Article DR. DASSIGNY'S ENQUIRY. ← Page 2 of 4 Article DR. DASSIGNY'S ENQUIRY. Page 2 of 4 →
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Dr. Dassigny's Enquiry.
( : Greek , Latin , French , and other langu" ages , from the contents thereof they ! : framed the constitutions and charges of " a Lodge , made a laAV to preserve and
" observe the same in all time coming , and " ordained good pay for Avorking Masons , ¦ ' & c . Hal . '' That in process of time Avhen Lodges
" became numerous , the ri ght Avorship ful " the Master and Fello \ A * s , with consent of " the Lords of the realm , ( for most great " men Avere then Masons ) ordained , that " for the future at the making or admission
" of a Brother , the constitution should be " read , and the charges hereunto annexed " by the Master or Warden , aud that such " as Avere to be admitted Master Masons " or Masters of the Avork should be ex" amined Avhether they be able of cunning
" to serve their respective Lords , as ivell '' the lowest as the hi ghest , to the honour " and Avorshi p of the aforesaid art , and to " the profit of their Lords ; for they be " their Lords AVIIO pay them for their ser" vice and travel .
" And besides many other things the " said record adds , that those charges and " LIAVS of Free Masons have been seen and " perused by our late sovereign king Henry
" VI . and b y the lords of his honourable " council , Avho baA * e alloAved them , and said " that they be good ri g ht and seasonable " to be holden as they have been drawn " out and collected from the records of " antient times . "*
Dr. Dassigny's Enquiry.
NOAV although in the reign of King Henry VI . Avhile an infant a certain act of parliament passed affecting only the Avorking Masons , who had contrary to the statutes for labourers combined together
not to Avork , but at their own prices , yet as it Avas supposed that such confederacies Avere formed in the general Lodges , they thought it expedient to level the said act against Masons holding themselves in
chapters and congregations * . But Avhen the said king arrived to man ' s estate , and the records and charges were laid before him and some of his lords ( AVIIO then must haA * e incorporated themselves with that
antient fraternity ) they AA * ere solemnly approved of as good and fit to be holden . But as there Avas not a single instance of the acts being put into execution in that or any other reign , the brethren continued
to hold their Lodges , and thought it not worth their Avhile to employ their noble and eminent Brethren to have it repealed ; because Avorking Masons , AVIIO are free of a Lodge , scorn to be guilty of any
combination , and others accepted Masons have no concern in the trespasses against statutes for labourers . } The kings of Scotland very much encouraged the Royal Art , from the earliest
time doAA-n to the union of the crowns , Avhere Lodges were kept up Avithout interruption , Avhose records testif y the great regard those King :- paid to the honorable
fraternity , who always give undeniable eA'idences of their loA'e and loyalty , from Avhence sprung the old toast amongst Scots Masons , via . GOD bless the King and the Craft . This royal example Avas followed
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Dr. Dassigny's Enquiry.
( : Greek , Latin , French , and other langu" ages , from the contents thereof they ! : framed the constitutions and charges of " a Lodge , made a laAV to preserve and
" observe the same in all time coming , and " ordained good pay for Avorking Masons , ¦ ' & c . Hal . '' That in process of time Avhen Lodges
" became numerous , the ri ght Avorship ful " the Master and Fello \ A * s , with consent of " the Lords of the realm , ( for most great " men Avere then Masons ) ordained , that " for the future at the making or admission
" of a Brother , the constitution should be " read , and the charges hereunto annexed " by the Master or Warden , aud that such " as Avere to be admitted Master Masons " or Masters of the Avork should be ex" amined Avhether they be able of cunning
" to serve their respective Lords , as ivell '' the lowest as the hi ghest , to the honour " and Avorshi p of the aforesaid art , and to " the profit of their Lords ; for they be " their Lords AVIIO pay them for their ser" vice and travel .
" And besides many other things the " said record adds , that those charges and " LIAVS of Free Masons have been seen and " perused by our late sovereign king Henry
" VI . and b y the lords of his honourable " council , Avho baA * e alloAved them , and said " that they be good ri g ht and seasonable " to be holden as they have been drawn " out and collected from the records of " antient times . "*
Dr. Dassigny's Enquiry.
NOAV although in the reign of King Henry VI . Avhile an infant a certain act of parliament passed affecting only the Avorking Masons , who had contrary to the statutes for labourers combined together
not to Avork , but at their own prices , yet as it Avas supposed that such confederacies Avere formed in the general Lodges , they thought it expedient to level the said act against Masons holding themselves in
chapters and congregations * . But Avhen the said king arrived to man ' s estate , and the records and charges were laid before him and some of his lords ( AVIIO then must haA * e incorporated themselves with that
antient fraternity ) they AA * ere solemnly approved of as good and fit to be holden . But as there Avas not a single instance of the acts being put into execution in that or any other reign , the brethren continued
to hold their Lodges , and thought it not worth their Avhile to employ their noble and eminent Brethren to have it repealed ; because Avorking Masons , AVIIO are free of a Lodge , scorn to be guilty of any
combination , and others accepted Masons have no concern in the trespasses against statutes for labourers . } The kings of Scotland very much encouraged the Royal Art , from the earliest
time doAA-n to the union of the crowns , Avhere Lodges were kept up Avithout interruption , Avhose records testif y the great regard those King :- paid to the honorable
fraternity , who always give undeniable eA'idences of their loA'e and loyalty , from Avhence sprung the old toast amongst Scots Masons , via . GOD bless the King and the Craft . This royal example Avas followed