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Chronograms And Chronophons.
he not know something about ?) for , in Love ' s Labour Lost , Act iv „ Scene 2 , Holofernes made one of his quips and oddities available in this way in his droll colloquy with Sir Nathaniel the Dull . He takes praise for this and other jeux d ' esprit ,
Avhich his companions deem surpassingly good . " This is a gift that I have , simple , simple ; a foolish extravagant spirit , full of forms , figures , shapes , objects , ideas , apprehensions , motions , revolutions . " His mode of making letters serve for numerals comes out thus :
It sore be sore , then L to sore makes ^ fty sores ; 0 sore L ! Of one sore I an hundred make , by adding but one more L . The seventeenth century was very busy
in the production of these effusions . One , running thus , "GeorglVs DVX BVCk-InghaMI-e , " records the year in which the duke v * as tflwrdeved b y Felton , 1628 . The Rev . G . Gipps , rector of Elston , in
Lincolnshire , preached a Fast Sermon before the House of Commons in 1644 ; he published it in the folloAving year , with a preface containing a chronogram , in Avhich a well-knoAvn passage from the Bible is
slightly altered , and made to denote the year 1644—namely , " GoD Is oVr refVge , oVr strength , a heLpe In troVbLes Verle aboVuDant VVe flnDe . " The peculiarity here is that W is represented in the old
form VV , which enables the computer to count ten for it . About the close of the reign of Charles I , many royalists insisted that the end of the world was nearly at hand . One of them fixed on the year
1645 m the follo \ A * ing fashion : ¦ ' Adventus Domini , " b y capitalizing certain of the letters , denotes 2012 ; " dies abbreviuntur " gave him 517 ; Avhile " propter elect-as " gave 150 . Then he argued that 517 taken from 2012 leaves 1495 , to which , if 150 be
added , the sum gives 1645 . We can onl y say that if the reader is satisfied with this , his satisfaction is easily brought about . The flattery of the hapless monarch was a favourite subject Avith chronogram-makers . The "iniquitous condemnation of a pious king and good shepherd "—
ReX pIVs et greX VerVs ConDeMnantVr Inl qVewas made to denote the year of his execution . In Fuller ' s Worthies , we find a record of the death of Bishop Prideau . yso printed as to give the date JCoO .
Assyrian Discoveries.
( Continued from page 378 . ) YET aside from these cruelties , Avhich passed such an impressive judgment through the mouth of the divine seers of Israel , Ave Avonder at these Avorks of art , Avhich
far surpass those of Egyp t in genuine beauty and faithfulness to nature . Moreover , looking on their weapons and tools , on those fragments of ivory baskets , of bronze thrones and terra-cotta figures , on
the ornaments in architecture or in dress and jeAvellery , as sheAvn on their pictures , Ave feel bound to recognize the Assj rians as the ancient masters of fine arts . By ' their products , or rather by copies made of them bPersian and Lydian imitatorsthe
y , then slumbering genius of the Hellens Avas aroused , Avhich afterwards inspired a Phidias and Praxiteles with their chisel , and even a Homer , Hesiod , and Pindar
Avith their songs , to create everlasting models of beauty . Indeed , if history has forgotten to record the indebtedness of the Greeks to Assyria , Greek mythology has notas Cheiron the centaurAA'ho taught
, , Achilles , Perseus , and many other Greek heroes , every art and science , is surely a a slight reminiscence of the Assyrian genii , Avho Avore the shape of winged bulls Avith human heads .
LikeAvise Ave look to Assyria for models furnished by the hands of Phcenicians for the Temple built by Solomon , and even for the equipment of the Avhole sanctuary , even to the Cherubim . Jt Avas in
beholding those imposing figures of Avinged lions , Avith human and eagles' heads , called cherubs , on the gates of the Babylonian and Assyrian palaces , that the Prophet Ezekiel felt inspired in his visions of the heavenly throne , moved by the same Avheels , endowed witli
heads and Avings like those seen on Assyrian pictures . On Assyrian monuments you can discern these same instruments played upon by David and other psalmists to accompany their undying songs of holy inspiration . Yet all these works of art would have
remained dumb , and Assyria ' s past Avould still be shrouded in darkness , had not Divine Providence pointed man ' s eye , searching after knowledge , to a number of clay tablets , inscribed on both sides Avith cuneiform letters , which proved to be nothing less than the royal library of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Chronograms And Chronophons.
he not know something about ?) for , in Love ' s Labour Lost , Act iv „ Scene 2 , Holofernes made one of his quips and oddities available in this way in his droll colloquy with Sir Nathaniel the Dull . He takes praise for this and other jeux d ' esprit ,
Avhich his companions deem surpassingly good . " This is a gift that I have , simple , simple ; a foolish extravagant spirit , full of forms , figures , shapes , objects , ideas , apprehensions , motions , revolutions . " His mode of making letters serve for numerals comes out thus :
It sore be sore , then L to sore makes ^ fty sores ; 0 sore L ! Of one sore I an hundred make , by adding but one more L . The seventeenth century was very busy
in the production of these effusions . One , running thus , "GeorglVs DVX BVCk-InghaMI-e , " records the year in which the duke v * as tflwrdeved b y Felton , 1628 . The Rev . G . Gipps , rector of Elston , in
Lincolnshire , preached a Fast Sermon before the House of Commons in 1644 ; he published it in the folloAving year , with a preface containing a chronogram , in Avhich a well-knoAvn passage from the Bible is
slightly altered , and made to denote the year 1644—namely , " GoD Is oVr refVge , oVr strength , a heLpe In troVbLes Verle aboVuDant VVe flnDe . " The peculiarity here is that W is represented in the old
form VV , which enables the computer to count ten for it . About the close of the reign of Charles I , many royalists insisted that the end of the world was nearly at hand . One of them fixed on the year
1645 m the follo \ A * ing fashion : ¦ ' Adventus Domini , " b y capitalizing certain of the letters , denotes 2012 ; " dies abbreviuntur " gave him 517 ; Avhile " propter elect-as " gave 150 . Then he argued that 517 taken from 2012 leaves 1495 , to which , if 150 be
added , the sum gives 1645 . We can onl y say that if the reader is satisfied with this , his satisfaction is easily brought about . The flattery of the hapless monarch was a favourite subject Avith chronogram-makers . The "iniquitous condemnation of a pious king and good shepherd "—
ReX pIVs et greX VerVs ConDeMnantVr Inl qVewas made to denote the year of his execution . In Fuller ' s Worthies , we find a record of the death of Bishop Prideau . yso printed as to give the date JCoO .
Assyrian Discoveries.
( Continued from page 378 . ) YET aside from these cruelties , Avhich passed such an impressive judgment through the mouth of the divine seers of Israel , Ave Avonder at these Avorks of art , Avhich
far surpass those of Egyp t in genuine beauty and faithfulness to nature . Moreover , looking on their weapons and tools , on those fragments of ivory baskets , of bronze thrones and terra-cotta figures , on
the ornaments in architecture or in dress and jeAvellery , as sheAvn on their pictures , Ave feel bound to recognize the Assj rians as the ancient masters of fine arts . By ' their products , or rather by copies made of them bPersian and Lydian imitatorsthe
y , then slumbering genius of the Hellens Avas aroused , Avhich afterwards inspired a Phidias and Praxiteles with their chisel , and even a Homer , Hesiod , and Pindar
Avith their songs , to create everlasting models of beauty . Indeed , if history has forgotten to record the indebtedness of the Greeks to Assyria , Greek mythology has notas Cheiron the centaurAA'ho taught
, , Achilles , Perseus , and many other Greek heroes , every art and science , is surely a a slight reminiscence of the Assyrian genii , Avho Avore the shape of winged bulls Avith human heads .
LikeAvise Ave look to Assyria for models furnished by the hands of Phcenicians for the Temple built by Solomon , and even for the equipment of the Avhole sanctuary , even to the Cherubim . Jt Avas in
beholding those imposing figures of Avinged lions , Avith human and eagles' heads , called cherubs , on the gates of the Babylonian and Assyrian palaces , that the Prophet Ezekiel felt inspired in his visions of the heavenly throne , moved by the same Avheels , endowed witli
heads and Avings like those seen on Assyrian pictures . On Assyrian monuments you can discern these same instruments played upon by David and other psalmists to accompany their undying songs of holy inspiration . Yet all these works of art would have
remained dumb , and Assyria ' s past Avould still be shrouded in darkness , had not Divine Providence pointed man ' s eye , searching after knowledge , to a number of clay tablets , inscribed on both sides Avith cuneiform letters , which proved to be nothing less than the royal library of