Article ANCIENT MASONIC LODGES, NO. IV. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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Ancient Masonic Lodges, No. Iv.
sum of Sixteen Slull . Ster ., and are hereby admitted and Initiated to the above grand secrets day and date as above ; likewise Chas . Simpson admitted to the high degree of Knight Malta , and paid into the fund the sum
of Two Shills . Ster ., and is hereby admitted as such to that high degree , and submit to same accordingly . " "At Banff , 1 Deer ., 1795 , in the Lodge , at a monthly meeting , Mr . John Nicol in the chair . —Compeared
the following Brethren , viz ., Neal Farquharson , Alalia ; Geo . Jamison , Templer & Alalia ; Jas . Robertson , Jr , Royal Arch , Templer and Malta ; and Geo . Ogg , Royal Arch , Templer and
Malta , and agreeable to their request was raised to the above High degrees , and paid into the Fund accordingly the full dues of said Stapes , as p Cash Book , page 55 th . Sametime Compeared Candidates for admission , viz .,
George Strachan , Banff , John Jamison , Gelly Mill , & Geo . Taylor , and agreeable to their former Petitions and Eecomedations , was Reed , and duly Entred Members of this Lodge , and paid into the fund Each the sum of
, viz , G . S ., G . T , £ 14 s ., and T . T , £ 0 19 s . Ster , and 2 s . 6 d . to the Grand Lodge each , with Clerk and Officer dues , and snbniitt to all the Laws of the Lodge , made and to be made . "
"At Banff , 29 Deer , 1795 , in the Lodge , at a Aleeting specialy called , Air . John Nicol in the chair . —Compeared the foiling members , viz , Geo . Taylor , Forgknd , Jolm Allan , Ship Mr , Banff , and Thos . Seal , Sailor there ,
and agreeable to their request , was admitted to the high Degrees of Eoyal Arch , Stiperextent , Knight Templer " & Alalia , and paid into the fund Each their respective moneys According to the Degrees as above . Compeared
Geo . Strachan Brewry , agreeable to his request was mad Alark Mason & raised to the sublime Wegree of Alaster & Mark , and paid into the fund accordingly . " "At Banff , 17 Deer , 1796 , In the Lodge , At a Royal Arch Aleeting
specialy called , Mr . John Nicol m the chair . — Compeared Brothers Thos . Russail , John Ironside , Walter Allan , Peter Joass , Geo . Gordon , and Alex . Stevenson , and agreeable to their particular request and desire , they were
admitted , after going through the regular forms , To the High Degrees of Royal Arch , Knights Templar & Alalia , Each having paid into the Fund the sum of Sixteen Shillings Ster , and they are hereby initiated as such to the
said degrees . ( Signed ) " JOHN NICOL , Air . " " At Banff , 20 Dec . 1796 , Mr . Jolm Nicol in the chair . "Liter alia . Compeared Brothers William Frazer and John Alorison ,
and agreeable to their particular request was advanced to the high degrees of Eoyal Arch , Knights Templr and Malta , and initiated as such , and brot . forward on the boohs accordingly , they having each paid the full dues to the
lodge . " " At Banff , 23 rd February , 1799 , in a lodge at a meeting of the Committee , Air . A . Grant in the chair .
"Liter alia . Eecd . an application from the Fraserburgh Lodge requesting the high degrees of Eoyal Arch , Superexcellent , Knights Templar and Malta . " Agreed to give them their request , them paying into the fund Three
Pounds ster . ALF . XU . GEANT , Mr . " "At Banff , 4 th February , 1800 , Committee Meeting , Air . Alex , in the chair . "Inter alia . That the Keith Lodge receive the degrees of Knights of Temple and Malta , for the sum of Two Guineas to the fund and the same petty dues as our own members . "
" At Banff , 13 th Feb , 1800 , in the Lodge . "At the General Annuall Aleeting of Royal Arch and Templsrs and Alaltn , Mr . Alex . Mitchell in the chair—Compaeiredagreeable t-o their former
, request granted , the following members of the St . James ' s Lodge of Keith , viz , David Sutherland , James Roy , Geo . Russail , Geo . Brander . and Alex . Shaw ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ancient Masonic Lodges, No. Iv.
sum of Sixteen Slull . Ster ., and are hereby admitted and Initiated to the above grand secrets day and date as above ; likewise Chas . Simpson admitted to the high degree of Knight Malta , and paid into the fund the sum
of Two Shills . Ster ., and is hereby admitted as such to that high degree , and submit to same accordingly . " "At Banff , 1 Deer ., 1795 , in the Lodge , at a monthly meeting , Mr . John Nicol in the chair . —Compeared
the following Brethren , viz ., Neal Farquharson , Alalia ; Geo . Jamison , Templer & Alalia ; Jas . Robertson , Jr , Royal Arch , Templer and Malta ; and Geo . Ogg , Royal Arch , Templer and
Malta , and agreeable to their request was raised to the above High degrees , and paid into the Fund accordingly the full dues of said Stapes , as p Cash Book , page 55 th . Sametime Compeared Candidates for admission , viz .,
George Strachan , Banff , John Jamison , Gelly Mill , & Geo . Taylor , and agreeable to their former Petitions and Eecomedations , was Reed , and duly Entred Members of this Lodge , and paid into the fund Each the sum of
, viz , G . S ., G . T , £ 14 s ., and T . T , £ 0 19 s . Ster , and 2 s . 6 d . to the Grand Lodge each , with Clerk and Officer dues , and snbniitt to all the Laws of the Lodge , made and to be made . "
"At Banff , 29 Deer , 1795 , in the Lodge , at a Aleeting specialy called , Air . John Nicol in the chair . —Compeared the foiling members , viz , Geo . Taylor , Forgknd , Jolm Allan , Ship Mr , Banff , and Thos . Seal , Sailor there ,
and agreeable to their request , was admitted to the high Degrees of Eoyal Arch , Stiperextent , Knight Templer " & Alalia , and paid into the fund Each their respective moneys According to the Degrees as above . Compeared
Geo . Strachan Brewry , agreeable to his request was mad Alark Mason & raised to the sublime Wegree of Alaster & Mark , and paid into the fund accordingly . " "At Banff , 17 Deer , 1796 , In the Lodge , At a Royal Arch Aleeting
specialy called , Mr . John Nicol m the chair . — Compeared Brothers Thos . Russail , John Ironside , Walter Allan , Peter Joass , Geo . Gordon , and Alex . Stevenson , and agreeable to their particular request and desire , they were
admitted , after going through the regular forms , To the High Degrees of Royal Arch , Knights Templar & Alalia , Each having paid into the Fund the sum of Sixteen Shillings Ster , and they are hereby initiated as such to the
said degrees . ( Signed ) " JOHN NICOL , Air . " " At Banff , 20 Dec . 1796 , Mr . Jolm Nicol in the chair . "Liter alia . Compeared Brothers William Frazer and John Alorison ,
and agreeable to their particular request was advanced to the high degrees of Eoyal Arch , Knights Templr and Malta , and initiated as such , and brot . forward on the boohs accordingly , they having each paid the full dues to the
lodge . " " At Banff , 23 rd February , 1799 , in a lodge at a meeting of the Committee , Air . A . Grant in the chair .
"Liter alia . Eecd . an application from the Fraserburgh Lodge requesting the high degrees of Eoyal Arch , Superexcellent , Knights Templar and Malta . " Agreed to give them their request , them paying into the fund Three
Pounds ster . ALF . XU . GEANT , Mr . " "At Banff , 4 th February , 1800 , Committee Meeting , Air . Alex , in the chair . "Inter alia . That the Keith Lodge receive the degrees of Knights of Temple and Malta , for the sum of Two Guineas to the fund and the same petty dues as our own members . "
" At Banff , 13 th Feb , 1800 , in the Lodge . "At the General Annuall Aleeting of Royal Arch and Templsrs and Alaltn , Mr . Alex . Mitchell in the chair—Compaeiredagreeable t-o their former
, request granted , the following members of the St . James ' s Lodge of Keith , viz , David Sutherland , James Roy , Geo . Russail , Geo . Brander . and Alex . Shaw ,