Article THE SAFE RETURN. ← Page 2 of 2
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The Safe Return.
And this is he , ivho now triumphant comes To gladden ns Avho dwell in English homes , With hearts as Avarm as India ' s burning sun , Proud of our Prince , and g lad his journey's done .
The loyal people of a distant land , With Chief ' s and Rajahs and a princely band , Have Avarmly welcomed their most Royal Guest , Unto that haflow'd shrine , Avithin each breast , And , that their fealty , all the Avorld may kno-v ,
E'en Avords of prayer from Parsee lips do HOAV ; And kindest greetings to the Queen— "Mama " From sweet Ceylon to lofty Himalaya , Are sent by Indian hearts , that ever feel Enthusiastic for their countrv ' s Aveaf .
The honour paid our Queen's first Son abroad , At home , Avith sympathy , Ave much applaud . And every subject in this happy land , Doth Avelcome back the traveller to the strand , Where tender hearts , and pleasant presence ni gh , With anxious hope , and gentle love beat high .
In future ages let historians tell The deeds our Prince hath done , and done them well ; The joyful conqueror of so many hearts At home , abroad—in earth's remotest parts . Let Legislature always choose such Avays
As lead to peace , prosperity , aud praise ; A nation , free from the fell yokes of yore , Will bless and love its Rulers evermore . Hygeia , then , Avith smiles shall walk tho land , The cheering cup of health held in her hand ;
And people taught to live a moral life Will shun the Avays that work the worst of strife . So be it , thus , in this Victoria ' s reign , And future dynasties the rule maintain . Old England then may boast and never cease ,
If Ave can call our Prince a Prince of Peace ; And his late journey to far Hindustan Be but the harbinger of peace to man . With fervent voice our prayers and songs ascend , To the bright realms of bliss above , and blend
lo supplicate our Heavenly Father—l'riend . To bless the Prince , now at his journey's end . And those that prayed lie safely might sojourn , NOAV shout for joy at his ' safe return . And happy people o ' er the hills and dales Sing from their hearts " God bless the Prince of Wales . ' JOHN SAFFERY , Sheerness-on-Sea .
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The Safe Return.
And this is he , ivho now triumphant comes To gladden ns Avho dwell in English homes , With hearts as Avarm as India ' s burning sun , Proud of our Prince , and g lad his journey's done .
The loyal people of a distant land , With Chief ' s and Rajahs and a princely band , Have Avarmly welcomed their most Royal Guest , Unto that haflow'd shrine , Avithin each breast , And , that their fealty , all the Avorld may kno-v ,
E'en Avords of prayer from Parsee lips do HOAV ; And kindest greetings to the Queen— "Mama " From sweet Ceylon to lofty Himalaya , Are sent by Indian hearts , that ever feel Enthusiastic for their countrv ' s Aveaf .
The honour paid our Queen's first Son abroad , At home , Avith sympathy , Ave much applaud . And every subject in this happy land , Doth Avelcome back the traveller to the strand , Where tender hearts , and pleasant presence ni gh , With anxious hope , and gentle love beat high .
In future ages let historians tell The deeds our Prince hath done , and done them well ; The joyful conqueror of so many hearts At home , abroad—in earth's remotest parts . Let Legislature always choose such Avays
As lead to peace , prosperity , aud praise ; A nation , free from the fell yokes of yore , Will bless and love its Rulers evermore . Hygeia , then , Avith smiles shall walk tho land , The cheering cup of health held in her hand ;
And people taught to live a moral life Will shun the Avays that work the worst of strife . So be it , thus , in this Victoria ' s reign , And future dynasties the rule maintain . Old England then may boast and never cease ,
If Ave can call our Prince a Prince of Peace ; And his late journey to far Hindustan Be but the harbinger of peace to man . With fervent voice our prayers and songs ascend , To the bright realms of bliss above , and blend
lo supplicate our Heavenly Father—l'riend . To bless the Prince , now at his journey's end . And those that prayed lie safely might sojourn , NOAV shout for joy at his ' safe return . And happy people o ' er the hills and dales Sing from their hearts " God bless the Prince of Wales . ' JOHN SAFFERY , Sheerness-on-Sea .