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Distinctions Of Language.
exist to a marvellous extent . In India and China men who have a large commerce Avith the natives must learn many different formulas of expression , or dialects . This same fact prevails in the states of Germany . The German people are not all united under one confederate head , yet the same
generic language is theirs whether they are under one or many kingdoms . There is a manifest difference in the manners of expression and in the formulas of language betAveen the citizens of Holland and Prussia .
There is a greater difference in these same dialectic elements between the peojde reared near the Rhine and those brought up in the remainder of that largo territory . In one case there is a mingling of the French and German that does not exist
elseAvhere . There are distinctions knoAvn as the "high and low German , " more commonly called " high and IOAV Dutch . " To this latter term " Germany" takes exception , hut no true German should , nor consider it a term of reproach , because it is not , or at any rate , Avas not so intended as I used it . The term Dutch is a word applied to
anything neAV , and Avas originally applied to this language because it Avas IIOAV , Avhile later , the term German Avas applied because the people speaking it Avere inhabitants of Germania . As to the real distinction of the terms "high and IOAV Dutch , " or " German" I Avould refer " Germany" to
, the American Encyclopedia as affording a much better description than I can give in a brief paper . The nearest approach to the Dutch language is that IIOAV spoken in Holland , which for dignity , emphasis and poiver is
much superior to the English language , and Avhich is formed , not as the French and English largely are , from other languages , but from roots . For instance , Astronomy is Sternhunde , from ster , a star , and kundea science ; and so Avith other
, Avords . The language spoken in the land more properly and politically called Germany , is very rich and copious , but this does not prevent the dialects Avhich give character to the distinctions named .
FoAVler says in his "English Language "; " The High Germanic to Avhich the current Gorman belongs , is spoken in the south part of Germany and is bounded on
Distinctions Of Language.
the east by the Lithuania , Slavonic and Hungarian languages , Avhile on the south it touches the Italian and French , and on the north it joins the LOAV Germanic divisions . " The division of the language received a great prominence by the Avritings of Luther
, and has boon distinguished by some of the greatest Avriters of modern ages . " The LOAV Germanic comprises : 1 . The Anglo-Saxon and the Modern English . 2 . The Old and Modern Friesian . 3 . The Modern Dutch . 4 . The Old Saxon and
the- Piatt Doutsch . " The Friesians occupied a territory south and Avest of the Anglo-Saxons and probably spoke nearly tho same dialect .. Encompassed on one side by the sea and on the other by the Saxonsthey luwe
, retained their dialect to a remarkable degree , and none of the German tongues approaches as closely to tho Anglo-Saxon as theirs .
"Brotherly Love" Weight, And His Trial.
Bro . James Wright , D . D ., AVIIO AVas Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Scotland during the years 178 G-7 , Avas known in Masonic circles b y the nickname of " Brotherl y Love , " given him in consequence of the earnestness and frequency
Avith Avhich he urged the practice of this virtue . In his ministerial capacity he was a prominent actor in a case of rather singular character . The bad Aveather in 1807 injured the crops so as to lead to a distressing advconce in the price of food . It so
happened tint at the end of a certain week the weather brightened up , and a drying Avind prepared the corn for being housed on Sunday . At the conclusion of the forenoon ' s service on tho day referred to , the Eov . Dr . Wright stated to his
congregation that he conceived tho favourable temporary change in the Aveather might , Avithout violating tho sanctity of the Sabbath , bo taken advantage of to save tho crops . For this advice , Avhich Avas adopted by several of his parishionershe Avas
, denounced as a violator of the Fourth Commandment . The case was brought into tho Ecclesiastical courts , but AVIIS eventually dismissed by the Synod of the district .
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Distinctions Of Language.
exist to a marvellous extent . In India and China men who have a large commerce Avith the natives must learn many different formulas of expression , or dialects . This same fact prevails in the states of Germany . The German people are not all united under one confederate head , yet the same
generic language is theirs whether they are under one or many kingdoms . There is a manifest difference in the manners of expression and in the formulas of language betAveen the citizens of Holland and Prussia .
There is a greater difference in these same dialectic elements between the peojde reared near the Rhine and those brought up in the remainder of that largo territory . In one case there is a mingling of the French and German that does not exist
elseAvhere . There are distinctions knoAvn as the "high and low German , " more commonly called " high and IOAV Dutch . " To this latter term " Germany" takes exception , hut no true German should , nor consider it a term of reproach , because it is not , or at any rate , Avas not so intended as I used it . The term Dutch is a word applied to
anything neAV , and Avas originally applied to this language because it Avas IIOAV , Avhile later , the term German Avas applied because the people speaking it Avere inhabitants of Germania . As to the real distinction of the terms "high and IOAV Dutch , " or " German" I Avould refer " Germany" to
, the American Encyclopedia as affording a much better description than I can give in a brief paper . The nearest approach to the Dutch language is that IIOAV spoken in Holland , which for dignity , emphasis and poiver is
much superior to the English language , and Avhich is formed , not as the French and English largely are , from other languages , but from roots . For instance , Astronomy is Sternhunde , from ster , a star , and kundea science ; and so Avith other
, Avords . The language spoken in the land more properly and politically called Germany , is very rich and copious , but this does not prevent the dialects Avhich give character to the distinctions named .
FoAVler says in his "English Language "; " The High Germanic to Avhich the current Gorman belongs , is spoken in the south part of Germany and is bounded on
Distinctions Of Language.
the east by the Lithuania , Slavonic and Hungarian languages , Avhile on the south it touches the Italian and French , and on the north it joins the LOAV Germanic divisions . " The division of the language received a great prominence by the Avritings of Luther
, and has boon distinguished by some of the greatest Avriters of modern ages . " The LOAV Germanic comprises : 1 . The Anglo-Saxon and the Modern English . 2 . The Old and Modern Friesian . 3 . The Modern Dutch . 4 . The Old Saxon and
the- Piatt Doutsch . " The Friesians occupied a territory south and Avest of the Anglo-Saxons and probably spoke nearly tho same dialect .. Encompassed on one side by the sea and on the other by the Saxonsthey luwe
, retained their dialect to a remarkable degree , and none of the German tongues approaches as closely to tho Anglo-Saxon as theirs .
"Brotherly Love" Weight, And His Trial.
Bro . James Wright , D . D ., AVIIO AVas Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Scotland during the years 178 G-7 , Avas known in Masonic circles b y the nickname of " Brotherl y Love , " given him in consequence of the earnestness and frequency
Avith Avhich he urged the practice of this virtue . In his ministerial capacity he was a prominent actor in a case of rather singular character . The bad Aveather in 1807 injured the crops so as to lead to a distressing advconce in the price of food . It so
happened tint at the end of a certain week the weather brightened up , and a drying Avind prepared the corn for being housed on Sunday . At the conclusion of the forenoon ' s service on tho day referred to , the Eov . Dr . Wright stated to his
congregation that he conceived tho favourable temporary change in the Aveather might , Avithout violating tho sanctity of the Sabbath , bo taken advantage of to save tho crops . For this advice , Avhich Avas adopted by several of his parishionershe Avas
, denounced as a violator of the Fourth Commandment . The case was brought into tho Ecclesiastical courts , but AVIIS eventually dismissed by the Synod of the district .