Article ANCIENT MASONIC LODGES, NO. IV. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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Ancient Masonic Lodges, No. Iv.
Elected Alaster , James Robertson , Seneor Warden , Geo . Naughtle , Juneor "Warden , George "Smith , Treasurer . " Att the Evening Aleeting , 1 st , Ptesolved that the Petition from some Members in Doun ( the present town of
McDuff ) be Eefered to the Comitee Chosen at this Evening Aleeting , and a Minute made in the Books for the Members that has joined the St . Andrew ' s Lodge of Banff . " 2 nd Resolution . It was ordered
by the Aleeting that an Advertisement should be put into the Aberdeen Journal warning all Absent Brethren to come and pay up their Quarter pennice once in the three years , or they would be scored off the Books and have
no more title to the fund . ( Signed ) " JOHN EHVKD , Master . " " Operative Lodge , ' Banff , . 31 st January , 1781 . The Comitee having met and taken under their consideration the Memorial read upon St . John ' s
Bay , and referred to them by the Annual Aleeting then held , which Memorial humbly proposes that the following Grievances be taken into consideration .
"In the first place whither it is proper , or not , that any Member belonging to this Lodge should , without any recomendation from us , join the St . Andrew ' s Lodge of this Toun , which some of them has done and
Advised others to follow their Example , and to consider whither or not they shall be allowed to Continue members of our Lodge and members of the St . Andrew ' s Lodge at the same time Considering the terms upon which the
w . Andrew ' s Lodge and us pan-tad . "The Comitee apprehending that such conduct is contrary to the Spirit and Meaning of our Charter , have come to the following Resolutions : —That after this date they unanimously agree that
if any Members belonging to this iod ge join the St . Andrew ' s Lodge of this ¦ Toiui , they will be expounged from our Societ y and to have no more benefite from it afterwards , : ior will they be flowed to sit and vote with us ; and
with respect to those who have already gone off , they request the Alaster to write to the Grand Lodge and get their opinion how we are to proceed with them , and delays giving any Sentence against them itntill we have a return from the Grand Lodge . "And orders this Minute to be intimated to the Brethren in and about
the Toun Avethin the space of twentyfour hours . ( Signed ) " Jons RHINII , Mr . " " Resolution of the Operative Lodge of Banff , 7 th January , 1782 . " Resolved , that Robert Smith is to
make a Seal for the Diplomas , of any Device that the Master gives him ; In lue for which he is to be made an Entrecl Apprentice , he paying Two and Sixpence to the Grand Lodge , and Three Shillings for Entertainment , at
the Discration of the Meeting . ( Signed ) " JOHX KI-IIND , Air . " "At same time , Compeard Wm . Mortimer and John Robb , both in Banff , agreeable to their request , received the high degree of Knight Templar , and paid into the fund One Shilling each , with the ordinary Trate to the meeting .
( Signed ) " J . SELLAE , Dept . Air . " "At Banff ; 5 Deer ., 1794 , in the lodge , at a meeting specially called , Mr . Nicol in the chair , Compeared Adam . Elder Alex . Jaffry and John Al'Cown and reed , the high degrees of
Eoyal Arch Knight Templar and Alalia ; sanietime Compeared Donald AI'Kenzie , and reed . Knights of Templar and Malta , and Brs . John AVatson , James Eeid , and Wm . Ewing reed . Knights of Malta , each having paid the stated dues .
" At Banff , 27 January , 1795 , in the Lodge , at a meeting specially called , Air . John Nicol in the chair , Compeared Daneel Eoss , in Banff , Alex . Moir , these and John Sherras , servt . at Air . Eossventner there and agreeable to
, their Requests , was duly reed , and admitted to the high degrees of Royal Arch , Knight Templar , and Knight of Alalia , and paid into the fund each the E 2
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Ancient Masonic Lodges, No. Iv.
Elected Alaster , James Robertson , Seneor Warden , Geo . Naughtle , Juneor "Warden , George "Smith , Treasurer . " Att the Evening Aleeting , 1 st , Ptesolved that the Petition from some Members in Doun ( the present town of
McDuff ) be Eefered to the Comitee Chosen at this Evening Aleeting , and a Minute made in the Books for the Members that has joined the St . Andrew ' s Lodge of Banff . " 2 nd Resolution . It was ordered
by the Aleeting that an Advertisement should be put into the Aberdeen Journal warning all Absent Brethren to come and pay up their Quarter pennice once in the three years , or they would be scored off the Books and have
no more title to the fund . ( Signed ) " JOHN EHVKD , Master . " " Operative Lodge , ' Banff , . 31 st January , 1781 . The Comitee having met and taken under their consideration the Memorial read upon St . John ' s
Bay , and referred to them by the Annual Aleeting then held , which Memorial humbly proposes that the following Grievances be taken into consideration .
"In the first place whither it is proper , or not , that any Member belonging to this Lodge should , without any recomendation from us , join the St . Andrew ' s Lodge of this Toun , which some of them has done and
Advised others to follow their Example , and to consider whither or not they shall be allowed to Continue members of our Lodge and members of the St . Andrew ' s Lodge at the same time Considering the terms upon which the
w . Andrew ' s Lodge and us pan-tad . "The Comitee apprehending that such conduct is contrary to the Spirit and Meaning of our Charter , have come to the following Resolutions : —That after this date they unanimously agree that
if any Members belonging to this iod ge join the St . Andrew ' s Lodge of this ¦ Toiui , they will be expounged from our Societ y and to have no more benefite from it afterwards , : ior will they be flowed to sit and vote with us ; and
with respect to those who have already gone off , they request the Alaster to write to the Grand Lodge and get their opinion how we are to proceed with them , and delays giving any Sentence against them itntill we have a return from the Grand Lodge . "And orders this Minute to be intimated to the Brethren in and about
the Toun Avethin the space of twentyfour hours . ( Signed ) " Jons RHINII , Mr . " " Resolution of the Operative Lodge of Banff , 7 th January , 1782 . " Resolved , that Robert Smith is to
make a Seal for the Diplomas , of any Device that the Master gives him ; In lue for which he is to be made an Entrecl Apprentice , he paying Two and Sixpence to the Grand Lodge , and Three Shillings for Entertainment , at
the Discration of the Meeting . ( Signed ) " JOHX KI-IIND , Air . " "At same time , Compeard Wm . Mortimer and John Robb , both in Banff , agreeable to their request , received the high degree of Knight Templar , and paid into the fund One Shilling each , with the ordinary Trate to the meeting .
( Signed ) " J . SELLAE , Dept . Air . " "At Banff ; 5 Deer ., 1794 , in the lodge , at a meeting specially called , Mr . Nicol in the chair , Compeared Adam . Elder Alex . Jaffry and John Al'Cown and reed , the high degrees of
Eoyal Arch Knight Templar and Alalia ; sanietime Compeared Donald AI'Kenzie , and reed . Knights of Templar and Malta , and Brs . John AVatson , James Eeid , and Wm . Ewing reed . Knights of Malta , each having paid the stated dues .
" At Banff , 27 January , 1795 , in the Lodge , at a meeting specially called , Air . John Nicol in the chair , Compeared Daneel Eoss , in Banff , Alex . Moir , these and John Sherras , servt . at Air . Eossventner there and agreeable to
, their Requests , was duly reed , and admitted to the high degrees of Royal Arch , Knight Templar , and Knight of Alalia , and paid into the fund each the E 2