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Documenta Latomica Inedita.
franche botras * rising vnto the tabill y' sail here the aloring . f And he sail make a wyndowe of twa lightes atte the awterende | coueuably made be werkmanschippe ancl mason craft and a botras risyng vnto the tabill als it is before saide And he sail make a wyndowe on the same side of twa lightes and a botras acordaunt thare to on the same side And the forsaide Richarde sail make then a quere clore on wheder § side of the botras that it will best be and on of
a windowe of twa lightes anense the deske ^ || And the cornere the northest ende of the forsaide quere he sail make a franche botras acordaunt to the hight be fore saido And the forsaide Richarde sail putte oute tusses ^ for the makyng of a Reuestery ** And he sail make a clore on the same side for a Reuestery and a botras acordaunt to the hi g ht be forsaide And the forsaide Richarde sail sette a wyndowe of thre li g htes anens the deskes the whilkeff
standes nowe in the olde quere on the southe side The hi g ht of the walles of the quere beforesaide sail be a boucjt the grounde twenty fote with a nalnryng abowne that is to say with a course of aschelere and a course of creste And also the forsaide Richarde sail make with in the quere a hegh awter §§ ioynand on the wyndowe in the g auill with thre greses |||| acordaunt thare to the largest grese begynmnig atte the Reuestery dore with thre Prismatories ^ conenably
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Documenta Latomica Inedita.
franche botras * rising vnto the tabill y' sail here the aloring . f And he sail make a wyndowe of twa lightes atte the awterende | coueuably made be werkmanschippe ancl mason craft and a botras risyng vnto the tabill als it is before saide And he sail make a wyndowe on the same side of twa lightes and a botras acordaunt thare to on the same side And the forsaide Richarde sail make then a quere clore on wheder § side of the botras that it will best be and on of
a windowe of twa lightes anense the deske ^ || And the cornere the northest ende of the forsaide quere he sail make a franche botras acordaunt to the hight be fore saido And the forsaide Richarde sail putte oute tusses ^ for the makyng of a Reuestery ** And he sail make a clore on the same side for a Reuestery and a botras acordaunt to the hi g ht be forsaide And the forsaide Richarde sail sette a wyndowe of thre li g htes anens the deskes the whilkeff
standes nowe in the olde quere on the southe side The hi g ht of the walles of the quere beforesaide sail be a boucjt the grounde twenty fote with a nalnryng abowne that is to say with a course of aschelere and a course of creste And also the forsaide Richarde sail make with in the quere a hegh awter §§ ioynand on the wyndowe in the g auill with thre greses |||| acordaunt thare to the largest grese begynmnig atte the Reuestery dore with thre Prismatories ^ conenably