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Charter Of Scoone And Perth Lodge, A.D. 1658.
hundreth thriescoir and fyve yeires since or therby . And clurbig that ilk space the saicl Masteres , friemen , and felloAv crafts , inhabitants within the saicl brugh of Perth , vrer alhvays able within themselves to mayntayne ther first liberties , ancl are yet AA'illing to doe the same , as the Masters , friemen , or fellow crafts did formerlie , ( whose names we know not . ) But to our record ancl knowledge of our predecessoris ,
Ther cam one from the North coimtrie , named John M y lne , ane measone , a man Aveill experted in his calling , Who entered himselff both frieman and burges of this brugh , Who in proces of tyme , ( by reasone off his skill and airt ) wes preferred to be the Kings M"li 0 ' s M 1 ' Measone , ancl Master of the saicl Lodge at Scoon , And his sone Johne Milne , being ( efter his father ' s deceis ) preferred to the saicl office , and M ' off the saicl Lodge in the reigne off his Majestie
King-James the sixt of blesed memorie , Who , by the saicl seconde John My lne , was ( be the King ' s OAVU desire ) entered ffrieman , measone , & fellow craft . Ancl during all his lyfefcyme he niaintayned the same as ane member of the Lodge of Scoon : So that this Lodge is the most famous Lodge ( iff Aveill orclored ) Avithiii this kingdome . Off the which name of M y lne ther hath confciiiowed severall gennerationes M'i ' s . Measones , to his M"tiL's the Kings of Scotland , ancl
M'ls off the saicl Lodge of Scoon , till , the yeir One thousand six hundTeth and ancl fiftie sevin yeires , at qch tyme the last M ' M ylne being M of the Lodge of Scoon deceased , Ancl left behind him ane oompleit Lodge of measones , friemen , ancl fellow crafts , AVII such off ther number as Wardens and others , to qversie them ; and ordained that one of the saicl number should ohoyse one of themselves to succeid as Master in his lace . The names of Avhose persones
p ffolloAves ; To Witt , Thomas Craich , measone ancl Warden , then James Chrystie , James Wilsone , Andrew Norie , John Wast , James Roch , and Johne Young , all measones , friemen , ancl fellow crafts , AA'ho efter ther true and Lawfull Deliberatione , Understanding that the said Lodge could not stand without ane Master : THEBFOE , they all in ane A'oice , wnanimonslie ffor keipeing of
wnion ancl amity among themselves , Did Nomynat and male choyce of the saicl James Roch to be Master of the saicl Lodge during all the clays of his lyfetyme : And the said Andrew Norie ( to be Warden theroff also during his lyfetyme , or as the saidis Masters ancl fellow crafts findis it convenient . Ancl We , the saidis Masters , Warden , ancl bo ' clie of the saicl Lodge off Scoon , resident within the brugh of Perth , Doe bind and oblies ws , and our successoristo stand aud abyd to the whole acts maid bour predecessoris . Ancl
, y confirmes the samene , Wheroff the tenner of a pairt of them ar to follow ; To Witt , that no frieman , not residing Avithin this brugh , tak upon him to contradict any true thing that the ffrieman , resident within the brugh , speakis , acts , or does , nor goe to noe other Lodge , nor niak ane Lodge among themselves , Seeing this Lodge is the prin " Avithin the shyre . Ancl if any frieman or JfelloAv craft tak himselff to any other Lodge , He shall not be holdin to
return hither again to this Lodge , till he first pay the triple off that which he payed , either to our Lodge or to the Lodge wer . he Aves last : And to be put cleane from the company of the Lodge he AA'as last in , and to suffer the law of our Lodge at our pleasure . Lykas , AA-e doe confirme the said James Roch , M ' off the saicl Lodge , and AndreAv Norie , Warden , foirsd , Avith the consent of us all ffor themseh' -es ancl ther successores foirsd , to put the foirsd act to
executione ( with our consent ) agst the transgressoris . As also the acts following : To Witt That no Master lrifchiii the brugh or Avithout shall tak another friemans -work till be first give it over , aud be payit for what is clone . Seeondlie , that no Master goe betwixt another Master to seik ' work ffrom any persone with Avhom the first M ' is aggrieing , till once he be quyt the bargane . Tbirdlie , That no frieman tak another friemans prenteis or journeyman to work Avith him
, either belonging to this Lodge or any other , except they have ane trie discbairge from ther Master , nor reseve any entered or unentered , except for tAventie dayes space onlie . Ancl if they be discharged pfe ^ l « Jr \ ° / W ^^ ftfjY GRAND \ r [ in L 0 D G E jr WVuBftARV / "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Charter Of Scoone And Perth Lodge, A.D. 1658.
hundreth thriescoir and fyve yeires since or therby . And clurbig that ilk space the saicl Masteres , friemen , and felloAv crafts , inhabitants within the saicl brugh of Perth , vrer alhvays able within themselves to mayntayne ther first liberties , ancl are yet AA'illing to doe the same , as the Masters , friemen , or fellow crafts did formerlie , ( whose names we know not . ) But to our record ancl knowledge of our predecessoris ,
Ther cam one from the North coimtrie , named John M y lne , ane measone , a man Aveill experted in his calling , Who entered himselff both frieman and burges of this brugh , Who in proces of tyme , ( by reasone off his skill and airt ) wes preferred to be the Kings M"li 0 ' s M 1 ' Measone , ancl Master of the saicl Lodge at Scoon , And his sone Johne Milne , being ( efter his father ' s deceis ) preferred to the saicl office , and M ' off the saicl Lodge in the reigne off his Majestie
King-James the sixt of blesed memorie , Who , by the saicl seconde John My lne , was ( be the King ' s OAVU desire ) entered ffrieman , measone , & fellow craft . Ancl during all his lyfefcyme he niaintayned the same as ane member of the Lodge of Scoon : So that this Lodge is the most famous Lodge ( iff Aveill orclored ) Avithiii this kingdome . Off the which name of M y lne ther hath confciiiowed severall gennerationes M'i ' s . Measones , to his M"tiL's the Kings of Scotland , ancl
M'ls off the saicl Lodge of Scoon , till , the yeir One thousand six hundTeth and ancl fiftie sevin yeires , at qch tyme the last M ' M ylne being M of the Lodge of Scoon deceased , Ancl left behind him ane oompleit Lodge of measones , friemen , ancl fellow crafts , AVII such off ther number as Wardens and others , to qversie them ; and ordained that one of the saicl number should ohoyse one of themselves to succeid as Master in his lace . The names of Avhose persones
p ffolloAves ; To Witt , Thomas Craich , measone ancl Warden , then James Chrystie , James Wilsone , Andrew Norie , John Wast , James Roch , and Johne Young , all measones , friemen , ancl fellow crafts , AA'ho efter ther true and Lawfull Deliberatione , Understanding that the said Lodge could not stand without ane Master : THEBFOE , they all in ane A'oice , wnanimonslie ffor keipeing of
wnion ancl amity among themselves , Did Nomynat and male choyce of the saicl James Roch to be Master of the saicl Lodge during all the clays of his lyfetyme : And the said Andrew Norie ( to be Warden theroff also during his lyfetyme , or as the saidis Masters ancl fellow crafts findis it convenient . Ancl We , the saidis Masters , Warden , ancl bo ' clie of the saicl Lodge off Scoon , resident within the brugh of Perth , Doe bind and oblies ws , and our successoristo stand aud abyd to the whole acts maid bour predecessoris . Ancl
, y confirmes the samene , Wheroff the tenner of a pairt of them ar to follow ; To Witt , that no frieman , not residing Avithin this brugh , tak upon him to contradict any true thing that the ffrieman , resident within the brugh , speakis , acts , or does , nor goe to noe other Lodge , nor niak ane Lodge among themselves , Seeing this Lodge is the prin " Avithin the shyre . Ancl if any frieman or JfelloAv craft tak himselff to any other Lodge , He shall not be holdin to
return hither again to this Lodge , till he first pay the triple off that which he payed , either to our Lodge or to the Lodge wer . he Aves last : And to be put cleane from the company of the Lodge he AA'as last in , and to suffer the law of our Lodge at our pleasure . Lykas , AA-e doe confirme the said James Roch , M ' off the saicl Lodge , and AndreAv Norie , Warden , foirsd , Avith the consent of us all ffor themseh' -es ancl ther successores foirsd , to put the foirsd act to
executione ( with our consent ) agst the transgressoris . As also the acts following : To Witt That no Master lrifchiii the brugh or Avithout shall tak another friemans -work till be first give it over , aud be payit for what is clone . Seeondlie , that no Master goe betwixt another Master to seik ' work ffrom any persone with Avhom the first M ' is aggrieing , till once he be quyt the bargane . Tbirdlie , That no frieman tak another friemans prenteis or journeyman to work Avith him
, either belonging to this Lodge or any other , except they have ane trie discbairge from ther Master , nor reseve any entered or unentered , except for tAventie dayes space onlie . Ancl if they be discharged pfe ^ l « Jr \ ° / W ^^ ftfjY GRAND \ r [ in L 0 D G E jr WVuBftARV / "