Article THE SURVEY OF PALESTINE. ← Page 2 of 2
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The Survey Of Palestine.
names , the same portion on the Vandevelde contains not more than 250 ; and this is the part of Palestine best knoAvn and most frequently visited . Of course this enormous increase in the number of names does not mean that Lieutenant Conder has actually discovered all these
neAv places , most of Avhich Avere already knoAvn to tiOTellers ; hut that he has fixed their positions and noted , them for the first time on a map . Many of them are modern villages , many are ruins , some are mounds— "tells "—hills , or Avatercourses .
Side by side Avith the beautifully clraAvn maps are the hill contours , clraAvn by Lieutenant Conder himself . In those labyrinthine hues lies an amount of vrork not likely to be suspected by an outsider . There is no single line that has not been laid doA \ n after scientific observation , both in breadth and length , and from these
contours , properly laid in their places , it will be possible , when the whole is finished , to construct an accurate model of the Holy Land , as Avell as a map shoAving tho position of tho villages , and a collection of names . The importance of the latter is easily estimated Avhen Ave
remember the tenacity with which the ancient names cling to the soil . The Avavos of conquest pass over the country ; but the Greek , Eoman , and Christian names have all given way successfully , leaving the ancient Jewish names yet
clearly traceable in the degenerate forms used by the modern fellaheen . It is in the recovery of these names , as was first shoAvn by Dr . Eobinson , that the chief hope lies of completing the identification of Biblical names . The portion of the map noAV completed is about 3 , 000 square miles , or nearly half of Western Palestine .
There are , next , the water-colour sketches taken by Lieutenant Conder on the spot , to illustrate places , manners , and incidents . Many of these are of great beauty , and deserve to bo finished and exhibited by themselves . Geological notes
and natural history collections have occupied the attention of the officers of the survey during their leisure moments , the results of which are also brought home and are HOAV at the office of the Fund . Perhaps tho most interesting part of Lieutenant Condor ' s work -will be found in the " special survej's ; " that is , the
plans and measurements taken of the rums over Avhich his surveys has extended . There are fifty of these , every one of which has been scientifically examined by the surveyors for the first time . Among them is the remarkable circular fortress in the Prank MountainAvhere Avas Herod's
, summer-palace , and perhaps his tomb : a complete plan of the traditional cave of Aduliam , forming a network of passages and cavern , large enough and complicated enough to give concealment and safety to David and all his men . Here is the castle
of King BaldAvin , second of the Christian kings ; here the ruins of the convent built in the 5 th century over the traditional site of Gilgal : here is Joshua's tomb : here the traditional site of Abraham ' s altar , near Bethel : here the remains of Athlit
( castellum pcregrinum ) , Avhere tho pilgrims disembarked under the protection of the Christian fort : and here are the probable tombs of the Maccabees . The ruins of Palestine are of every age . Often a shattered toAver of crusadins' times is found
to have been built up with materials taken from ruins of earlier date , and Lieutenant Condor ' s sketches SIIOAV Avith remarkable impartiality tombs , synagogues , churches , mosques , and temples . TAVO of his " special surveys" are those of tAvo previously unknoAvn toAvnsone on Mount
, Cannel , and the other called Esrur , about ten miles Avest of Samaria . The latter , Avhich must have been an important place , has Avails , towers , fortresses , and the remains of its houses . It Avas previously entirely unknoAvn , and as yet no clue has
been found to its identification Avith any place , mentioned in history . The ruins appear to be Herodian . It is hoped that the Committee of the Fund will be enabled to publish the AAdiole of this important collection of plans , Avith the others yet to be made .
To have faith and hope in God , the Supreme Architect , and charity towards man , the master workmanship of His hands , is the keystone of the arch , on Avhich every other bears ; Avhich unites all to itself , and cements the several parts into one strong , solid and beautiful Avhole .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Survey Of Palestine.
names , the same portion on the Vandevelde contains not more than 250 ; and this is the part of Palestine best knoAvn and most frequently visited . Of course this enormous increase in the number of names does not mean that Lieutenant Conder has actually discovered all these
neAv places , most of Avhich Avere already knoAvn to tiOTellers ; hut that he has fixed their positions and noted , them for the first time on a map . Many of them are modern villages , many are ruins , some are mounds— "tells "—hills , or Avatercourses .
Side by side Avith the beautifully clraAvn maps are the hill contours , clraAvn by Lieutenant Conder himself . In those labyrinthine hues lies an amount of vrork not likely to be suspected by an outsider . There is no single line that has not been laid doA \ n after scientific observation , both in breadth and length , and from these
contours , properly laid in their places , it will be possible , when the whole is finished , to construct an accurate model of the Holy Land , as Avell as a map shoAving tho position of tho villages , and a collection of names . The importance of the latter is easily estimated Avhen Ave
remember the tenacity with which the ancient names cling to the soil . The Avavos of conquest pass over the country ; but the Greek , Eoman , and Christian names have all given way successfully , leaving the ancient Jewish names yet
clearly traceable in the degenerate forms used by the modern fellaheen . It is in the recovery of these names , as was first shoAvn by Dr . Eobinson , that the chief hope lies of completing the identification of Biblical names . The portion of the map noAV completed is about 3 , 000 square miles , or nearly half of Western Palestine .
There are , next , the water-colour sketches taken by Lieutenant Conder on the spot , to illustrate places , manners , and incidents . Many of these are of great beauty , and deserve to bo finished and exhibited by themselves . Geological notes
and natural history collections have occupied the attention of the officers of the survey during their leisure moments , the results of which are also brought home and are HOAV at the office of the Fund . Perhaps tho most interesting part of Lieutenant Condor ' s work -will be found in the " special survej's ; " that is , the
plans and measurements taken of the rums over Avhich his surveys has extended . There are fifty of these , every one of which has been scientifically examined by the surveyors for the first time . Among them is the remarkable circular fortress in the Prank MountainAvhere Avas Herod's
, summer-palace , and perhaps his tomb : a complete plan of the traditional cave of Aduliam , forming a network of passages and cavern , large enough and complicated enough to give concealment and safety to David and all his men . Here is the castle
of King BaldAvin , second of the Christian kings ; here the ruins of the convent built in the 5 th century over the traditional site of Gilgal : here is Joshua's tomb : here the traditional site of Abraham ' s altar , near Bethel : here the remains of Athlit
( castellum pcregrinum ) , Avhere tho pilgrims disembarked under the protection of the Christian fort : and here are the probable tombs of the Maccabees . The ruins of Palestine are of every age . Often a shattered toAver of crusadins' times is found
to have been built up with materials taken from ruins of earlier date , and Lieutenant Condor ' s sketches SIIOAV Avith remarkable impartiality tombs , synagogues , churches , mosques , and temples . TAVO of his " special surveys" are those of tAvo previously unknoAvn toAvnsone on Mount
, Cannel , and the other called Esrur , about ten miles Avest of Samaria . The latter , Avhich must have been an important place , has Avails , towers , fortresses , and the remains of its houses . It Avas previously entirely unknoAvn , and as yet no clue has
been found to its identification Avith any place , mentioned in history . The ruins appear to be Herodian . It is hoped that the Committee of the Fund will be enabled to publish the AAdiole of this important collection of plans , Avith the others yet to be made .
To have faith and hope in God , the Supreme Architect , and charity towards man , the master workmanship of His hands , is the keystone of the arch , on Avhich every other bears ; Avhich unites all to itself , and cements the several parts into one strong , solid and beautiful Avhole .