Article TEMPORA MUTANTUR. Page 1 of 1
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Tempora Mutantur.
BY BRO . EJIEA HOLMES . THE sun is shining dimly in the west , The day is dying ;
All peaceful is the ocean , which speaks of rest , Old age is sighing . Eor youth is ever radiant like the morn , With beauty g lowing ; But age is sorrowful , and oft forlorn ,
No pleasure knowing . And to the young , I say , make much of joy , Eor time is creeping ; Before the man hath ceased to be a boy There ' s time for weeping .
The old order changeth , and the new Its place is taking ; Youth is fickle , never thinks 'twill rue Old friends forsaking . We that have passed the hey-day of our life ,
Whose sun is setting , Know that in sunshine , or it may be strife , There ' s no forgetting . We have all built our castles in the air , And oft been dreaming ;
Yes , and our dreams were ever bright and fair , Not true , but seeming . But time and circumstance teaeh many things , Here ' s kindly greeting ; Old friends are best , for riches they take wings , And time is fleeting .
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Tempora Mutantur.
BY BRO . EJIEA HOLMES . THE sun is shining dimly in the west , The day is dying ;
All peaceful is the ocean , which speaks of rest , Old age is sighing . Eor youth is ever radiant like the morn , With beauty g lowing ; But age is sorrowful , and oft forlorn ,
No pleasure knowing . And to the young , I say , make much of joy , Eor time is creeping ; Before the man hath ceased to be a boy There ' s time for weeping .
The old order changeth , and the new Its place is taking ; Youth is fickle , never thinks 'twill rue Old friends forsaking . We that have passed the hey-day of our life ,
Whose sun is setting , Know that in sunshine , or it may be strife , There ' s no forgetting . We have all built our castles in the air , And oft been dreaming ;
Yes , and our dreams were ever bright and fair , Not true , but seeming . But time and circumstance teaeh many things , Here ' s kindly greeting ; Old friends are best , for riches they take wings , And time is fleeting .