Article HOW HE LOST HER. ← Page 2 of 2
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How He Lost Her.
" This is an odd request . " " I am aAvare of it . Will you Avrite to Mr . Bentley a letter , asking him to inquire into this matter of the hank failure , and let you knoAV IIOAV serious a business it really is 1 " " But I don't care about knoAving . " "I do . "
" Why not inquire yourself , then % " " He has so much better facilities for investigation . The truth is , Miss Stone , I am very much interested in this failure , and Mr . Bentley can find out all about it for me . But I don ' t like to ask him to do so much for a comparative stranger . "
Margaret looked doubtful still , but she Avrote the letter , and I took it to the city the next day . Eoss BentleygreAv slightly paleas he read . " I suppose you knoAV that the bulk of Miss Stone ' s fortune Avas in the hands of
Clark , Vernon & Co ., " I carelessly observed . " I Avas not aAA-are of it , " Bentley said , losing another shade of colour . " Oh , Avell , it Avas . Can anything be saved out of the crashdo you suppose V
, "Not anything , I am very sure , " he stammered . And thinking he might like to meditate upon the aspect of affairs , I took my departure saying that I AA'ould call before I Avent away again to take any message he might like to send .
When I called the next day , he gave me a letter for Margaret ; but he looked any-Avhere hut at me as I took it . I caught a glimpse of Margaret ' s blue dress on the piazza as Ave drove up to the hotel ; and Avithout Availing to go to my room first , I hastened to her , and gaA e her the letter .
Then , much as I would have liked to stay until she had read it , I had no excuse for doing so , and therefore left her . I AA'aited Avith something more than curiosity for her appearance at dinner time , but she did not come at all . I ate nothing myself ,
and spent the evening pacing the piazza with my cigar , and Avatching her AvindoAv . Not so much as a shadoAV of Avhat I watched for crossed my vision . Eemembering Bentley ' s face as he gave me the letterI could imagine that he
, might have Avritten something unpleasant ; but even I Avas not prepared for the contents of the missive Margaret placed in my hands the following morning , coining
suddenly upon me Avhere I lounged on the shore . " I suppose that Avas what you Avent to town for ! " she said , with an angry scorn , under Avhich I quailed , for I felt guilty ; and , as I read , I Avinced again .
The scoundrel ! A more disgraceful epistle I never perused . If Margaret had loved him ever so dearly , this would certainly have ended it . He dissolved the engagement Avithout so much as saying "by your leave . " He didindeedsay
, , something about hastening to speak Avhile there Avas yet an uncertainty as to IIOAV seriously the failure had involved other people . But that Avas the merest gloss , and only gave Margaret the clue to the sefish reasons for his extraordinary conduct .
I folded the letter , and gave it back to her Avithout remark . "Well , " she asked , " really you have nothing to say 1 " " Shall I challenge him to mortal combat Avith horseAvhips ? " I inquired .
Tears of anger sparkled in Margaret ' s beautiful eyes . " HOAV could you humiliate me . so V " 11 Miss Stone !"
" I beg your pardon , Mr . Gurney , she said , haughtily . "And I beg yours , Miss Stone , for meddling . I suspected Mr . Bentley , but not of anything cpiite so cold-blooded . ShaU you break your heart about such a selfish felloAV . "
" Indeed , no ! But I am very angry . " " At Avhom ?—him or me 1 " "At both of you . " I suppose I must have looked terribly abashed and confounded— -I tried to , for she put a little hand on my armand then
, Avould have SAviftly AAuthdraAvn it , but I captured the frail thing , and held it . " I suppose I ought to be A'ery thankful to you , " she said , struggling a little , and blushing in the most lovely manner . " If you Avill permit meI will punish
, him for you , " I said , gravely . She looked up inquiringly . " By marrying you !" " Oh !"
" Don't you think it Avould 1 " " Perhaps . " We Avere quite sure of it the first time we chanced to meet Bentley after our marriage . His face was as good , as a picture . —Saturday Evening Post , America
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
How He Lost Her.
" This is an odd request . " " I am aAvare of it . Will you Avrite to Mr . Bentley a letter , asking him to inquire into this matter of the hank failure , and let you knoAV IIOAV serious a business it really is 1 " " But I don't care about knoAving . " "I do . "
" Why not inquire yourself , then % " " He has so much better facilities for investigation . The truth is , Miss Stone , I am very much interested in this failure , and Mr . Bentley can find out all about it for me . But I don ' t like to ask him to do so much for a comparative stranger . "
Margaret looked doubtful still , but she Avrote the letter , and I took it to the city the next day . Eoss BentleygreAv slightly paleas he read . " I suppose you knoAV that the bulk of Miss Stone ' s fortune Avas in the hands of
Clark , Vernon & Co ., " I carelessly observed . " I Avas not aAA-are of it , " Bentley said , losing another shade of colour . " Oh , Avell , it Avas . Can anything be saved out of the crashdo you suppose V
, "Not anything , I am very sure , " he stammered . And thinking he might like to meditate upon the aspect of affairs , I took my departure saying that I AA'ould call before I Avent away again to take any message he might like to send .
When I called the next day , he gave me a letter for Margaret ; but he looked any-Avhere hut at me as I took it . I caught a glimpse of Margaret ' s blue dress on the piazza as Ave drove up to the hotel ; and Avithout Availing to go to my room first , I hastened to her , and gaA e her the letter .
Then , much as I would have liked to stay until she had read it , I had no excuse for doing so , and therefore left her . I AA'aited Avith something more than curiosity for her appearance at dinner time , but she did not come at all . I ate nothing myself ,
and spent the evening pacing the piazza with my cigar , and Avatching her AvindoAv . Not so much as a shadoAV of Avhat I watched for crossed my vision . Eemembering Bentley ' s face as he gave me the letterI could imagine that he
, might have Avritten something unpleasant ; but even I Avas not prepared for the contents of the missive Margaret placed in my hands the following morning , coining
suddenly upon me Avhere I lounged on the shore . " I suppose that Avas what you Avent to town for ! " she said , with an angry scorn , under Avhich I quailed , for I felt guilty ; and , as I read , I Avinced again .
The scoundrel ! A more disgraceful epistle I never perused . If Margaret had loved him ever so dearly , this would certainly have ended it . He dissolved the engagement Avithout so much as saying "by your leave . " He didindeedsay
, , something about hastening to speak Avhile there Avas yet an uncertainty as to IIOAV seriously the failure had involved other people . But that Avas the merest gloss , and only gave Margaret the clue to the sefish reasons for his extraordinary conduct .
I folded the letter , and gave it back to her Avithout remark . "Well , " she asked , " really you have nothing to say 1 " " Shall I challenge him to mortal combat Avith horseAvhips ? " I inquired .
Tears of anger sparkled in Margaret ' s beautiful eyes . " HOAV could you humiliate me . so V " 11 Miss Stone !"
" I beg your pardon , Mr . Gurney , she said , haughtily . "And I beg yours , Miss Stone , for meddling . I suspected Mr . Bentley , but not of anything cpiite so cold-blooded . ShaU you break your heart about such a selfish felloAV . "
" Indeed , no ! But I am very angry . " " At Avhom ?—him or me 1 " "At both of you . " I suppose I must have looked terribly abashed and confounded— -I tried to , for she put a little hand on my armand then
, Avould have SAviftly AAuthdraAvn it , but I captured the frail thing , and held it . " I suppose I ought to be A'ery thankful to you , " she said , struggling a little , and blushing in the most lovely manner . " If you Avill permit meI will punish
, him for you , " I said , gravely . She looked up inquiringly . " By marrying you !" " Oh !"
" Don't you think it Avould 1 " " Perhaps . " We Avere quite sure of it the first time we chanced to meet Bentley after our marriage . His face was as good , as a picture . —Saturday Evening Post , America