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Review .
lending unto the Lord . By Baron Conway and J . Eussell Endean . Kerby and Enclean , 190 , Oxford Street . We have been greatly pleased Avitb this little book , AVMCII Ave most cordially recommend to the notice of beads of families
, for the special pleasure and information of youth , as ivell as for the delectation and perusal of many children of older groivtli . For such tales make us all young again , and carry us back to olden days of happy and gentle home and family life .
NOAV , indeed , the gaudy sights and dazzling lights of tlie Avorld fall upon us in all then glare , disclosing the Avrinkles that time has brought , and leaAdng us fevered and feeble in the Aveary journey of years . And our tastes , perhaps , are not so true
as tbey once Avere , but have become enfeebled or perverted by the lapse of time and the fashion of tlie clay . Instead of the simple fairy tale Avhich delighted us Avben young , Ave like to-day to Avander amid the " Aveird" tales of all but impossible folly and crime , or to be excited by the morbid sensationalism of the hour .
All efforts are to be commended , therefore , Avbieb seek to bring back tlie passing generation to a purer and healthier taste for reading a higher and better class of literature . Mr . Endean deserves , therefore , tlie thanks of all AVIIO value the true education of all tlie mental faculties and the
entire moral Avill , by providing such good and seasonable " pabulum mentis , " alike for young , and middle-aged , and old . Tlie little tale is taken from a true incident in the life of Christian Eiircbte-Gott Gellert , and inculcates practical duty and
real philanthropy , on the highest principles and in the most effective manner . Most of us have , probably , beard of that great German Avriter , author of Stories and Hymns , AVIIO so much adorned the "Vaterland" in the last century , having
been born hi 1718 , and dying in 1769 . He Avas Professor of Belles Lettres at the University of Leipsic , which post of honour he held for 34 years . His Avorks Avere once among the Standard Works of all "Gymnasia , " in Germany , and are still deeply valued , and Ave believe largely read .
Like all German writers , he has bad Ms admirers and Ms detractors , but bis simple , and true , and unostentatious piety is still both realized and valued by countless kind and sympathizing German readers . Some of bis storiesand songsand
, , hymns are Avell knoivn , and Ave therefore cordially thank Mr . Endean for Ms most interesting little " souvenir" of so good a man .
We congratulate Mr . Endeanf also on the admirable Avay in Avhich be lias sent out the Avork for the reading public , for it is both admirably printed and charmingly illustrated by the facile " Crayon " of the Hon . Charlotte Ellis ; and Ave trust ,
as Ave doubt not , that this pleasant little Avork will have a large circulation . Miss Endean , the daughter of the publisher , has also Avritton a very pretty little hymn contained in the work , being only in her 12 th year , and the music to Avhich
it has been set is composed by the ' author of the "OH , old Story . " We knoAV of no prettier present for a young person than this affecting incident in the life of a man AVIIO was so useful in Ms generation , and such an ornament to Germany and mankind . AA .
An Elephant Hunt In Siam.
I received an order on the 25 th of April to accompany the Eegent ChoAV-Phya-Sury-Wongse-Somdetcli to Ajuthia , the ancient capital , where an elephant hunt Avas to take place . I Avas very much gratified at receiving the orderfor not only is
, an elephant bunt one of the rarest and most curious sports in the Avorld , but on this occasion orders had been given three months beforehand to find out the largest herd and entice them into the traps . The elephants of Siam havemoreovera great
, , reputation in India , and I kneAV that especial pains ivould be taken to make the bunt as splendid as possible , and thus give a mark of recognition to the numerous Nais-Daps-Ealangs ( European officers ) AVIIO bad come to attend tlie cremation
ceremonies of the old king Somdeteli-Pbra-Paramendr-Maha-Mongkut , supreme king of Siam , AVIIO died Oet . 1 st , 1868 , and Avas binned March 9 th , 1870 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Review .
lending unto the Lord . By Baron Conway and J . Eussell Endean . Kerby and Enclean , 190 , Oxford Street . We have been greatly pleased Avitb this little book , AVMCII Ave most cordially recommend to the notice of beads of families
, for the special pleasure and information of youth , as ivell as for the delectation and perusal of many children of older groivtli . For such tales make us all young again , and carry us back to olden days of happy and gentle home and family life .
NOAV , indeed , the gaudy sights and dazzling lights of tlie Avorld fall upon us in all then glare , disclosing the Avrinkles that time has brought , and leaAdng us fevered and feeble in the Aveary journey of years . And our tastes , perhaps , are not so true
as tbey once Avere , but have become enfeebled or perverted by the lapse of time and the fashion of tlie clay . Instead of the simple fairy tale Avhich delighted us Avben young , Ave like to-day to Avander amid the " Aveird" tales of all but impossible folly and crime , or to be excited by the morbid sensationalism of the hour .
All efforts are to be commended , therefore , Avbieb seek to bring back tlie passing generation to a purer and healthier taste for reading a higher and better class of literature . Mr . Endean deserves , therefore , tlie thanks of all AVIIO value the true education of all tlie mental faculties and the
entire moral Avill , by providing such good and seasonable " pabulum mentis , " alike for young , and middle-aged , and old . Tlie little tale is taken from a true incident in the life of Christian Eiircbte-Gott Gellert , and inculcates practical duty and
real philanthropy , on the highest principles and in the most effective manner . Most of us have , probably , beard of that great German Avriter , author of Stories and Hymns , AVIIO so much adorned the "Vaterland" in the last century , having
been born hi 1718 , and dying in 1769 . He Avas Professor of Belles Lettres at the University of Leipsic , which post of honour he held for 34 years . His Avorks Avere once among the Standard Works of all "Gymnasia , " in Germany , and are still deeply valued , and Ave believe largely read .
Like all German writers , he has bad Ms admirers and Ms detractors , but bis simple , and true , and unostentatious piety is still both realized and valued by countless kind and sympathizing German readers . Some of bis storiesand songsand
, , hymns are Avell knoivn , and Ave therefore cordially thank Mr . Endean for Ms most interesting little " souvenir" of so good a man .
We congratulate Mr . Endeanf also on the admirable Avay in Avhich be lias sent out the Avork for the reading public , for it is both admirably printed and charmingly illustrated by the facile " Crayon " of the Hon . Charlotte Ellis ; and Ave trust ,
as Ave doubt not , that this pleasant little Avork will have a large circulation . Miss Endean , the daughter of the publisher , has also Avritton a very pretty little hymn contained in the work , being only in her 12 th year , and the music to Avhich
it has been set is composed by the ' author of the "OH , old Story . " We knoAV of no prettier present for a young person than this affecting incident in the life of a man AVIIO was so useful in Ms generation , and such an ornament to Germany and mankind . AA .
An Elephant Hunt In Siam.
I received an order on the 25 th of April to accompany the Eegent ChoAV-Phya-Sury-Wongse-Somdetcli to Ajuthia , the ancient capital , where an elephant hunt Avas to take place . I Avas very much gratified at receiving the orderfor not only is
, an elephant bunt one of the rarest and most curious sports in the Avorld , but on this occasion orders had been given three months beforehand to find out the largest herd and entice them into the traps . The elephants of Siam havemoreovera great
, , reputation in India , and I kneAV that especial pains ivould be taken to make the bunt as splendid as possible , and thus give a mark of recognition to the numerous Nais-Daps-Ealangs ( European officers ) AVIIO bad come to attend tlie cremation
ceremonies of the old king Somdeteli-Pbra-Paramendr-Maha-Mongkut , supreme king of Siam , AVIIO died Oet . 1 st , 1868 , and Avas binned March 9 th , 1870 .