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Henckaby Budginton's Little Dinner.
ing little "Menu , '' which I have thought well to transcribe , for sentimental old gentlemen and hungry youths . " Printanier au Riz . " Saumon , sauce Tartare . Pet-its Bifsteeks , aud HBAV potatoes .
Tendrons de Veau , Sauce Sucree . Quartier d'Agneau roti , Haricots verts . Cannetons rotis , petits pois . Asperges . Gelee au Maraschin . Meringues Glaces . Mayonnaise a l'Homard . Champagne , Chateau
d Iquem , La Rose , Fromage de Neufchatel , & c , he ., & c . Now this "Menu " does Henckaby great credit , and if two people or four people cannot enjoy themselves on it , all I can say is ,
they deserve to have Government skilly for dinner for the rest of their natural lives . Well , the dinner came , and the dinner Avas eating . The entrees Avere Avell cooked ; the Champagne Avas " bien
frappe ; " and Henckaby Avas saying in dulcet tones , " another little slice , " ( I presume of the "Cannetons , " ) Avhen rap rap , tap tap , went the door , and in bounced Mrs . Henckaby . Whether it was that
that excellent female had not had a good luncheon at Epsom , or Avhether she had , as some ladies are said to have done , backed " Camballo , " and not put anything on " Galopin , " I don't pretend to
know or say , but she evidently Avas a little startled , and not altogether pleased , as her voice Avas elevated , and her remarks abrupt . It seems that the astute Henckaby had understood that the Derby party , as they
had lunched together , Avould dine together on their return , aud so he had not exactly calculated on his angel returning so soon to her domestic shrine ; and though her husband was only dining with her dearest
friend—it is not all wives who encourage what Mrs . Partington calls " flatonic lesions . " However , there she Avas . " Yes , sir , " says John Jones , " she Avas there , by Jove , and no mistake . " HOAV the rest of
the dinner passed over , I cannot tell you , as it is a subject Avhich , for some reason inexplicable to me , Henckaby does not even like ever to allude to . It seems a great pity if so good a dinner should have been spoiled by any little domestic contretemps
or if so very agreeable a tete-a-tete should have been broken up by uncongenial elements , for some people do say , "two is company , and three is none . " But such is life ! The only moral I can dream of for the benefit of any of my readers from this
Henckaby Budginton's Little Dinner.
veracious little chronicle is , " do not give a bachelor ' s party on the Derby clay , and unless you are quite sure that your ' petit solus' will not be thrown away . - " Amoral did I say ? Old John Jones declares that
he thinks Henckaby was rightly served . "A married man , sir , " he says , speaking loudly and emphatically , " ought ahvays to think of his wife , sir . I don't approve of a chap like Henckaby forgetting that he is
really a married man , sir . Dr . Bayley adds , "I should have managed better , I think , ' sub regno bonce Cinarce . '" But Avhat do my readers—Avhat do the ladies say ? Verdict . Female foreman of the
jury : " We find Henckaby Budginton guilty ; but ivith extenuating circumstances . " So let us all say . But I fancy that Henckaby will never give a dinner on
the Derby day again , even to his dear Avife ' s dearest friend , but will reserve his ' ' agremens " for that domestic circle , where he shines so much , and ahvays makes himself so agreeable . T . T .
0 happy day-dreams of the heart , Mid hazy clouds of care , All hail I ye fair imaginings , Bright castles in the air ,
Which still can soften and can soothe , Can comfort and beguile Us all , as on life's way Ave Avend For many a vreary mile <
The pulse beats high , fair Aveathor ours , Brave sunshine gilds the scene , The earth is full of verdure , The sky is all serene ;
No hearts are sad , no tear-drops fall In this our pleasant day , But golden dreams aud gracious fancies StreAV flowerets on our Avay . Bless'd hour for suffering mortals , Glad gift to toiling man , Which lightened Avith exulting faith ,
And with hope ' s rainbow span , Bids troubles and despondent sighs In the far distance stay , Which summons from their soft retreat The perfumed hours of May .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Henckaby Budginton's Little Dinner.
ing little "Menu , '' which I have thought well to transcribe , for sentimental old gentlemen and hungry youths . " Printanier au Riz . " Saumon , sauce Tartare . Pet-its Bifsteeks , aud HBAV potatoes .
Tendrons de Veau , Sauce Sucree . Quartier d'Agneau roti , Haricots verts . Cannetons rotis , petits pois . Asperges . Gelee au Maraschin . Meringues Glaces . Mayonnaise a l'Homard . Champagne , Chateau
d Iquem , La Rose , Fromage de Neufchatel , & c , he ., & c . Now this "Menu " does Henckaby great credit , and if two people or four people cannot enjoy themselves on it , all I can say is ,
they deserve to have Government skilly for dinner for the rest of their natural lives . Well , the dinner came , and the dinner Avas eating . The entrees Avere Avell cooked ; the Champagne Avas " bien
frappe ; " and Henckaby Avas saying in dulcet tones , " another little slice , " ( I presume of the "Cannetons , " ) Avhen rap rap , tap tap , went the door , and in bounced Mrs . Henckaby . Whether it was that
that excellent female had not had a good luncheon at Epsom , or Avhether she had , as some ladies are said to have done , backed " Camballo , " and not put anything on " Galopin , " I don't pretend to
know or say , but she evidently Avas a little startled , and not altogether pleased , as her voice Avas elevated , and her remarks abrupt . It seems that the astute Henckaby had understood that the Derby party , as they
had lunched together , Avould dine together on their return , aud so he had not exactly calculated on his angel returning so soon to her domestic shrine ; and though her husband was only dining with her dearest
friend—it is not all wives who encourage what Mrs . Partington calls " flatonic lesions . " However , there she Avas . " Yes , sir , " says John Jones , " she Avas there , by Jove , and no mistake . " HOAV the rest of
the dinner passed over , I cannot tell you , as it is a subject Avhich , for some reason inexplicable to me , Henckaby does not even like ever to allude to . It seems a great pity if so good a dinner should have been spoiled by any little domestic contretemps
or if so very agreeable a tete-a-tete should have been broken up by uncongenial elements , for some people do say , "two is company , and three is none . " But such is life ! The only moral I can dream of for the benefit of any of my readers from this
Henckaby Budginton's Little Dinner.
veracious little chronicle is , " do not give a bachelor ' s party on the Derby clay , and unless you are quite sure that your ' petit solus' will not be thrown away . - " Amoral did I say ? Old John Jones declares that
he thinks Henckaby was rightly served . "A married man , sir , " he says , speaking loudly and emphatically , " ought ahvays to think of his wife , sir . I don't approve of a chap like Henckaby forgetting that he is
really a married man , sir . Dr . Bayley adds , "I should have managed better , I think , ' sub regno bonce Cinarce . '" But Avhat do my readers—Avhat do the ladies say ? Verdict . Female foreman of the
jury : " We find Henckaby Budginton guilty ; but ivith extenuating circumstances . " So let us all say . But I fancy that Henckaby will never give a dinner on
the Derby day again , even to his dear Avife ' s dearest friend , but will reserve his ' ' agremens " for that domestic circle , where he shines so much , and ahvays makes himself so agreeable . T . T .
0 happy day-dreams of the heart , Mid hazy clouds of care , All hail I ye fair imaginings , Bright castles in the air ,
Which still can soften and can soothe , Can comfort and beguile Us all , as on life's way Ave Avend For many a vreary mile <
The pulse beats high , fair Aveathor ours , Brave sunshine gilds the scene , The earth is full of verdure , The sky is all serene ;
No hearts are sad , no tear-drops fall In this our pleasant day , But golden dreams aud gracious fancies StreAV flowerets on our Avay . Bless'd hour for suffering mortals , Glad gift to toiling man , Which lightened Avith exulting faith ,
And with hope ' s rainbow span , Bids troubles and despondent sighs In the far distance stay , Which summons from their soft retreat The perfumed hours of May .