Article Our Archaeological Corner. Page 1 of 1 Article Our Archaeological Corner. Page 1 of 1 Article THE SURVEY OF PALESTINE. Page 1 of 2 →
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Our Archaeological Corner.
Our Archaeological Corner .
To alle : Cobles and geutilles theise present Ires heryng or seyng William HaAvkesloAve othir Avise called Clarenseux Kyng of Amies of the SoAvthe Marches of Englond sendeth humble and due recoimnendaeon as
apperteyneth for soo moehe as the Hole Ciafte and felaAvshipe of masons corogeoAvsly meoved to exeircise and use gentill and eomendable guydyng in such laudable maner and fourme as may best sounde unto gentrice by the
Avhiche they shall moAve w' goddis grace to atteigne unto ; honoure and worshipe have desired and Praide me the saide Kyng of Armes that I by the poAvre and auctorite by the Kynges goode grace to me in that behalve comneytted shuld devyse a Conysaunce of Arlnes for the saide Crai ' te and felawshipe Avhich they and theire
successours myght boldly < fc voAvahly occupie ehalenge and enJoie for evermore Avoute eny prejudice or rebuke of eny estate or gentill of this Beame at the instaunce and request of Avhome I the saide Kyng of Armes takyng respecte and consideracon unto the
goodly intent and disposition of the saide Crafte and felaAvshipe have devysed for them and . theire successours thise Armes foloAving that is to sey a feld of Sablys a Cheeveron silver graded thre Castellis of the same 1
garnyshecl AVdores and Avyndows of the feld in the Cheveron a Cumpas of Blake Avhiche armes I of my saide poAvre and auctorite haA r e appoynted Teoyne and grauntene to and for the saide Crafte and felaAvshipe and theire
successours and by theise my present Ires appoynte yeve and graunte unto them the same To have ehalenge occupie and enJoie AV oute eny prejudice or empechement for evermore . In AAdtnesse wherof T the saide liyng
Our Archaeological Corner.
of Armes to theise presentes have sette my seale of Amies Avith my signe manuell Yevene at London the vert ; of the Eeigne of Kyng Edward the fourthe aftir the Conquest the xij "' 1 thomas benolt alias Clarenceux
Kyng at Amies of CLARENSEUX , the Southe King of Amies . East and West partes of the Eealme of England by the Kinges full poAver unto his Ires patentes to my onely gyvene . Confbrtne
& Eatefie tharmes in the margen herein depict before gyven by my predesessor Clarencieux . In Avytnes therof I have signed this patent AV my hande the xij * of o' Souvevain lord King henry
yere the viij " per my Clarencieux King at Amies B . Entred in the Visitacon of London made 1634 Hen Fry ] St . George'Eichmoud
The Survey Of Palestine.
Lieutenant Oonder , R . E ., Avho has charge of the survey of the Holy Land for the Palestine Exploration Fund , has returned to England for the hot season , bringing with him nearly all the results of his two years' Avork . These consist firstof three
, complete sheets , each 30 inches by 24 , i . e ., 720 square miles—one , in Avhich Jerusalem occupies the centre ; another in AAdiich the Plain of Esdraelon is the principal feature ; and the third , the sea coast Avith the town of Cajsarea . The largest
existing map of Palestine , that of Vandevelde , published , in 1865 , is on a scale of four miles to the inch , and the : ieAV map issued by Mr . Murray , and embodying all the geographical work in Palestine , including that of the Palestine Exploration Fund ,
jirevious to this survey , is on a scale of five miles to the inch . So great is the difference , independently of topographical accuracy , between the old and the neAv maps that the number of names on Lieutenant Conder ' s sheets may be reckoned to be on an average eight times that on ny corresponding portion of Vandevelde . Thus the Jerusalem sheet contains 1 . 800
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Archaeological Corner.
Our Archaeological Corner .
To alle : Cobles and geutilles theise present Ires heryng or seyng William HaAvkesloAve othir Avise called Clarenseux Kyng of Amies of the SoAvthe Marches of Englond sendeth humble and due recoimnendaeon as
apperteyneth for soo moehe as the Hole Ciafte and felaAvshipe of masons corogeoAvsly meoved to exeircise and use gentill and eomendable guydyng in such laudable maner and fourme as may best sounde unto gentrice by the
Avhiche they shall moAve w' goddis grace to atteigne unto ; honoure and worshipe have desired and Praide me the saide Kyng of Armes that I by the poAvre and auctorite by the Kynges goode grace to me in that behalve comneytted shuld devyse a Conysaunce of Arlnes for the saide Crai ' te and felawshipe Avhich they and theire
successours myght boldly < fc voAvahly occupie ehalenge and enJoie for evermore Avoute eny prejudice or rebuke of eny estate or gentill of this Beame at the instaunce and request of Avhome I the saide Kyng of Armes takyng respecte and consideracon unto the
goodly intent and disposition of the saide Crafte and felaAvshipe have devysed for them and . theire successours thise Armes foloAving that is to sey a feld of Sablys a Cheeveron silver graded thre Castellis of the same 1
garnyshecl AVdores and Avyndows of the feld in the Cheveron a Cumpas of Blake Avhiche armes I of my saide poAvre and auctorite haA r e appoynted Teoyne and grauntene to and for the saide Crafte and felaAvshipe and theire
successours and by theise my present Ires appoynte yeve and graunte unto them the same To have ehalenge occupie and enJoie AV oute eny prejudice or empechement for evermore . In AAdtnesse wherof T the saide liyng
Our Archaeological Corner.
of Armes to theise presentes have sette my seale of Amies Avith my signe manuell Yevene at London the vert ; of the Eeigne of Kyng Edward the fourthe aftir the Conquest the xij "' 1 thomas benolt alias Clarenceux
Kyng at Amies of CLARENSEUX , the Southe King of Amies . East and West partes of the Eealme of England by the Kinges full poAver unto his Ires patentes to my onely gyvene . Confbrtne
& Eatefie tharmes in the margen herein depict before gyven by my predesessor Clarencieux . In Avytnes therof I have signed this patent AV my hande the xij * of o' Souvevain lord King henry
yere the viij " per my Clarencieux King at Amies B . Entred in the Visitacon of London made 1634 Hen Fry ] St . George'Eichmoud
The Survey Of Palestine.
Lieutenant Oonder , R . E ., Avho has charge of the survey of the Holy Land for the Palestine Exploration Fund , has returned to England for the hot season , bringing with him nearly all the results of his two years' Avork . These consist firstof three
, complete sheets , each 30 inches by 24 , i . e ., 720 square miles—one , in Avhich Jerusalem occupies the centre ; another in AAdiich the Plain of Esdraelon is the principal feature ; and the third , the sea coast Avith the town of Cajsarea . The largest
existing map of Palestine , that of Vandevelde , published , in 1865 , is on a scale of four miles to the inch , and the : ieAV map issued by Mr . Murray , and embodying all the geographical work in Palestine , including that of the Palestine Exploration Fund ,
jirevious to this survey , is on a scale of five miles to the inch . So great is the difference , independently of topographical accuracy , between the old and the neAv maps that the number of names on Lieutenant Conder ' s sheets may be reckoned to be on an average eight times that on ny corresponding portion of Vandevelde . Thus the Jerusalem sheet contains 1 . 800