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The Old Charges Of The British Freemasons.
Correct within themselves defaults ancl Trespasses that were done within the Craft ancl he held himself an Assembly att Yorke ancl made Mason ancl gave them the charge ancl taught them the manners of Masons commanding that rule to be kept hereafter ancl gaA e them , the Charter ancl Comission to keep that it should be preserved amongst them from time to time . Ancl Avhen the Assembly Avas mett he made a cry that all Masons Olde ancl
Young that had any writeinge or vnclstanding' of the charges that was before in this Land or in any other they should bring them forth ancl there Avas some found in Greeke some in French some in English and some in other Languages , the intent of them AA ere all One and he comandecl a Booke to be made thereof to Testifie how the Craft was first found comandinge to be read Avhen any Mason or Masons should be made , that soe they might KUOAV their
Charg , ancl from that time to this Assemblyes have beene kept and certaine Charges haA r e beene given by Masters ancl Fellowes . Here follows the Worthy and Godly Oath of Masons every man that is a Mason take heed of this charge ancl if yow finde your selves guilty of any of these that yow . may a ment ancl especially yow that be charged now to take heed that yoAv keep it for it is great perill for a Man to forsweare himselfe vpon a Booke .
Tunc vnus Seniorihts teneat librum vi Mi vet Me ponant vel ponat mantis Super librum et tunc preceptoi deberent logi . The First is that yow . shall be true to God ancl holy Church ancl that yoAv . vse noe herisie no error in your vnderstandinge or by the teaching of Indiscreete men , Also yoAv . shall be true Leige men to the King without Treason or falsehood and that yoAv . shall Know no Treason but that yoAv . warne the King or his
Councell there of yow . true One to another ( That is to say ) to every Master and Fellow of the Craft of Masonry ancl shall doe to them as yow . would they should do to yow . and that every One Keep true Councell of Lodge and Chamber ancl all other Councell that ought to be kept in the way of Masonry and that none shall be theifes nor in theivish company to his knowledge but be true to the Lord ancl Master that yoAv , serve ancl to see to his profitt ancl Advantage
, Ancl also that yow . call Masons your Fellowes and brethren ancl no other foule names nor yow . shall not take your fellowes Wife to Oomitt villany with her nor desire his daughter or servant to defile her or them , yow . shall pay truely for Your Table where yow . board That the Craft may have honour wher ever you goe These be Charges in General ! that belongeth every Mason to Keepe , both Masons ancl fellowes I will now rehearse other charges singular .
First that no Master shall take vpon him any Lords Work or other Man ' s but that he KUOAV himselfe be able ancl sufficient in Cunninge to performe ancl end the same so that the Craft have no Slander nor disworshipp but that the Lord may be Avell served and truly , Also that no Master take worke but att reasonable rates the Master to live Honestly ancl to pay his Fellovres truly as the Manner is Also that no Master or FelloAV shall supplant other of their worke ( that is to say if he have taken worke or stand Master of the Lords Worke
he shall not put him out if he be able in cunninge to end the same , Also that no Master or Fellow take an Apprentice for lesse Terme than Seaven yeares , and the Appi'tice be able of his Birth ancl of his , Limbs as he ought to be and also that no Master FelloAV take no allowance to be made Mason without the Assent of his Fellows att the least 6 or 7 Ancl that he that shall be bound ancl made Mason be ancl able oner shires ( vizt ) that he be free borne ancl
of good Kinred and no Bondman ancl that he have his ri ght Limbs as a man ought to have And that no Worke be put in trust with any that vse to take Journey and that no Mason gi \ e pay to his FelloAves but as they do serve , Aud that no FelloAV slander an other falsly to the losse of his good name , and that noe ungodlie answere be made to any within the Lodge or without and every Mason shall prefer his Elder , before him , ancl that none shall play
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Old Charges Of The British Freemasons.
Correct within themselves defaults ancl Trespasses that were done within the Craft ancl he held himself an Assembly att Yorke ancl made Mason ancl gave them the charge ancl taught them the manners of Masons commanding that rule to be kept hereafter ancl gaA e them , the Charter ancl Comission to keep that it should be preserved amongst them from time to time . Ancl Avhen the Assembly Avas mett he made a cry that all Masons Olde ancl
Young that had any writeinge or vnclstanding' of the charges that was before in this Land or in any other they should bring them forth ancl there Avas some found in Greeke some in French some in English and some in other Languages , the intent of them AA ere all One and he comandecl a Booke to be made thereof to Testifie how the Craft was first found comandinge to be read Avhen any Mason or Masons should be made , that soe they might KUOAV their
Charg , ancl from that time to this Assemblyes have beene kept and certaine Charges haA r e beene given by Masters ancl Fellowes . Here follows the Worthy and Godly Oath of Masons every man that is a Mason take heed of this charge ancl if yow finde your selves guilty of any of these that yow . may a ment ancl especially yow that be charged now to take heed that yoAv keep it for it is great perill for a Man to forsweare himselfe vpon a Booke .
Tunc vnus Seniorihts teneat librum vi Mi vet Me ponant vel ponat mantis Super librum et tunc preceptoi deberent logi . The First is that yow . shall be true to God ancl holy Church ancl that yoAv . vse noe herisie no error in your vnderstandinge or by the teaching of Indiscreete men , Also yoAv . shall be true Leige men to the King without Treason or falsehood and that yoAv . shall Know no Treason but that yoAv . warne the King or his
Councell there of yow . true One to another ( That is to say ) to every Master and Fellow of the Craft of Masonry ancl shall doe to them as yow . would they should do to yow . and that every One Keep true Councell of Lodge and Chamber ancl all other Councell that ought to be kept in the way of Masonry and that none shall be theifes nor in theivish company to his knowledge but be true to the Lord ancl Master that yoAv , serve ancl to see to his profitt ancl Advantage
, Ancl also that yow . call Masons your Fellowes and brethren ancl no other foule names nor yow . shall not take your fellowes Wife to Oomitt villany with her nor desire his daughter or servant to defile her or them , yow . shall pay truely for Your Table where yow . board That the Craft may have honour wher ever you goe These be Charges in General ! that belongeth every Mason to Keepe , both Masons ancl fellowes I will now rehearse other charges singular .
First that no Master shall take vpon him any Lords Work or other Man ' s but that he KUOAV himselfe be able ancl sufficient in Cunninge to performe ancl end the same so that the Craft have no Slander nor disworshipp but that the Lord may be Avell served and truly , Also that no Master take worke but att reasonable rates the Master to live Honestly ancl to pay his Fellovres truly as the Manner is Also that no Master or FelloAV shall supplant other of their worke ( that is to say if he have taken worke or stand Master of the Lords Worke
he shall not put him out if he be able in cunninge to end the same , Also that no Master or Fellow take an Apprentice for lesse Terme than Seaven yeares , and the Appi'tice be able of his Birth ancl of his , Limbs as he ought to be and also that no Master FelloAV take no allowance to be made Mason without the Assent of his Fellows att the least 6 or 7 Ancl that he that shall be bound ancl made Mason be ancl able oner shires ( vizt ) that he be free borne ancl
of good Kinred and no Bondman ancl that he have his ri ght Limbs as a man ought to have And that no Worke be put in trust with any that vse to take Journey and that no Mason gi \ e pay to his FelloAves but as they do serve , Aud that no FelloAV slander an other falsly to the losse of his good name , and that noe ungodlie answere be made to any within the Lodge or without and every Mason shall prefer his Elder , before him , ancl that none shall play