Article BENEFITS OF ADVERTISING. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT CRAFT MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 →
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Benefits Of Advertising.
BY Jl . QUAD . Do I belieA ^ e in advertising ? Certainly I do ; I have seen its benefits too often to doubt that it pays big . I remember the case of Cushmanright here . He saAV an
, advertisement of " A dog Avauted , " and Avhile craAvling under the bed to get hold of one of those numerous canines ahvays to bo found on the premises , he found his neAV axe , Avhich had been lost for throe monthshalf a keg of nailsand enough
, , coal to last him a Aveek . A neighbour of mine once asked my advice about advertising for boarders , and I told him by all means to advertise . He inserted three or four lines in a daily paper , costiim thirty or forty cents , and in
tAvo days after his house Avas jam full of boarders . The ci'OAA'd AA as composed of his brother ' s Avife and nine children , Avho learned his address through the advertisement , and that man Avas satisfied of the benefits of advertising before he got that family off his hands .
There Avas Dmmoback . He inserted a tAvo line advertisement , saying that he had some choice grapes to sell . Tho paper Avas published at five o ' clock in the evening , and before daylight the next morning every pound of grapes Avas gone . I have
understood that they went off in bags during the night ; but that makes no difference—I am shoAving that people read and heed advertisements .
I IIOAV remember a young man who advertised for an easy situation Avhere a young man could render himself useful and receive a small salary . Some people laughed at him , but I advised him to stick to his faith in advertising . It Avasn ' t long before he secured such a situation . I don ' t
exactly remember Avhere it Avas , but I think they called the place Sing Sing , or some such name . At any rate , all lie has to do is , to sit on a bench and drive pegs into shoes , and they think so much of him that they are going to keep him for ten
years . There Avas the case of Taylor . He advertised for information concerning his long lost brother , Avhom he had not seen for tAventy-one years , and a Texas Vigilance
Committee sent him one of the prettiest ropes you 0 A er sot eyes on—Avorth ten times the cost of the advertisement . They say it Avas all that Avas left of the long lost . Look at the case of Smalhnan . He Avas a dusty old merchant , Avith an antiquated
stock and a eross-eyod daughter . He Avas seduced into advertising , and his daughter brought a breach of promise suit against a young man Avho bought some sugar and soap of her , and the verdict of the jury Avas 7 , 500 dols . The family are IIOAV able to spend a portion of each year at the seaside . Keystone ( American ) .-
Ancient Craft Masonry.
BY A CRAFTSMAN . It Avas the universal custom in earliei times—even during the present centuryamong Masons , to prepare for the regular monthly meeting of the Lodge . Tho
Brethren all kneAV the time . ( Is it possible that there ever Avas a Lodge Avhen all tho Brethren kneAv the time of meeting 1 ) The Tyler spent a half or a AAdiole day cleaning up tho Lodge-room , putting everything in its place . He had his broom , brush ,
Avoollen cloth and buck-skin , and Avith sleeves rolled up , coat off , plied them briskly—polished the JOAVOIS until the imago Avas reflected in them . . All the furniture of the Lodge Avas properly distributed . The Brethren Avere certain to call during the day and exchange
compliments Avith the faithful sentinel , and as he had but a poor chance to tell Avhat he knew about Masonry ho always presided on such occasions , and generally told the W . M ., Wardens and Deacons Avho came under the sound of his gavel that day , Avhat he kneAv about men and Masonry ,
and he often became eloquent on such occasions , and sometimes instructive . When tho hour of meeting arrived the officers and members Avere found in their places . All the W . M . had to do Avas to sound his gaveltake his seat , and the
, Avork commenced . There Avas another peculiarity Avhich Avas ahvays observed—no one appeared except in clean clothing . No mechanic or labourer came into the Lodge Avith his daily Avorking apparel on—all Avere neatly
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Benefits Of Advertising.
BY Jl . QUAD . Do I belieA ^ e in advertising ? Certainly I do ; I have seen its benefits too often to doubt that it pays big . I remember the case of Cushmanright here . He saAV an
, advertisement of " A dog Avauted , " and Avhile craAvling under the bed to get hold of one of those numerous canines ahvays to bo found on the premises , he found his neAV axe , Avhich had been lost for throe monthshalf a keg of nailsand enough
, , coal to last him a Aveek . A neighbour of mine once asked my advice about advertising for boarders , and I told him by all means to advertise . He inserted three or four lines in a daily paper , costiim thirty or forty cents , and in
tAvo days after his house Avas jam full of boarders . The ci'OAA'd AA as composed of his brother ' s Avife and nine children , Avho learned his address through the advertisement , and that man Avas satisfied of the benefits of advertising before he got that family off his hands .
There Avas Dmmoback . He inserted a tAvo line advertisement , saying that he had some choice grapes to sell . Tho paper Avas published at five o ' clock in the evening , and before daylight the next morning every pound of grapes Avas gone . I have
understood that they went off in bags during the night ; but that makes no difference—I am shoAving that people read and heed advertisements .
I IIOAV remember a young man who advertised for an easy situation Avhere a young man could render himself useful and receive a small salary . Some people laughed at him , but I advised him to stick to his faith in advertising . It Avasn ' t long before he secured such a situation . I don ' t
exactly remember Avhere it Avas , but I think they called the place Sing Sing , or some such name . At any rate , all lie has to do is , to sit on a bench and drive pegs into shoes , and they think so much of him that they are going to keep him for ten
years . There Avas the case of Taylor . He advertised for information concerning his long lost brother , Avhom he had not seen for tAventy-one years , and a Texas Vigilance
Committee sent him one of the prettiest ropes you 0 A er sot eyes on—Avorth ten times the cost of the advertisement . They say it Avas all that Avas left of the long lost . Look at the case of Smalhnan . He Avas a dusty old merchant , Avith an antiquated
stock and a eross-eyod daughter . He Avas seduced into advertising , and his daughter brought a breach of promise suit against a young man Avho bought some sugar and soap of her , and the verdict of the jury Avas 7 , 500 dols . The family are IIOAV able to spend a portion of each year at the seaside . Keystone ( American ) .-
Ancient Craft Masonry.
BY A CRAFTSMAN . It Avas the universal custom in earliei times—even during the present centuryamong Masons , to prepare for the regular monthly meeting of the Lodge . Tho
Brethren all kneAV the time . ( Is it possible that there ever Avas a Lodge Avhen all tho Brethren kneAv the time of meeting 1 ) The Tyler spent a half or a AAdiole day cleaning up tho Lodge-room , putting everything in its place . He had his broom , brush ,
Avoollen cloth and buck-skin , and Avith sleeves rolled up , coat off , plied them briskly—polished the JOAVOIS until the imago Avas reflected in them . . All the furniture of the Lodge Avas properly distributed . The Brethren Avere certain to call during the day and exchange
compliments Avith the faithful sentinel , and as he had but a poor chance to tell Avhat he knew about Masonry ho always presided on such occasions , and generally told the W . M ., Wardens and Deacons Avho came under the sound of his gavel that day , Avhat he kneAv about men and Masonry ,
and he often became eloquent on such occasions , and sometimes instructive . When tho hour of meeting arrived the officers and members Avere found in their places . All the W . M . had to do Avas to sound his gaveltake his seat , and the
, Avork commenced . There Avas another peculiarity Avhich Avas ahvays observed—no one appeared except in clean clothing . No mechanic or labourer came into the Lodge Avith his daily Avorking apparel on—all Avere neatly