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Documenta Latomica Inedita.
Burgh the sonne of the foresaid John and dame Katerine of the ta ptie * And Richarde of Cracall mason on the tothir ptief bere | witnes that the forsaid Richarde takes full charge for to make the Kirke of Katrik newe alsj Werkemanschippe and mason crafte will and that the forsaide Richard sail fynde alle the laboreres and seruys ptenand § to the Kirke makyngs And that the forsaide Richarde sail take downe and ridde of the stane werke || of the aide Kirke
of Katrik after the tymber be tane downe . And he sail cary and bere alle the stane warke of the aide Kirke to the place whare the newe Kirke sail be made And also forsaide Richarde sail take the grounde and ridde the grounde whare the newe Kirke sail be made And the forsaide Richarde sail gette or garre gette att the quarell ^ f atte his awen coste alle the stufie of the stane that misters ** more for the makyng of the Kirke of Katrik than that stuffe that is
founeft with in the Kirke yerde beforsaide And also the forsaide Richarde byndes hym be this endento that he sail make the Kirke and the quere of Katrik newe als werkenianschippe and mason craft will that is to say the quere sail be of lenght within with the thiknes of bath walles fif ti fote And it sail of breede w'in that is to say within the walles twa aud twenty fote Aud the forsaide Richarde sail make a wyndowe in the gauill $ _ £ of fife li ghtes accordaunt to the hight of the kirke couenabely §§ made be werkemanschippe and mason crafte And he sail make apon the cornere of the southe side of the same wiudowe a
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Documenta Latomica Inedita.
Burgh the sonne of the foresaid John and dame Katerine of the ta ptie * And Richarde of Cracall mason on the tothir ptief bere | witnes that the forsaid Richarde takes full charge for to make the Kirke of Katrik newe alsj Werkemanschippe and mason crafte will and that the forsaide Richard sail fynde alle the laboreres and seruys ptenand § to the Kirke makyngs And that the forsaide Richarde sail take downe and ridde of the stane werke || of the aide Kirke
of Katrik after the tymber be tane downe . And he sail cary and bere alle the stane warke of the aide Kirke to the place whare the newe Kirke sail be made And also forsaide Richarde sail take the grounde and ridde the grounde whare the newe Kirke sail be made And the forsaide Richarde sail gette or garre gette att the quarell ^ f atte his awen coste alle the stufie of the stane that misters ** more for the makyng of the Kirke of Katrik than that stuffe that is
founeft with in the Kirke yerde beforsaide And also the forsaide Richarde byndes hym be this endento that he sail make the Kirke and the quere of Katrik newe als werkenianschippe and mason craft will that is to say the quere sail be of lenght within with the thiknes of bath walles fif ti fote And it sail of breede w'in that is to say within the walles twa aud twenty fote Aud the forsaide Richarde sail make a wyndowe in the gauill $ _ £ of fife li ghtes accordaunt to the hight of the kirke couenabely §§ made be werkemanschippe and mason crafte And he sail make apon the cornere of the southe side of the same wiudowe a