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Dr. Dassigny's Enquiry.
by the nobility , gentry , and clergy , of Scotland , who with the utmost assiduity joined in the promotion of the Craft and Brotherhood , and so great a deference was paid to that noble order , that the Grand Master and Warden received an annual
stipend from the crown as also an acknoAVIedgment from every HOAV Brother in the kingdom at entrance , AVIIO had power not only to regulate Avhatever might happen amiss in the neighbourhood , but also to
hear and finally determine all controversies betAveen Mason and Lord , to punish the Mason if he deserved it , and to oblige both to equitable terms ; and this privilege remained until the unfortunate civil Avars ,
yet the great care the Scots took to preserve true Masonry proved afterwards very advantageous to England . The learned and magnanimous Queen Elizabeth beginning her reign in
troublesome times , Avas diffident of her subjects holding private assemblies , she therefore attempted to dissolve the annual communication of Free-Masonry as dangerous to her government and being a woman could
not be introduced into the fraternity ; but she thought it necessary to commission some noble persons to pay a visit to the Lodge at York , where being admitted , they threw aside their arms aud returned the
Queen a most honourable account of the antient fraternity , whereby her political fears and doubts Avere removed , and she let them alone as a people much respected by the noble and Avise of all political nations .
Upon her demise king James the VI . of Scotland succeeded to the crown of England , ( ivho Avas mason King ) revived the English Lodges , and as he Avas the first king of Great Britain , he was also the
firstprince in the world that recoA * ered Roman Architecture from the ruins of Gothic ignorance . For after many illiterate ages , Avhen learning again its drooping head uplifted , and the science of Geometry recovered its
ground , the polite nations then began to discover the confusion and impropriety of the Gothick Buildings , and in the 15 and 16 centuries the Augustan stile Avas raised from its rubbish in Italy , by many bright
Architects , but more particularly by the Great Palladia , who tho' not imitated there , Avas justly rival'd in England by our Great Master Mason Inigo Jones . And notwithstanding all true Masons pay due honour to the memories of those
Dr. Dassigny's Enquiry.
Italian Architects , yet the Augustan stile Avas not revived by any crowned head before king James the first of England , Avho employed the said glorious Inigo Jones to build his royal palace of Whitehall ; and
upon the king s demise his son Charles the I , being also a Mason king , intended to carry on his royal father ' s design according to Mr . Jones ' s stile , but Avas unhappily diverted by the civil Avars , and it is allowed
by all skillful Architects , that Master Jones ' s designs and erections are originals , and at first view discover his mighty genius in Architecture , for which he was as much honoured by the nobility and gentry of
Scotland as of England . Masonry could not help feeling the dismal effects of the wars in those times , but Avhen the royal family Avas restored and a general peace proclaimed throughout the
nation , it then began to flourish again , as appears by the productions of Sr . ¦ Christopher Wren and Sr . William Bruce , Avho folloAved the inimitable designs of Master Inigo Jones .
In tne reign of king James the II . the Lodges of Free Masonry in London , dwindled into ignorance , for Avant of being duly frequented and properly cultivated ; but after the revolution anno 1688 , the
glorious King William , tho' a Avarlike prince , had an excellent taste of Architecture , Avhich is evidently proved by his carrying on the building of the tAvo famous hospitals , Greenwich and Chelsea , together
with the palace of Hampton Court , Loo in Holland , & c , and the bri ght example of that prince influenced the learned of Great Britain to affect the Augustan style , as appears by the stately edifices erected since
throughout the kingdom of England and Ireland , not only in the reign of Queen Anne , but likeAvise in that of King George the I . and his Eoyal successor , the present majesty of these Realms , whom GOD long
preserve . To descr . be the mighty influence of the Craft of Free-Masonry in every age , and in every nation since the beginning of the Avorld , Avould require many volumes ; but Avere it expedient , it could easily be proved
that the kni ghts of Malta and many other religious orders and societies , did borrow their solemn usages from our ancient fraternity , who can with the utmost truth assert that no set of men can be better instituted , more decently installed , or
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Dr. Dassigny's Enquiry.
by the nobility , gentry , and clergy , of Scotland , who with the utmost assiduity joined in the promotion of the Craft and Brotherhood , and so great a deference was paid to that noble order , that the Grand Master and Warden received an annual
stipend from the crown as also an acknoAVIedgment from every HOAV Brother in the kingdom at entrance , AVIIO had power not only to regulate Avhatever might happen amiss in the neighbourhood , but also to
hear and finally determine all controversies betAveen Mason and Lord , to punish the Mason if he deserved it , and to oblige both to equitable terms ; and this privilege remained until the unfortunate civil Avars ,
yet the great care the Scots took to preserve true Masonry proved afterwards very advantageous to England . The learned and magnanimous Queen Elizabeth beginning her reign in
troublesome times , Avas diffident of her subjects holding private assemblies , she therefore attempted to dissolve the annual communication of Free-Masonry as dangerous to her government and being a woman could
not be introduced into the fraternity ; but she thought it necessary to commission some noble persons to pay a visit to the Lodge at York , where being admitted , they threw aside their arms aud returned the
Queen a most honourable account of the antient fraternity , whereby her political fears and doubts Avere removed , and she let them alone as a people much respected by the noble and Avise of all political nations .
Upon her demise king James the VI . of Scotland succeeded to the crown of England , ( ivho Avas mason King ) revived the English Lodges , and as he Avas the first king of Great Britain , he was also the
firstprince in the world that recoA * ered Roman Architecture from the ruins of Gothic ignorance . For after many illiterate ages , Avhen learning again its drooping head uplifted , and the science of Geometry recovered its
ground , the polite nations then began to discover the confusion and impropriety of the Gothick Buildings , and in the 15 and 16 centuries the Augustan stile Avas raised from its rubbish in Italy , by many bright
Architects , but more particularly by the Great Palladia , who tho' not imitated there , Avas justly rival'd in England by our Great Master Mason Inigo Jones . And notwithstanding all true Masons pay due honour to the memories of those
Dr. Dassigny's Enquiry.
Italian Architects , yet the Augustan stile Avas not revived by any crowned head before king James the first of England , Avho employed the said glorious Inigo Jones to build his royal palace of Whitehall ; and
upon the king s demise his son Charles the I , being also a Mason king , intended to carry on his royal father ' s design according to Mr . Jones ' s stile , but Avas unhappily diverted by the civil Avars , and it is allowed
by all skillful Architects , that Master Jones ' s designs and erections are originals , and at first view discover his mighty genius in Architecture , for which he was as much honoured by the nobility and gentry of
Scotland as of England . Masonry could not help feeling the dismal effects of the wars in those times , but Avhen the royal family Avas restored and a general peace proclaimed throughout the
nation , it then began to flourish again , as appears by the productions of Sr . ¦ Christopher Wren and Sr . William Bruce , Avho folloAved the inimitable designs of Master Inigo Jones .
In tne reign of king James the II . the Lodges of Free Masonry in London , dwindled into ignorance , for Avant of being duly frequented and properly cultivated ; but after the revolution anno 1688 , the
glorious King William , tho' a Avarlike prince , had an excellent taste of Architecture , Avhich is evidently proved by his carrying on the building of the tAvo famous hospitals , Greenwich and Chelsea , together
with the palace of Hampton Court , Loo in Holland , & c , and the bri ght example of that prince influenced the learned of Great Britain to affect the Augustan style , as appears by the stately edifices erected since
throughout the kingdom of England and Ireland , not only in the reign of Queen Anne , but likeAvise in that of King George the I . and his Eoyal successor , the present majesty of these Realms , whom GOD long
preserve . To descr . be the mighty influence of the Craft of Free-Masonry in every age , and in every nation since the beginning of the Avorld , Avould require many volumes ; but Avere it expedient , it could easily be proved
that the kni ghts of Malta and many other religious orders and societies , did borrow their solemn usages from our ancient fraternity , who can with the utmost truth assert that no set of men can be better instituted , more decently installed , or