Article BARNARD'S INN, HOLBORN. Page 1 of 3 →
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Barnard's Inn, Holborn.
WE are indebted to the very kind and courteous permission of the publisher and editor of the Antiquary , that valuable medium' for archaeological inquiry and research , for the appearance of this interesting article and its effective illustrations in our Magazine . We feel quite sure that the " fact " will be appreciated by our readers as it is by us . —ED . M . M . THIS veritable relic of Old Londonwhichin partescaped the Great Fire
, , , , has lately been sold , and will shortly be demolished . Known originally as Mackworth ' s Inn , from having been the residence of Dr . John Mackworth , who was Dean of Lincoln in the reign of King Henry VI ., it was afterwards leased by his successor and the Chapter ( as an endowment for the services which were to be celebrated over his grave in the Cathedral ) to a gentleman named Lionel Barnard , from whom it received the name it now bears . The
repose and solitude that invest its three courts are typical of the mystery which hangs over its fortunes . The history of Barnard ' s Inn is involved , more or less in obscurity . One or two facts , however , are definitely ascertained . Rebuilt iu 1510 . soon after the accession of Henry VIII . to the throne , it was constituted an Inn of Chancery , being attached to Gray ' s Inn . During the reign of Queen Elizabethas many as fourteen dependent Inns had
, gathered around the great Inns of Court , like colleges around a University , and Barnard ' s then formed one of " the houses of Chancery within the Liberties . " In later years it became celebrated as the last abode of Peter Woulfe , who , surviving Dr . Price , of Guildford , may fitl y be termed the last of the
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Barnard's Inn, Holborn.
WE are indebted to the very kind and courteous permission of the publisher and editor of the Antiquary , that valuable medium' for archaeological inquiry and research , for the appearance of this interesting article and its effective illustrations in our Magazine . We feel quite sure that the " fact " will be appreciated by our readers as it is by us . —ED . M . M . THIS veritable relic of Old Londonwhichin partescaped the Great Fire
, , , , has lately been sold , and will shortly be demolished . Known originally as Mackworth ' s Inn , from having been the residence of Dr . John Mackworth , who was Dean of Lincoln in the reign of King Henry VI ., it was afterwards leased by his successor and the Chapter ( as an endowment for the services which were to be celebrated over his grave in the Cathedral ) to a gentleman named Lionel Barnard , from whom it received the name it now bears . The
repose and solitude that invest its three courts are typical of the mystery which hangs over its fortunes . The history of Barnard ' s Inn is involved , more or less in obscurity . One or two facts , however , are definitely ascertained . Rebuilt iu 1510 . soon after the accession of Henry VIII . to the throne , it was constituted an Inn of Chancery , being attached to Gray ' s Inn . During the reign of Queen Elizabethas many as fourteen dependent Inns had
, gathered around the great Inns of Court , like colleges around a University , and Barnard ' s then formed one of " the houses of Chancery within the Liberties . " In later years it became celebrated as the last abode of Peter Woulfe , who , surviving Dr . Price , of Guildford , may fitl y be termed the last of the