Article THE BROKEN EMBLEM. ← Page 6 of 8 →
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The Broken Emblem.
examination of the pin , Colby found it to be almost the exact form and appearance of the one lie bad in Ms pocket , taken from the person of the dead Lawrence Clark . Colby could make nothing of the pins , any more than that they Avere peculiar in form and
making , but be could not rid Ms mind of the thoug ht that those pins Avould some time bo of great use to Belle in some Avay , be knew not bow . Betiuning all the jewellery to tho box except the pin , Colby pmned it to tlie ribbon Avbieb the little girl Avore about her nock , and told her to always Avear it , Avbether at home or abroad , AVMCII she promised to do .
Belle Avas received by Colby ' s mother and sister Avitb open arms , and a hearty Avelcome , and she greAV to be the very life and joy of lier MAV borne . I hasten over the history of the next fourteen years . Belle ivas IIOAV eighteen or nineteen
years old . Her early womanhood bad more than fulfilled the promise of her childhood , for in person she Avas the perfection of Avomanly beaut y . Her education bad been carefully attended to , and she Avas now an accomplished scholar in every respect .
Colby was still single , and a gentleman of leisure , being the possessor of an immense fortune . A great portion of bis life had been spent in travelling in almost every part of the Avorld . Belle bad ever been an especial favourite of bis , and be bad often declared that
she should inherit all bis Avealth . He , IIOAV that she bad completed ber studies , determined to take ber Avitb him on a voyage to Europe , Ms sister going along as company and guide for ber . They accordingly sailed from New York in the month of
November for Liverpool and thence to London . They bad a short and pleasant trip across the Atlantic , and Avitbin a Aveek after their arrival in England , Aveie pleasantly settled for the Avintei ° in a pleasant suite of rooms at a fashionable hotel the
m great city of Loudon . The season of gaiety in the metropolis was at its hei ght . Colby , having many influential and wealth y acquaintances in the city , found read y access for himself and companions into the very best circles of societ consequentl
y ; y , our young friend Belle immediatel y entered upon a round of visitations alike pleasant and instructive to her . Some ICAV Aveeks after their arrival in the city , they received cards of invitation to an evening party at
the house of a ividoiv lady—reputed to be very wealth y—the descendant of a noble family and very Mglily accomplished . The invitation was accepted gladly by our friends , who immediately set about making preparations for Avhat it Avas said Avould be
the great party of the season . The lad y giver of this most fashionable entertainment lived in a splendid mansion in one of the most fashionable streets in the fashionable portion of London . On the appointed evening , at the usual
hour , our friends repaired to the bouse of entertainment . They Avere received by the hostess Avith marked attention and cordiality , and Belle became at once the belle of the occasion , and Avas soon the observed of all observers . We do not to
propose describe the party or tlie persons present ; our story lias relation but to some tliree or four of tlie participants in the gay scene ; suffice it to say , that
All went merry as a marriage bell . " Late in the evening , after having wandered tMougb the various rooms devoted to the amusement of tlie guests , Colby was standing idl y near a small company of aged persons who Avere passing tlie time in social converse Avhen the ladof the bouse
, y approached Mm and smilingly asked , if lie Avas _ already becoming wearied . As be replied in the negative , his eye fell upon a small pin Avliicb she Avore in bei collar . He started so suddenl y that it attracted lier attention , and she inquired the cause of
such strange emotion . " Madam , " said Colb y , " you will excuse me , I knoAV , Avben you hear tlie explanation of my strange conduct , and allow me to assure you . that it is no idle curiosity that prompts me to commit Avbat under other circumstances Avould be an ungentlemanl y act . "
" Pray , sir , proceed , " said tlie lady , ber countenance expressing the surprise she doubtless felt at Colb y ' s strange Avoids and appearance . " I will , " said Colby . "Allow mo to ask where you obtained the small breastpin you
are HOAV wearing 1 " The lady turned deadl y pale as she replied " that the pin Avas the gift of one she supposed Avas long since dead . But , " said she , " Avhy do you ask—Avbat interest can you have in the history of my pin ?" "L have no personal interest in it , " replied Colby , " but I have in my posses-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Broken Emblem.
examination of the pin , Colby found it to be almost the exact form and appearance of the one lie bad in Ms pocket , taken from the person of the dead Lawrence Clark . Colby could make nothing of the pins , any more than that they Avere peculiar in form and
making , but be could not rid Ms mind of the thoug ht that those pins Avould some time bo of great use to Belle in some Avay , be knew not bow . Betiuning all the jewellery to tho box except the pin , Colby pmned it to tlie ribbon Avbieb the little girl Avore about her nock , and told her to always Avear it , Avbether at home or abroad , AVMCII she promised to do .
Belle Avas received by Colby ' s mother and sister Avitb open arms , and a hearty Avelcome , and she greAV to be the very life and joy of lier MAV borne . I hasten over the history of the next fourteen years . Belle ivas IIOAV eighteen or nineteen
years old . Her early womanhood bad more than fulfilled the promise of her childhood , for in person she Avas the perfection of Avomanly beaut y . Her education bad been carefully attended to , and she Avas now an accomplished scholar in every respect .
Colby was still single , and a gentleman of leisure , being the possessor of an immense fortune . A great portion of bis life had been spent in travelling in almost every part of the Avorld . Belle bad ever been an especial favourite of bis , and be bad often declared that
she should inherit all bis Avealth . He , IIOAV that she bad completed ber studies , determined to take ber Avitb him on a voyage to Europe , Ms sister going along as company and guide for ber . They accordingly sailed from New York in the month of
November for Liverpool and thence to London . They bad a short and pleasant trip across the Atlantic , and Avitbin a Aveek after their arrival in England , Aveie pleasantly settled for the Avintei ° in a pleasant suite of rooms at a fashionable hotel the
m great city of Loudon . The season of gaiety in the metropolis was at its hei ght . Colby , having many influential and wealth y acquaintances in the city , found read y access for himself and companions into the very best circles of societ consequentl
y ; y , our young friend Belle immediatel y entered upon a round of visitations alike pleasant and instructive to her . Some ICAV Aveeks after their arrival in the city , they received cards of invitation to an evening party at
the house of a ividoiv lady—reputed to be very wealth y—the descendant of a noble family and very Mglily accomplished . The invitation was accepted gladly by our friends , who immediately set about making preparations for Avhat it Avas said Avould be
the great party of the season . The lad y giver of this most fashionable entertainment lived in a splendid mansion in one of the most fashionable streets in the fashionable portion of London . On the appointed evening , at the usual
hour , our friends repaired to the bouse of entertainment . They Avere received by the hostess Avith marked attention and cordiality , and Belle became at once the belle of the occasion , and Avas soon the observed of all observers . We do not to
propose describe the party or tlie persons present ; our story lias relation but to some tliree or four of tlie participants in the gay scene ; suffice it to say , that
All went merry as a marriage bell . " Late in the evening , after having wandered tMougb the various rooms devoted to the amusement of tlie guests , Colby was standing idl y near a small company of aged persons who Avere passing tlie time in social converse Avhen the ladof the bouse
, y approached Mm and smilingly asked , if lie Avas _ already becoming wearied . As be replied in the negative , his eye fell upon a small pin Avliicb she Avore in bei collar . He started so suddenl y that it attracted lier attention , and she inquired the cause of
such strange emotion . " Madam , " said Colb y , " you will excuse me , I knoAV , Avben you hear tlie explanation of my strange conduct , and allow me to assure you . that it is no idle curiosity that prompts me to commit Avbat under other circumstances Avould be an ungentlemanl y act . "
" Pray , sir , proceed , " said tlie lady , ber countenance expressing the surprise she doubtless felt at Colb y ' s strange Avoids and appearance . " I will , " said Colby . "Allow mo to ask where you obtained the small breastpin you
are HOAV wearing 1 " The lady turned deadl y pale as she replied " that the pin Avas the gift of one she supposed Avas long since dead . But , " said she , " Avhy do you ask—Avbat interest can you have in the history of my pin ?" "L have no personal interest in it , " replied Colby , " but I have in my posses-