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Ms. Masonic Constitutions (Or Charges) No. 1.
of numbs . Ancl ye fifth is called Geomatrie and teacheth all measure of grounds of all other things of the Avch Science is grounded Masonrie : and the sixth Science is called Jiusicke ancl yt teacheth a man ye Science of song and violl of tongue and organ harp
trumpett . And ye seventh Science is called Astronomic and yt teacheth a man to knoAV ye course of the Sonne Moone and Starrs . Those be ye vij liberall Sciences ye Avch seven be all grounded hy one yt is to say Geometric for by this may a man pve ye
Essence of Avorko as founded b y Geometric so Geomatrie teacheth meat measure ponderation and weight of all manner of things on earth for there is noe man yt Avorketh any Science but ho Avorketh by some measure or Aveight ancl all this is Geomatrie hut he doth it by some measure or Aveight ancl all this is Geomatrie , and merchants and all crafts men and all other
of ye vij Sciences and espetially ye plower and tiller of all maimer of graines and seeds planters of Adnyeards ancl setts , of fruits , for hi Grammer retorick nor astronomic nor hi any of all ye liberall Sciences can any man fm . de meat or measure without
Geomatrie , me thinks yt this Science Geomatrie is most Avorthy ancl foundeth all others . HOAV these Avorty Sciences Avas first begotten I shall yu tell A'iz . Before Noah flood there AA'as a man called Lamech
as m AA'ritten in Scripture in ye 4 th chaptr of Genesis And this Lamech had tAvo AA'ives ye one named Adah by Avhome ho had Sons ye one named Jabell ye other named Jubell . And his other A \ dfe Avas called Zillah by AA'honi he had one sone named I ' lihelcaineandone daughter named Naamah
and these four children founded ye beginning of all ye Sciences in the Avorld A'iz . Jabell ye eldest Sono found out ye Science of Geomatrie he Avas a keepr . of flocks of sheep and Lands in the Fields as it is noted
m ye chaptr before sd . And Ms brotlir . J nhall found ye Science of Music Song of foiigue ^ harpo and organ ancl ye third brother Tiiballcaine found ye Science called Smith craft of Gold Silvr Iron Coppr ancl Steele and ye Daughtr . found the art of weayhig And these knowing riht
persons g well yt God AA'oulcl take vengeance for sumo either b y fire or water , Avherefore they wi ' itt their severall Sciences yt they had loimd hi tAvo Fillers of stone yt they might b « found aftr Noah his Flood ancl ye one s » ne was Marble because it would not
burne Avth fire ancl ye othr called Ltcrnes because it Avould not dround Avth watr IIOAV our intent is to tell yu IIOAV and in Avhat manner these Stones Avere found in AVCII these Sciences Avere AA'ritten the ancient Hermarines was a cube his son ye AA'hicli
cub Avas Sem yt Avas Noahs Son ; these Hermarines Avas after called ye fathr of Avise men , he found one of ye two pillers of Stone and he found ye Sciences written therein and he tought yt to other men , and at ye makeing of ye Toure of Babell there Avas Masonrie at first much esteemed of and the King of Babilon yt AA'as called Nimrod AA'as a Mason himself ancl loved well Masons
ancl yt Science , as it is said among Masters of Histories . And AA'hen ye city of Ninevie and othr cities of ye East should be builded Nimrod ye King of Babylon sent thither sy Masons at ye request of ye King of NineA'ic his cousen and Avhen he sent them
forth he guve them a charge on this mannr yt they should bo true each one of them to othr and yt they should loA r e Avell one another and y t they should serve their Lord truly for their pay soe yt ye Mastr may have pay and all that belongeth unto him
and othr moe charges he gave them and this Avas ye first time yt ever any Masons had any charge of his Craft . Moreover Abraham and Sarah his Avife Avent into Egypt ancl there he tought ye vij Sciences to ye egyptians and ho had a Avorty SchoUer named Euclide ancl he learned right Avell ancl AA'as Mr of all ye vij Sciences liberall and in his dayes it befell yt A'e Lordes and
States oi ye Lands had soe many Sons some by their AA'ives ancl some by their concubines for yt land is a hott land and plentious of Genration and they had not a competent jiportion of estate AvhereAvith to maintaine theis sd children , Avherefore they tooke much care ancl the King of yt land
caused a great counsell and sumaned a parliament to consult hoAv they might pvide for their chddren Avhereon they might live honestly as Gentlemen and they could find noe mannr of good AA'ay Ancl then they made a pclamation throughout all ye
Realme yt if there any yt could informe them therein yt he should come to ym and he should be Avell reAvarded for his travaile so yt he should hould himself sattisfied . After this pclamation Avas made came this Avorthy Clarke Euclide ancl said and said to ye King and to his Nobles if yu will except of me to teach instruct and governs
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ms. Masonic Constitutions (Or Charges) No. 1.
of numbs . Ancl ye fifth is called Geomatrie and teacheth all measure of grounds of all other things of the Avch Science is grounded Masonrie : and the sixth Science is called Jiusicke ancl yt teacheth a man ye Science of song and violl of tongue and organ harp
trumpett . And ye seventh Science is called Astronomic and yt teacheth a man to knoAV ye course of the Sonne Moone and Starrs . Those be ye vij liberall Sciences ye Avch seven be all grounded hy one yt is to say Geometric for by this may a man pve ye
Essence of Avorko as founded b y Geometric so Geomatrie teacheth meat measure ponderation and weight of all manner of things on earth for there is noe man yt Avorketh any Science but ho Avorketh by some measure or Aveight ancl all this is Geomatrie hut he doth it by some measure or Aveight ancl all this is Geomatrie , and merchants and all crafts men and all other
of ye vij Sciences and espetially ye plower and tiller of all maimer of graines and seeds planters of Adnyeards ancl setts , of fruits , for hi Grammer retorick nor astronomic nor hi any of all ye liberall Sciences can any man fm . de meat or measure without
Geomatrie , me thinks yt this Science Geomatrie is most Avorthy ancl foundeth all others . HOAV these Avorty Sciences Avas first begotten I shall yu tell A'iz . Before Noah flood there AA'as a man called Lamech
as m AA'ritten in Scripture in ye 4 th chaptr of Genesis And this Lamech had tAvo AA'ives ye one named Adah by Avhome ho had Sons ye one named Jabell ye other named Jubell . And his other A \ dfe Avas called Zillah by AA'honi he had one sone named I ' lihelcaineandone daughter named Naamah
and these four children founded ye beginning of all ye Sciences in the Avorld A'iz . Jabell ye eldest Sono found out ye Science of Geomatrie he Avas a keepr . of flocks of sheep and Lands in the Fields as it is noted
m ye chaptr before sd . And Ms brotlir . J nhall found ye Science of Music Song of foiigue ^ harpo and organ ancl ye third brother Tiiballcaine found ye Science called Smith craft of Gold Silvr Iron Coppr ancl Steele and ye Daughtr . found the art of weayhig And these knowing riht
persons g well yt God AA'oulcl take vengeance for sumo either b y fire or water , Avherefore they wi ' itt their severall Sciences yt they had loimd hi tAvo Fillers of stone yt they might b « found aftr Noah his Flood ancl ye one s » ne was Marble because it would not
burne Avth fire ancl ye othr called Ltcrnes because it Avould not dround Avth watr IIOAV our intent is to tell yu IIOAV and in Avhat manner these Stones Avere found in AVCII these Sciences Avere AA'ritten the ancient Hermarines was a cube his son ye AA'hicli
cub Avas Sem yt Avas Noahs Son ; these Hermarines Avas after called ye fathr of Avise men , he found one of ye two pillers of Stone and he found ye Sciences written therein and he tought yt to other men , and at ye makeing of ye Toure of Babell there Avas Masonrie at first much esteemed of and the King of Babilon yt AA'as called Nimrod AA'as a Mason himself ancl loved well Masons
ancl yt Science , as it is said among Masters of Histories . And AA'hen ye city of Ninevie and othr cities of ye East should be builded Nimrod ye King of Babylon sent thither sy Masons at ye request of ye King of NineA'ic his cousen and Avhen he sent them
forth he guve them a charge on this mannr yt they should bo true each one of them to othr and yt they should loA r e Avell one another and y t they should serve their Lord truly for their pay soe yt ye Mastr may have pay and all that belongeth unto him
and othr moe charges he gave them and this Avas ye first time yt ever any Masons had any charge of his Craft . Moreover Abraham and Sarah his Avife Avent into Egypt ancl there he tought ye vij Sciences to ye egyptians and ho had a Avorty SchoUer named Euclide ancl he learned right Avell ancl AA'as Mr of all ye vij Sciences liberall and in his dayes it befell yt A'e Lordes and
States oi ye Lands had soe many Sons some by their AA'ives ancl some by their concubines for yt land is a hott land and plentious of Genration and they had not a competent jiportion of estate AvhereAvith to maintaine theis sd children , Avherefore they tooke much care ancl the King of yt land
caused a great counsell and sumaned a parliament to consult hoAv they might pvide for their chddren Avhereon they might live honestly as Gentlemen and they could find noe mannr of good AA'ay Ancl then they made a pclamation throughout all ye
Realme yt if there any yt could informe them therein yt he should come to ym and he should be Avell reAvarded for his travaile so yt he should hould himself sattisfied . After this pclamation Avas made came this Avorthy Clarke Euclide ancl said and said to ye King and to his Nobles if yu will except of me to teach instruct and governs