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The International Masonic Gathering.
a publisher iu Freemasonry is known all over the globe . We know him in Philadel phia and in fact m the United States , just as well as the brethren who meet with him once a week or once a month—at least I have felt so towards him , ancl I feel I am assertin--that which every American Mason feels . If we have good Masonic news , good and true , spread it to the world ; let our deeds be known by the only charities which are under your charge . In the City of London the sums of ive to
money you g the education of children , both those who are orphans and those who are not , are very large . So do you in Masonry , ancl it is that which the profane cannot understand , but we do . We have the pulsation , the electrical pulsation in our hearts which binds us to the widows ancl the orphans . Then again , brethren , woidd we to-ni ght have been gathered together m this good , social , Masonic st yle if it had not bean for a Masonic journal > . We are all Masonsbut I can assure youbrethrenthat some of have not
, , , us had lighter hearts than the others . Why it is I know not , for it is no use grumbling against the Almighty . If He makes a large body , He makes a large heart ; if He makes a small body , He makes a small heart ; therefore , when I look at an English nobleman , as I caU your chairman , in form , and manly form , and see how much bi ™ -er he is than I amI come to the conclusion that he has a heart twice large have
, as as I . If he has not got that , I trust he may have a purse a thousand times larger , good luck good fortune , long life , and good health . I trust that all of these may attend Bro ' Kenning , and all of those who surround this board to-ni ght to do him honour " This is my toast , "The Masonic Press all over the World . "
Bro . the Rev . A . E . A . Woodford , in reply , said : Bro . Chairman and Brethren , before 1 commence the few remarks it is my great privilege to make to you to-nHit I have been requested by a most distinguished brother of our Order , whose name is a household word ' among us—I allude to our esteemed Bro . John Havers—to state that through ill health , and being with bis family at Matlock , he is unable to be present as he saysto thank Bro . Kenning for his patriotic and Masonic assembland to offer
, y , his ; heart y good wishes to his American brethren , Brethren , the toast to which 1 hare been called upon to reply is one of no little difficult y . We all of us in this room , I believe , are agreed with regard to the advantages of a well-re < nilated press . As the guardian of our liberties , as the upholder of civilization , ° as tho preacher ol toleration , as the advocate of justice , I do not think there is a brother present who is insensible to the advantages of a nronerlv reflated nress . Thow
01 us who have studied the history of mankind will do justice to the principles ol the press , proclaimed thoroughly in consonance with our Masonic teaching , namely me advocacy of the sacred princi ples of justice and liberty , of toleration and truth sut when we come to the Masonic press the way is not so clear . Masonry is a peculiar system , ancl many of us have some hesitation in agreeing at once to a general ancl indiscriminate publication of ah Masonic proceedings . But I venture wr to to htthat
, say -mg , so long as the Masonic press continues , as our eloquent Mother irom America puts it , to advocate its own unchanging principles , to support our great Charitable Institutions , to vindicate alike legitimate authorit y ancl the rights or . the Craft , and yet to proclaim universal goodwill and brotherl y love , hatred of pei sedition , and libert y of conscience , the Masonic press will be equally a blessing both » our Order ancl to the world . I know of an admirable Masonic of America
paper - co r ^ r ' ° . dlt t ° ? reemuKraiy ancl to its country-I allude to the Keystone . £ « T 7 ! J teen y l brothe 1 ' and firari Clifford McCalla , which equally with the time T! y ° yteS * H tnle and lastin & F inci P of universal Freemasonry . If ™ ne peimitted I might allude to other Masonic naners of mmit n . nrl — .
toPrl 3 , T ' must nece * sarily be brief and condensed . I therefore venture it hTli CTe ! &? mA value Mld um 7 of tie Masonic press . Brethren , soi e o 1 ^ ° " , gbt tY f ° ne rf tlle a ^ ages of the Masonic press , as goodly ViL r Z6 IT J SaKl ' ' ^ ? * ° r % S etllel' 7 ' hospitable host this m frfffnni S \ n ' e T ' S llsh brethren and American brethren , met together which W I g 0 ° i , 2 md amit ^ aild ,: e tt remembered that iu that great struggle icn has been thrown upon us on the Continent b y the unwise proceedings of the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The International Masonic Gathering.
a publisher iu Freemasonry is known all over the globe . We know him in Philadel phia and in fact m the United States , just as well as the brethren who meet with him once a week or once a month—at least I have felt so towards him , ancl I feel I am assertin--that which every American Mason feels . If we have good Masonic news , good and true , spread it to the world ; let our deeds be known by the only charities which are under your charge . In the City of London the sums of ive to
money you g the education of children , both those who are orphans and those who are not , are very large . So do you in Masonry , ancl it is that which the profane cannot understand , but we do . We have the pulsation , the electrical pulsation in our hearts which binds us to the widows ancl the orphans . Then again , brethren , woidd we to-ni ght have been gathered together m this good , social , Masonic st yle if it had not bean for a Masonic journal > . We are all Masonsbut I can assure youbrethrenthat some of have not
, , , us had lighter hearts than the others . Why it is I know not , for it is no use grumbling against the Almighty . If He makes a large body , He makes a large heart ; if He makes a small body , He makes a small heart ; therefore , when I look at an English nobleman , as I caU your chairman , in form , and manly form , and see how much bi ™ -er he is than I amI come to the conclusion that he has a heart twice large have
, as as I . If he has not got that , I trust he may have a purse a thousand times larger , good luck good fortune , long life , and good health . I trust that all of these may attend Bro ' Kenning , and all of those who surround this board to-ni ght to do him honour " This is my toast , "The Masonic Press all over the World . "
Bro . the Rev . A . E . A . Woodford , in reply , said : Bro . Chairman and Brethren , before 1 commence the few remarks it is my great privilege to make to you to-nHit I have been requested by a most distinguished brother of our Order , whose name is a household word ' among us—I allude to our esteemed Bro . John Havers—to state that through ill health , and being with bis family at Matlock , he is unable to be present as he saysto thank Bro . Kenning for his patriotic and Masonic assembland to offer
, y , his ; heart y good wishes to his American brethren , Brethren , the toast to which 1 hare been called upon to reply is one of no little difficult y . We all of us in this room , I believe , are agreed with regard to the advantages of a well-re < nilated press . As the guardian of our liberties , as the upholder of civilization , ° as tho preacher ol toleration , as the advocate of justice , I do not think there is a brother present who is insensible to the advantages of a nronerlv reflated nress . Thow
01 us who have studied the history of mankind will do justice to the principles ol the press , proclaimed thoroughly in consonance with our Masonic teaching , namely me advocacy of the sacred princi ples of justice and liberty , of toleration and truth sut when we come to the Masonic press the way is not so clear . Masonry is a peculiar system , ancl many of us have some hesitation in agreeing at once to a general ancl indiscriminate publication of ah Masonic proceedings . But I venture wr to to htthat
, say -mg , so long as the Masonic press continues , as our eloquent Mother irom America puts it , to advocate its own unchanging principles , to support our great Charitable Institutions , to vindicate alike legitimate authorit y ancl the rights or . the Craft , and yet to proclaim universal goodwill and brotherl y love , hatred of pei sedition , and libert y of conscience , the Masonic press will be equally a blessing both » our Order ancl to the world . I know of an admirable Masonic of America
paper - co r ^ r ' ° . dlt t ° ? reemuKraiy ancl to its country-I allude to the Keystone . £ « T 7 ! J teen y l brothe 1 ' and firari Clifford McCalla , which equally with the time T! y ° yteS * H tnle and lastin & F inci P of universal Freemasonry . If ™ ne peimitted I might allude to other Masonic naners of mmit n . nrl — .
toPrl 3 , T ' must nece * sarily be brief and condensed . I therefore venture it hTli CTe ! &? mA value Mld um 7 of tie Masonic press . Brethren , soi e o 1 ^ ° " , gbt tY f ° ne rf tlle a ^ ages of the Masonic press , as goodly ViL r Z6 IT J SaKl ' ' ^ ? * ° r % S etllel' 7 ' hospitable host this m frfffnni S \ n ' e T ' S llsh brethren and American brethren , met together which W I g 0 ° i , 2 md amit ^ aild ,: e tt remembered that iu that great struggle icn has been thrown upon us on the Continent b y the unwise proceedings of the