present booke prescribed which belongeth to the Soieuce of Masonrye , whatsoei'er , Everye Mason shall well and truel y observe , performe , fulfill and keepe to his or their power so god him helpe .