Article OB HONORIS CAUSAM. Page 1 of 2 →
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Ob Honoris Causam.
I propose in this paper , to call the attention of my brethren to a groAving nuisance and evil in our Order , the love of decorations , and some of the most strange and fantastic kind . I do not speak to-day of the legitimate
decorations given for valued service or procured by brethren in due course , and Avhich by our Constitutions they are lawfully entitled to Avear , neither do I speak of the Charity Medal , or Lodge JeAvels , AAdiich are worn properly , " Ob Honoris
Causam . " But I amaiixioustoofferaAvarning protest against that tendency to Avear jeAvels , ancl especiaUy by those Avho have rendered no service to the Craft , but AVIIO seem to think that as long as they can purchase and pay for these striking
ornaments , the Avearing of them gives both dignity to the Avearer and pleasure to his brethren . NOAV I take a case not uncommon . A
yaung gentleman is admitted , of good manners , good means , ancl good social position , Avho may be classed among the " bene nati , bene vestiti , ancl bene docti , " of collegiate memory . He receives with us the three degrees of the Craft , and after
twelve months is exalted to the R . A . He has already obtained for himself quite legitimately the Five-pointed Star , ancl the Royal Arch JeAvel ; but he is not active in lodge , - and takes no part except in the social meetings . Wo hear that he has
been journeying over the ' ' Border , " or that he has fallen in Avith some of the high grades , and Avhen he returns ' , he astonishes the lodge Avith a blaze of jeAvels and decorations , Avhich are as singular as they are brilliant ! Remarkable names of recondite
Orders are mixed upAvith Templar Insignia , and Rose Croix Emblems . I say nothing of the want of firmness in the presiding officers , m alloAving any Insignia extern to Craft Masonry to be Avorn in the Craft lodge ,
but , I must say , I have often looked on such bejeAvelled breasts with amused astonishment . Indeed , their collection of jewels is a curiosity in itself , and their putting them on a serious undertaking . I have watched a brother add decoration to
decoration , until his collar to Avhich these Insignia are attached , resembled the front of one of the prize animals Ave see at an Agricultural Society ' s Meeting . And not only this , but Avhile he bears his blushing honours thick upon him a great
inconvenience occurs . Some of my readers Avdl remember Jack Hopkin ' s startling story to Mr . PickAvick , of the child AVIIO had SAvalloAved a Avholebead necklace ancl rattled so much as he Avalked , that they had to wrap him up in a Avatchman ' s coat , for fear of
disturbing the other patients in the Hospital . Well these excellent Masons , positively rattle as they AA'alk Avith the number of their ornamentations—if you shut your eyes you . might fancy that some one Avas moving in chain-armour , someivhat loose and clashing . NOAV I do not
object to jewels legitimately obtained , or . which Ave have a right to Avear , but , I think it Avell , to raise a humble protest against an increasing tendency to these unnecessary decorations . We are Craft Masons , and in our Craft
Lodges , should be content Avith the Insignia Avhich our Constitutions alloAv . If we belong to what are called the high grades , home or foreign , let us Avear their decorations , at the proper time ancl in the proper place , but not in our Craft Lodges .
It is one thing to earn the good opinion of our brethren , and to Avear " Ob Honoris Causam , " their kind gifts , or Lodge Presentations ; but it is quite another thing to rush Avith hot haste into a succession of "high . degrees , " ancl come back , "Knight
of this , " or " Elect of that , " and with a profusion of symbolical and striking tokens of Orders , of Avhich Craft Masonry knows nothing !
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Ob Honoris Causam.
I propose in this paper , to call the attention of my brethren to a groAving nuisance and evil in our Order , the love of decorations , and some of the most strange and fantastic kind . I do not speak to-day of the legitimate
decorations given for valued service or procured by brethren in due course , and Avhich by our Constitutions they are lawfully entitled to Avear , neither do I speak of the Charity Medal , or Lodge JeAvels , AAdiich are worn properly , " Ob Honoris
Causam . " But I amaiixioustoofferaAvarning protest against that tendency to Avear jeAvels , ancl especiaUy by those Avho have rendered no service to the Craft , but AVIIO seem to think that as long as they can purchase and pay for these striking
ornaments , the Avearing of them gives both dignity to the Avearer and pleasure to his brethren . NOAV I take a case not uncommon . A
yaung gentleman is admitted , of good manners , good means , ancl good social position , Avho may be classed among the " bene nati , bene vestiti , ancl bene docti , " of collegiate memory . He receives with us the three degrees of the Craft , and after
twelve months is exalted to the R . A . He has already obtained for himself quite legitimately the Five-pointed Star , ancl the Royal Arch JeAvel ; but he is not active in lodge , - and takes no part except in the social meetings . Wo hear that he has
been journeying over the ' ' Border , " or that he has fallen in Avith some of the high grades , and Avhen he returns ' , he astonishes the lodge Avith a blaze of jeAvels and decorations , Avhich are as singular as they are brilliant ! Remarkable names of recondite
Orders are mixed upAvith Templar Insignia , and Rose Croix Emblems . I say nothing of the want of firmness in the presiding officers , m alloAving any Insignia extern to Craft Masonry to be Avorn in the Craft lodge ,
but , I must say , I have often looked on such bejeAvelled breasts with amused astonishment . Indeed , their collection of jewels is a curiosity in itself , and their putting them on a serious undertaking . I have watched a brother add decoration to
decoration , until his collar to Avhich these Insignia are attached , resembled the front of one of the prize animals Ave see at an Agricultural Society ' s Meeting . And not only this , but Avhile he bears his blushing honours thick upon him a great
inconvenience occurs . Some of my readers Avdl remember Jack Hopkin ' s startling story to Mr . PickAvick , of the child AVIIO had SAvalloAved a Avholebead necklace ancl rattled so much as he Avalked , that they had to wrap him up in a Avatchman ' s coat , for fear of
disturbing the other patients in the Hospital . Well these excellent Masons , positively rattle as they AA'alk Avith the number of their ornamentations—if you shut your eyes you . might fancy that some one Avas moving in chain-armour , someivhat loose and clashing . NOAV I do not
object to jewels legitimately obtained , or . which Ave have a right to Avear , but , I think it Avell , to raise a humble protest against an increasing tendency to these unnecessary decorations . We are Craft Masons , and in our Craft
Lodges , should be content Avith the Insignia Avhich our Constitutions alloAv . If we belong to what are called the high grades , home or foreign , let us Avear their decorations , at the proper time ancl in the proper place , but not in our Craft Lodges .
It is one thing to earn the good opinion of our brethren , and to Avear " Ob Honoris Causam , " their kind gifts , or Lodge Presentations ; but it is quite another thing to rush Avith hot haste into a succession of "high . degrees , " ancl come back , "Knight
of this , " or " Elect of that , " and with a profusion of symbolical and striking tokens of Orders , of Avhich Craft Masonry knows nothing !