Article DR. DASSIGNY'S ENQUIRY. ← Page 4 of 4 Article DR. DASSIGNY'S ENQUIRY. Page 4 of 4
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Dr. Dassigny's Enquiry.
Avhose laAvs and charges in general have been more sacredly observed ; and tho' we have maintained and propagated our concernments in a method peculiar to ourselves , which hath hitherto resisted the violent attempts of the most learned and
cunning in all ages , who have by several means strove to steal our secrets from us , Avhile neither the loss of speech or the want of knoAvledge in different languages could prevent us from knowing and Wing one another .
Having now described the antiquity of the Royal Art , and the honours paid to the Craftsmen by the learned and noble of all ages ( for the most part of which particulars I confess myself indebted to the
several tracts of Historical Masonry printed both in London and Dublin ) I shall proceed to enquire into the cause or motive of its institution , Avhich will appear more plain hereafter Avhen we take a view
of the principles of the Craft , and the benefits arising from a strict observance thereof ; but in the meantime shall inform you that without Masonry the world would have afforded a rude and irregular prospect ,
and its inhabitants liable to the seA'erity of inclement seasons , to the raging dogstar ' s heat and piercing cold , to the greedy savage , Avhose voice in sounds , ungrateful to human ears , thro' all the forest rings , and to the daring insults and bold attempts of
aspiring Avarnours , Avhile liy masons art majestic piles arise to defend mankind , and nature unpolished owns its harmonious and friendly influence . By Masons art relig ious domes appear , where the Almi ghty Architect is worshipped in spirit and in truth .
By Masons art the avaritious miser opens his iron bounded breast , and feels compassion ' s tender warmth . By Masons art the injurious and unruly tongue -falls doAvn before the throne of aAvful silence ; and readily submits to her commands .
By Masons art the wings of loose desire are clipped , and the lascivious mind refrained from all immodest and unlawful bents .
By Masons art the puny fop ( mankinds disgrace ) rejects a vain and gaudy outside and gladly accepts of more valuable and permanent furniture Avithin . By masons art ensigns of state and princely ornaments ( the nursery of pride .
Dr. Dassigny's Enquiry.
where ambition keeps her lofty seat ) as useless toys by free born sons meet with disdain , since they can boast of a more lasting glory who are Ennobled by the name they bear ,
* Distinguished by the badge they wear . By Masons art impartial justice her equal balance holds , and fraud oppressive oAvns her gentle SAvay . Since then by this noble art so many
extraordinary advantages accrue , I presume it Avill of consequence be granted , that the Avelfare and good of mankind Avas the cause or motive of so grand an institution
( no art yet ever being so extensively useful ) which not only tends to protect them from external injuries , but to polish the rusty dispositions of iniquitous minds and to detain them Avithin the limited and
pleasant bounds of true religion , morality and virtue . In the next place I shall beg leave to treat of the principles of the Craft , which I hope Avill meet Avith a just admiration
because they Avere founded upon religion , morality , Brotherly-love , and good fellowship . A Mason is obliged by his tenure to believe firmly in the true Worship of the
Eternal GOD , as Avell as in all those sacred records Avhich the dignitaries , fathers , and apostles of the church have compiled and published for the use of christians ; for that no one who rightly understands the
art can possibly tread in the irreligious paths of the unhappy libertine , or be induced to folloAv the arrogant professors of atheism . or deism ; neither is he to be stained Avith the gross errors of blind
superstition , but may have the liberty of embracing Avhat faith he shall think proper , provided at all times he pays a due reference to his Creator , and by the world deals with honour and honesty , eA'er making
that golden precept the standard rule of his actions , Avhich engages to do unto all men as he would they should do unto him . For the Craft , instead of entering into idle and unnecessary disputes , concerning the different opinions and persuasions of men ,
admits into the fraternity all that are good and true , Avhereby it hath become the center of union , and hath brought about the means of reconcilliation amongst persons , AVIIO Avithout that assistance , Avould have remained at a perpetual variance .
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Dr. Dassigny's Enquiry.
Avhose laAvs and charges in general have been more sacredly observed ; and tho' we have maintained and propagated our concernments in a method peculiar to ourselves , which hath hitherto resisted the violent attempts of the most learned and
cunning in all ages , who have by several means strove to steal our secrets from us , Avhile neither the loss of speech or the want of knoAvledge in different languages could prevent us from knowing and Wing one another .
Having now described the antiquity of the Royal Art , and the honours paid to the Craftsmen by the learned and noble of all ages ( for the most part of which particulars I confess myself indebted to the
several tracts of Historical Masonry printed both in London and Dublin ) I shall proceed to enquire into the cause or motive of its institution , Avhich will appear more plain hereafter Avhen we take a view
of the principles of the Craft , and the benefits arising from a strict observance thereof ; but in the meantime shall inform you that without Masonry the world would have afforded a rude and irregular prospect ,
and its inhabitants liable to the seA'erity of inclement seasons , to the raging dogstar ' s heat and piercing cold , to the greedy savage , Avhose voice in sounds , ungrateful to human ears , thro' all the forest rings , and to the daring insults and bold attempts of
aspiring Avarnours , Avhile liy masons art majestic piles arise to defend mankind , and nature unpolished owns its harmonious and friendly influence . By Masons art relig ious domes appear , where the Almi ghty Architect is worshipped in spirit and in truth .
By Masons art the avaritious miser opens his iron bounded breast , and feels compassion ' s tender warmth . By Masons art the injurious and unruly tongue -falls doAvn before the throne of aAvful silence ; and readily submits to her commands .
By Masons art the wings of loose desire are clipped , and the lascivious mind refrained from all immodest and unlawful bents .
By Masons art the puny fop ( mankinds disgrace ) rejects a vain and gaudy outside and gladly accepts of more valuable and permanent furniture Avithin . By masons art ensigns of state and princely ornaments ( the nursery of pride .
Dr. Dassigny's Enquiry.
where ambition keeps her lofty seat ) as useless toys by free born sons meet with disdain , since they can boast of a more lasting glory who are Ennobled by the name they bear ,
* Distinguished by the badge they wear . By Masons art impartial justice her equal balance holds , and fraud oppressive oAvns her gentle SAvay . Since then by this noble art so many
extraordinary advantages accrue , I presume it Avill of consequence be granted , that the Avelfare and good of mankind Avas the cause or motive of so grand an institution
( no art yet ever being so extensively useful ) which not only tends to protect them from external injuries , but to polish the rusty dispositions of iniquitous minds and to detain them Avithin the limited and
pleasant bounds of true religion , morality and virtue . In the next place I shall beg leave to treat of the principles of the Craft , which I hope Avill meet Avith a just admiration
because they Avere founded upon religion , morality , Brotherly-love , and good fellowship . A Mason is obliged by his tenure to believe firmly in the true Worship of the
Eternal GOD , as Avell as in all those sacred records Avhich the dignitaries , fathers , and apostles of the church have compiled and published for the use of christians ; for that no one who rightly understands the
art can possibly tread in the irreligious paths of the unhappy libertine , or be induced to folloAv the arrogant professors of atheism . or deism ; neither is he to be stained Avith the gross errors of blind
superstition , but may have the liberty of embracing Avhat faith he shall think proper , provided at all times he pays a due reference to his Creator , and by the world deals with honour and honesty , eA'er making
that golden precept the standard rule of his actions , Avhich engages to do unto all men as he would they should do unto him . For the Craft , instead of entering into idle and unnecessary disputes , concerning the different opinions and persuasions of men ,
admits into the fraternity all that are good and true , Avhereby it hath become the center of union , and hath brought about the means of reconcilliation amongst persons , AVIIO Avithout that assistance , Avould have remained at a perpetual variance .