Article A MASON'S GRAVE. Page 1 of 1 Article A MASON'S GRAVE. Page 1 of 1 Article Review. Page 1 of 4 →
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A Mason's Grave.
ON turning the corner of a walk , just as I had emerged from the foliage of a magnificent Aveeping AVUIOAV , Avhose branches , drooping downwards , swept the grass silently in the gentle breeze of evening , I came upon a grave , before Avhich I stood for some moments in Avondering
admiration , it was so different from anything else I had seen , or indeed expected to see , iu the cemetery , that I Avas thoroughly surprised . A space someAvhat larger than usual was inclosed by a neat but substantial
iron palisade , Avithin which in front rose two pillars of beautiful proportions and masterly Avorkmanship . That on the left Avas of the Doric order , its base being ornamented by a level in relief , its capital
surmounted by a frieze adorned with tnglyphs and metops , and supporting an entablature oiiAvhicliAvas placed the terrestrial globe . The right hand pillar Avas of the Ionic order , finished Avith the same attention
to detail , its base ornamented Avith the square and compass ; on its summit rested the celestial globe . The floor of the enclosure was a beautifully tesselated pavement in colours , in the centre , and in front
of the headstone was a perfect ashlar , Avith a leAvis . The chastely canopied headstone stood on an elevation of three steps . On the first Avere the words , " And God said , let there be light , and there Avas light . ' '
On the second , " Behold , I Avill set a plumb line , " On the third , " We have found . " On the plinth of the stone , an anchor in relief . Above it the words , " Be ye also ready . " The edges of the stone ivere worked in the form of a cable . In the
centre , under the canopy and over the inscription , an open book , in which Avas Avritten , " I am the resurrection and the life ; he that believeth in Me , though he Avere dead , yet shall he live . " On the
book rested a ladder with three rounds , behind Avhich , as a background , Avas a sprig of the acacia tree , and immediately above the ladder Avas an irradiated eye . The inscription ran , " Sacred to the memory of Henry Tucker , AVIIO departed this life , " & c .
The pavement was dotted over Avith pots ot lovely floAvers , Avhose fragrance seemed to spread silently and Wingly around . As I . stood taking in the details of the picture , I thought , " One of the good old craft lies here , Surel y the history of all
A Mason's Grave.
this tender care and loving memory must be an interesting one . " I determined to make enquiry on the first opportunity offering . I here briefly sketch the result : Captain Stafford and Captain Tucker
Avere " sworn friends and brothers" through many years of adventure . The former was owner aud the latter Avas master of a A * essel trading from this port ( Wellington , N . Z . ) , principally to Newcastle , N . S . W .
At length death severed the connection . All that Masonic affection could prompt Avas done by Captain Stafford in paying the last sad offices of respect . The cabin of the vessel which they had both so often
occupied Avas draped in mourning ; the ' deceased laid out , coffined , and canopied , Avith his Masonic clothing and insignia on its lid . On arrival in port , the Masonic friends of both Captains laid the deceased
in his last resting-place , and the tomb I had seen Avas erected by Captain Stafford to the memory of his friend and brother . The materials ( like portions of a building
dear to Masons' memory , ) ivere brought over sea from NeAvcastle , N . S . W ., the stone being a beautiful dark freestone . Each part Avas marked and numbered , and the masons Avho worked the stones came Avith
them , and fitted them in their places at a cost of about £ 1 , 500 . Captain Stafford , in paying this beautiful tribute to the memorv of a brother , has shoAvn to the Avorld
how Masons love each other . —Gleanings by ~ * 49 * * . [ As the figures are partly obliterated by the action of the salt water , AA-O simply give the figures 49 . ]
Review .
Worksop , " The Dukery , " and Sherwood Forest . London : Simpkin , Marshall and Co . Worksop : Robert White , MR . Robert White , of Worksop , has been long and honourably knoAvn as a
provincial publisher , the books issued from whose press Avould be creditable to any London office , and the subject matter of Avhich Avould not disgrace tho best of metropolitan booksellers . Indeed , he is
himself possessed of considerable literary ability—as every printer ought to be , Avhether journeyman or master—and is at present engaged in collecting " The Provincial Words of Nottinghamshire" for
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Mason's Grave.
ON turning the corner of a walk , just as I had emerged from the foliage of a magnificent Aveeping AVUIOAV , Avhose branches , drooping downwards , swept the grass silently in the gentle breeze of evening , I came upon a grave , before Avhich I stood for some moments in Avondering
admiration , it was so different from anything else I had seen , or indeed expected to see , iu the cemetery , that I Avas thoroughly surprised . A space someAvhat larger than usual was inclosed by a neat but substantial
iron palisade , Avithin which in front rose two pillars of beautiful proportions and masterly Avorkmanship . That on the left Avas of the Doric order , its base being ornamented by a level in relief , its capital
surmounted by a frieze adorned with tnglyphs and metops , and supporting an entablature oiiAvhicliAvas placed the terrestrial globe . The right hand pillar Avas of the Ionic order , finished Avith the same attention
to detail , its base ornamented Avith the square and compass ; on its summit rested the celestial globe . The floor of the enclosure was a beautifully tesselated pavement in colours , in the centre , and in front
of the headstone was a perfect ashlar , Avith a leAvis . The chastely canopied headstone stood on an elevation of three steps . On the first Avere the words , " And God said , let there be light , and there Avas light . ' '
On the second , " Behold , I Avill set a plumb line , " On the third , " We have found . " On the plinth of the stone , an anchor in relief . Above it the words , " Be ye also ready . " The edges of the stone ivere worked in the form of a cable . In the
centre , under the canopy and over the inscription , an open book , in which Avas Avritten , " I am the resurrection and the life ; he that believeth in Me , though he Avere dead , yet shall he live . " On the
book rested a ladder with three rounds , behind Avhich , as a background , Avas a sprig of the acacia tree , and immediately above the ladder Avas an irradiated eye . The inscription ran , " Sacred to the memory of Henry Tucker , AVIIO departed this life , " & c .
The pavement was dotted over Avith pots ot lovely floAvers , Avhose fragrance seemed to spread silently and Wingly around . As I . stood taking in the details of the picture , I thought , " One of the good old craft lies here , Surel y the history of all
A Mason's Grave.
this tender care and loving memory must be an interesting one . " I determined to make enquiry on the first opportunity offering . I here briefly sketch the result : Captain Stafford and Captain Tucker
Avere " sworn friends and brothers" through many years of adventure . The former was owner aud the latter Avas master of a A * essel trading from this port ( Wellington , N . Z . ) , principally to Newcastle , N . S . W .
At length death severed the connection . All that Masonic affection could prompt Avas done by Captain Stafford in paying the last sad offices of respect . The cabin of the vessel which they had both so often
occupied Avas draped in mourning ; the ' deceased laid out , coffined , and canopied , Avith his Masonic clothing and insignia on its lid . On arrival in port , the Masonic friends of both Captains laid the deceased
in his last resting-place , and the tomb I had seen Avas erected by Captain Stafford to the memory of his friend and brother . The materials ( like portions of a building
dear to Masons' memory , ) ivere brought over sea from NeAvcastle , N . S . W ., the stone being a beautiful dark freestone . Each part Avas marked and numbered , and the masons Avho worked the stones came Avith
them , and fitted them in their places at a cost of about £ 1 , 500 . Captain Stafford , in paying this beautiful tribute to the memorv of a brother , has shoAvn to the Avorld
how Masons love each other . —Gleanings by ~ * 49 * * . [ As the figures are partly obliterated by the action of the salt water , AA-O simply give the figures 49 . ]
Review .
Worksop , " The Dukery , " and Sherwood Forest . London : Simpkin , Marshall and Co . Worksop : Robert White , MR . Robert White , of Worksop , has been long and honourably knoAvn as a
provincial publisher , the books issued from whose press Avould be creditable to any London office , and the subject matter of Avhich Avould not disgrace tho best of metropolitan booksellers . Indeed , he is
himself possessed of considerable literary ability—as every printer ought to be , Avhether journeyman or master—and is at present engaged in collecting " The Provincial Words of Nottinghamshire" for