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Charter Of Scoone And Perth Lodge, A.D. 1658.
Master , they are to have ther vott in the Lodge and Law theroff , iff they seiwe heirafter , ffourthlie , That all ffellow crafts that are past in this Lodge pay to the Master Warden ancl ft ' elloAv crafts of the samene , The sowme of Sixteine Puud Scottis money , besyd the gloA es and deAA'S therof , with Thrie Pund Scottis at their first incoming to the Lodge efter they are past . And yt everie entered prenties shall pay IVentie merkis money , AArith ffourtie shilling , at ther first incomeing to the Lod besyde the clews thereofAncl yt non
ge , . shall be holden to be cau for others , but if they doe not jmmecliatelie pay the soAvmes aforsd , they are to have a cautioner , not belonging to the sd Lodge , for the clew and laAA full pay menttherof . ffyfthlie , that no entered prenteis shall leaA'e bis Master or Masters to tak any AA ork or task work above ffourtie shilling scottis , nor tak a prenteis . Ancl if they doe in the contrail " , they are to be debared from the libertie of the saicl Lodge as ane fellow craft in all
tyme to come . Ancl Lastlie , Wee , ancl all of AYS off ane mynd , consent , and assent , Doe bind ancl obleidge AVS , and our suocessoris , to mantayne ancl Avphold the haill liberties ancl previledges of the saicl Lodge of Scoon as ane ancient frie Lodge , ffor entering ancl passing Avithin ourselves , as the boclie therof , residing within the brag of Perth as sd is : Ancl that soe long as the Sun ryseth in the East and setteth in the West , as Ave Avoid AA'ish the blessing of God to attend AVS in all our Wayos ancl actiones . IN TESTIMONY wherof Ave have submit it the samene Avith our hands Att Perth , the tAA enti fourt day
of December , Jajvjc and ffiftie Eight yeires ( 1658 ) . J . ROCH , M MEASONE . ANDRO NORRIE , WARDEN . James Chrystie Will Grahame John Strachane John Newton Lawrence Chapman 0 Rattray
AndroAV Christie Alex Ritchie MatthoAv Hay Ja Massone Henie Mateson A . Ritchie Andi-Av Stewart Alexander Chtystio Thomas Craigclellie Androw Norrie Johne Mill Johne Haggartt
John Watson James Irvine A Donaldson MattheAV Imrie D Broune Thomas Roch James Whytte John Robertson Wal Thomson Robert Strachane David Cochren James Rochyo '
, John Condie James Alexander Edward Kicking James Gon AndreAv Buchan Matthew Barland An Balauquall M L Dobio Jo Fyffe
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Charter Of Scoone And Perth Lodge, A.D. 1658.
Master , they are to have ther vott in the Lodge and Law theroff , iff they seiwe heirafter , ffourthlie , That all ffellow crafts that are past in this Lodge pay to the Master Warden ancl ft ' elloAv crafts of the samene , The sowme of Sixteine Puud Scottis money , besyd the gloA es and deAA'S therof , with Thrie Pund Scottis at their first incoming to the Lodge efter they are past . And yt everie entered prenties shall pay IVentie merkis money , AArith ffourtie shilling , at ther first incomeing to the Lod besyde the clews thereofAncl yt non
ge , . shall be holden to be cau for others , but if they doe not jmmecliatelie pay the soAvmes aforsd , they are to have a cautioner , not belonging to the sd Lodge , for the clew and laAA full pay menttherof . ffyfthlie , that no entered prenteis shall leaA'e bis Master or Masters to tak any AA ork or task work above ffourtie shilling scottis , nor tak a prenteis . Ancl if they doe in the contrail " , they are to be debared from the libertie of the saicl Lodge as ane fellow craft in all
tyme to come . Ancl Lastlie , Wee , ancl all of AYS off ane mynd , consent , and assent , Doe bind ancl obleidge AVS , and our suocessoris , to mantayne ancl Avphold the haill liberties ancl previledges of the saicl Lodge of Scoon as ane ancient frie Lodge , ffor entering ancl passing Avithin ourselves , as the boclie therof , residing within the brag of Perth as sd is : Ancl that soe long as the Sun ryseth in the East and setteth in the West , as Ave Avoid AA'ish the blessing of God to attend AVS in all our Wayos ancl actiones . IN TESTIMONY wherof Ave have submit it the samene Avith our hands Att Perth , the tAA enti fourt day
of December , Jajvjc and ffiftie Eight yeires ( 1658 ) . J . ROCH , M MEASONE . ANDRO NORRIE , WARDEN . James Chrystie Will Grahame John Strachane John Newton Lawrence Chapman 0 Rattray
AndroAV Christie Alex Ritchie MatthoAv Hay Ja Massone Henie Mateson A . Ritchie Andi-Av Stewart Alexander Chtystio Thomas Craigclellie Androw Norrie Johne Mill Johne Haggartt
John Watson James Irvine A Donaldson MattheAV Imrie D Broune Thomas Roch James Whytte John Robertson Wal Thomson Robert Strachane David Cochren James Rochyo '
, John Condie James Alexander Edward Kicking James Gon AndreAv Buchan Matthew Barland An Balauquall M L Dobio Jo Fyffe