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Ms. Masonic Constitutions (Or Charges) No. 1.
your children in ye vij Sciences Avhere by they might they might live honestly as Gentlemen I shall doe it upon condition that you will grant mo and thorn a comission yt I may have poAver to rule them after ye manner yo Sciences ought to
be rided Avch ye King and all yo Counsell granted him and Scaled ye Comission And then this AA'orthy Doctor tooke to him selfo Lords Sonncs ancl tought them ye Science of Geomatrie and practise to Avorke in Stones all manner of AA'orthy Avork yt bclongeth to buildings Churches Temples Castles Toures Maimos and all manner of
Buddings and gave them in Change in this manner . First yt they should be true to ye Lord yt they serve and yt they should love Avell on another and yt they should bo true one to anofchr and that they should call each other his FelloAV or his Brother and
not his his Servt or Knave or other fonle name and yt they should truly deserve their pay of their Lord or the Mr . yt they serve and yt they should ordaine ye wisest of them to be Mr of the worko and neithr
to chuse for LoA'e nor election nor great nor riches to sett any yt hath not sufficient knoAvledge and cunning in ye AvOrke to be Mr of the Avorke AA'heieby yo Mr should be Avell served and they disgraced or ashamed and also yt they should call ye govrnor of the Avorke Mr during ye time yt they
Avorke Avith him and ami other more charges yt is to long here to tell and to all these charges he made them to SAveare a great Oath that men used in yt time and ordained for them reasonable pay or Wages yt they might live honestly thereby and also yt
they should come and assemble themselves together once every yeare to consult Jioiv they might best work for their Lords pfitt ancl their OAVII credit and to correct Avithin
themselves hnn yt trespassed agt ye Science and thus AA'as ye Science grounded there and yt ivorthy Mr Euclid Avas yo first yt gave it ye name of Geomatrie the Avch is now called Masonrie throughout all this nation And aftr yt Avhen ye children of Israel Avereconidinto ye land of BehcstAA'hich
is now called among us j'e coiintrie of Jurio King David begun ye Temple yt is now called Templet- Doin , and is named Avith us ye Temple of Jerusalem and ye sd King David loved AVOII Masons and cherished them much and ho gave them good wiv / us and he . gave them both ye charges and mama's as he had h-anied in E gypt given
formerly by Euclid and other moo charges yt yu shall hear afterwards after ye decease of King David Solomon his son finished out ye sd Temple yt his father had begun and he sent for Masons into clivers countreys of divers lands and
gathered them together soe yt he had four score thousand Avorkers of stone and were all named masons he chose out of them tMee thousand yt AA'as ordained to be Mrs ancl govrnors of his AA'orke and furthermore there Avas A King of anothr Region yt men
called Hieram and he loved King Sollonion well and ho gave him Timhr to his worke and he had a sonne named Anion ancl ho Avas a Mr of Geomatrie and he AVas chief Mr of all his graveings , carvings and of all his Masons and Masonrie as appeares hi Scripe in Libro primo Regry and chaptr ye 5 th . Ancl this Sollonion confirmed both
charge , ancl mannrs yt his Father had given to Masons and thus AA'as yt Avorthy Science of Masonrie confirmed in yt country of Jurie and at ye city of Jerusalem And in many othr kingdomes curious craftsmen Ava'lked aht out full Avide and spred themselves into divers couutryes some to Loarnc
moe craft and cunning and some to teach them yt had little skill ancl cunning And yt befel yt there Avas one curious mason called Namus Grecas yt had beine at ye building of Sollomon ' s Temple and he came into France aud there he taught ye science of masonrie to men of France and
I there Avas one of Royall line of France called Charles Martall and he Avas a man yt loA'ed Avell such a craft and he drue to this Namus Grecas above said and he learned of Mm ye craft and tooke upon him ye charge and mannrs and affrn'ards by ye Providence of God he Avas elected
King of France and Avhen he Avas in yt estate ho tooke and helped to make men masons AA ' CII before A \ ere none and gave them both ye charge and yo mannrs ancl good pay as ho had learned of othr masons and also confirmed a chartr from yeare to
yeare to hold their assembly where they would And cherished them right much thus came this famous craft into France . England in all this time stood void of Masonrie espetialy for any charge imposed upon yt Science tuitill St . Albon ' s time and
in his dayes ye King of England yt Avas then A pagan did Avail yo ToAvne of St . Albons about and St . Albons Avas a Avorthy Jit . aud SteAvard of ye King ' s Houshold
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ms. Masonic Constitutions (Or Charges) No. 1.
your children in ye vij Sciences Avhere by they might they might live honestly as Gentlemen I shall doe it upon condition that you will grant mo and thorn a comission yt I may have poAver to rule them after ye manner yo Sciences ought to
be rided Avch ye King and all yo Counsell granted him and Scaled ye Comission And then this AA'orthy Doctor tooke to him selfo Lords Sonncs ancl tought them ye Science of Geomatrie and practise to Avorke in Stones all manner of AA'orthy Avork yt bclongeth to buildings Churches Temples Castles Toures Maimos and all manner of
Buddings and gave them in Change in this manner . First yt they should be true to ye Lord yt they serve and yt they should love Avell on another and yt they should bo true one to anofchr and that they should call each other his FelloAV or his Brother and
not his his Servt or Knave or other fonle name and yt they should truly deserve their pay of their Lord or the Mr . yt they serve and yt they should ordaine ye wisest of them to be Mr of the worko and neithr
to chuse for LoA'e nor election nor great nor riches to sett any yt hath not sufficient knoAvledge and cunning in ye AvOrke to be Mr of the Avorke AA'heieby yo Mr should be Avell served and they disgraced or ashamed and also yt they should call ye govrnor of the Avorke Mr during ye time yt they
Avorke Avith him and ami other more charges yt is to long here to tell and to all these charges he made them to SAveare a great Oath that men used in yt time and ordained for them reasonable pay or Wages yt they might live honestly thereby and also yt
they should come and assemble themselves together once every yeare to consult Jioiv they might best work for their Lords pfitt ancl their OAVII credit and to correct Avithin
themselves hnn yt trespassed agt ye Science and thus AA'as ye Science grounded there and yt ivorthy Mr Euclid Avas yo first yt gave it ye name of Geomatrie the Avch is now called Masonrie throughout all this nation And aftr yt Avhen ye children of Israel Avereconidinto ye land of BehcstAA'hich
is now called among us j'e coiintrie of Jurio King David begun ye Temple yt is now called Templet- Doin , and is named Avith us ye Temple of Jerusalem and ye sd King David loved AVOII Masons and cherished them much and ho gave them good wiv / us and he . gave them both ye charges and mama's as he had h-anied in E gypt given
formerly by Euclid and other moo charges yt yu shall hear afterwards after ye decease of King David Solomon his son finished out ye sd Temple yt his father had begun and he sent for Masons into clivers countreys of divers lands and
gathered them together soe yt he had four score thousand Avorkers of stone and were all named masons he chose out of them tMee thousand yt AA'as ordained to be Mrs ancl govrnors of his AA'orke and furthermore there Avas A King of anothr Region yt men
called Hieram and he loved King Sollonion well and ho gave him Timhr to his worke and he had a sonne named Anion ancl ho Avas a Mr of Geomatrie and he AVas chief Mr of all his graveings , carvings and of all his Masons and Masonrie as appeares hi Scripe in Libro primo Regry and chaptr ye 5 th . Ancl this Sollonion confirmed both
charge , ancl mannrs yt his Father had given to Masons and thus AA'as yt Avorthy Science of Masonrie confirmed in yt country of Jurie and at ye city of Jerusalem And in many othr kingdomes curious craftsmen Ava'lked aht out full Avide and spred themselves into divers couutryes some to Loarnc
moe craft and cunning and some to teach them yt had little skill ancl cunning And yt befel yt there Avas one curious mason called Namus Grecas yt had beine at ye building of Sollomon ' s Temple and he came into France aud there he taught ye science of masonrie to men of France and
I there Avas one of Royall line of France called Charles Martall and he Avas a man yt loA'ed Avell such a craft and he drue to this Namus Grecas above said and he learned of Mm ye craft and tooke upon him ye charge and mannrs and affrn'ards by ye Providence of God he Avas elected
King of France and Avhen he Avas in yt estate ho tooke and helped to make men masons AA ' CII before A \ ere none and gave them both ye charge and yo mannrs ancl good pay as ho had learned of othr masons and also confirmed a chartr from yeare to
yeare to hold their assembly where they would And cherished them right much thus came this famous craft into France . England in all this time stood void of Masonrie espetialy for any charge imposed upon yt Science tuitill St . Albon ' s time and
in his dayes ye King of England yt Avas then A pagan did Avail yo ToAvne of St . Albons about and St . Albons Avas a Avorthy Jit . aud SteAvard of ye King ' s Houshold