Article OLD LETTERS. ← Page 2 of 2
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Old Letters.
Oh , Alice , the perfume of roses Has returned thro' life ' s turmoil to-clay , With the breath of the lilies ancl myrtle , Ancl a song of the birds far away ; Three faded old letters have brought me The glory and Spring-tide of youth , With the delicate odour of childhood , Ancl a scnsitiA r G honour of truth .
Ah ! here is a chapter from Charlie , And the daintiest missive from May ; He Avrites of his conquests at j > olo , She describes the last drawing-room day . Ancl now they are married ancl settled In an elegant house in Mayfair , His uncle has left him a fortune , Ancl she drives in a carriage and pair .
This paper is crowded Avith verses ( It is useless to mention the name ) ; The critics came clown on their author , And extinguished bis ardour ancl fame . A letter from Mary encloses Just a curl from her child ' s golden hair , And here is a boAV of blue ribbon Katie lost at a ball , on the stair .
This brief little note is from Flora , Written scrawling ancl hurriedly sent ; Her passion that year Avas an artist , Ancl a dear little cottage in Kent . "To know him , " she writes , "istoloA r ehim ;" Would you say that to-clay , little Flo ? For IIOAV she has married a marquis , Ancl this season they ride in the Row .
These few are the records of friendshi p That I trust to the end to retain ; How many dark clays they have brightned , Bringing peace to the heart ancl the brain . And here are some letters were Avritten By a loved one in years passed aAA ay , And still it is SAveet to peruse them As I sit in the twilight to-clay .
I tie them together and ] flace them In a corner away from the rest , Where never a stoic may see them , Or the proud turn them into a jest . Perhaps it is foolish and childish , But my eyes haA'e grown misty with tears : The sight of these letters is haunted With the ghosts of "life ' s beautiful years ! '
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Old Letters.
Oh , Alice , the perfume of roses Has returned thro' life ' s turmoil to-clay , With the breath of the lilies ancl myrtle , Ancl a song of the birds far away ; Three faded old letters have brought me The glory and Spring-tide of youth , With the delicate odour of childhood , Ancl a scnsitiA r G honour of truth .
Ah ! here is a chapter from Charlie , And the daintiest missive from May ; He Avrites of his conquests at j > olo , She describes the last drawing-room day . Ancl now they are married ancl settled In an elegant house in Mayfair , His uncle has left him a fortune , Ancl she drives in a carriage and pair .
This paper is crowded Avith verses ( It is useless to mention the name ) ; The critics came clown on their author , And extinguished bis ardour ancl fame . A letter from Mary encloses Just a curl from her child ' s golden hair , And here is a boAV of blue ribbon Katie lost at a ball , on the stair .
This brief little note is from Flora , Written scrawling ancl hurriedly sent ; Her passion that year Avas an artist , Ancl a dear little cottage in Kent . "To know him , " she writes , "istoloA r ehim ;" Would you say that to-clay , little Flo ? For IIOAV she has married a marquis , Ancl this season they ride in the Row .
These few are the records of friendshi p That I trust to the end to retain ; How many dark clays they have brightned , Bringing peace to the heart ancl the brain . And here are some letters were Avritten By a loved one in years passed aAA ay , And still it is SAveet to peruse them As I sit in the twilight to-clay .
I tie them together and ] flace them In a corner away from the rest , Where never a stoic may see them , Or the proud turn them into a jest . Perhaps it is foolish and childish , But my eyes haA'e grown misty with tears : The sight of these letters is haunted With the ghosts of "life ' s beautiful years ! '