Article AN OLD MASON'S TOMB. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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An Old Mason's Tomb.
to William Kerwijn Esquire , and Wife to Daniel Featly , D . D ., Anno Domini 1632 . This window is beautified with three rich Coates , her Fathers , her first and her second Husbands . ' Over against this Window , towards the middle Ee , is a Monument erected to the memory of her worthy Father , the aforenamed William Kenmjn , Esquire , dated 1594 , the time of his death ancl bnriall .
Also of Mistresse Magdalen Kenvyn her Mother , buried in the yeere of onr Lord 1592 . Of BenjamineKerwyn her Brother , buried the 27 . of Jnly Anno 1621 , who had Issue seven sonnes ancl five daughters , five of those children deceast , and here ( with them all that are before named ) interred . This Monument in this passage of 39 . yeeres , somewhat defaced and withered , was raised , repaired , beautified , and encompast with iron Barres , in a faire ancl gracefull manner , at the charge of his loving Daughter , the aforenamed , Mistresse Joyce Featley , 1632 . " Seymour * states that Joyce Featley , left by her will , that after the death of
her husband and herself , the sum of 4 > l . p . aim . for ever was to be paid to the Vicar and churchwardens of the parish of St . Helens , out of the rents and profits of a messuage in the Parish of Lambeth in Surrey ( being copyhold of the Manor of Kennington ) . After recounting various charitable purposes to which portions of this sum of money were to be assigned , the will states that " 6 s . yearly was to be bestowed in repairing her father ' s tomband the other
, 2 s . yearly to the Sexton for keeping clean the same tomb . " Dr . Featly died April 21 st 1645 , and the heirs refusing to pay the legacy , after some litigation , an order for payment was obtained in 1703 , but for some reason with a remittance of arrears . This order was made a final decree of the Court of Chancery , and was so enrolled in the Pett y Bag Office , March , 1703 . It would ajipearf that Dr . Featly was the son of John Fairclough
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An Old Mason's Tomb.
to William Kerwijn Esquire , and Wife to Daniel Featly , D . D ., Anno Domini 1632 . This window is beautified with three rich Coates , her Fathers , her first and her second Husbands . ' Over against this Window , towards the middle Ee , is a Monument erected to the memory of her worthy Father , the aforenamed William Kenmjn , Esquire , dated 1594 , the time of his death ancl bnriall .
Also of Mistresse Magdalen Kenvyn her Mother , buried in the yeere of onr Lord 1592 . Of BenjamineKerwyn her Brother , buried the 27 . of Jnly Anno 1621 , who had Issue seven sonnes ancl five daughters , five of those children deceast , and here ( with them all that are before named ) interred . This Monument in this passage of 39 . yeeres , somewhat defaced and withered , was raised , repaired , beautified , and encompast with iron Barres , in a faire ancl gracefull manner , at the charge of his loving Daughter , the aforenamed , Mistresse Joyce Featley , 1632 . " Seymour * states that Joyce Featley , left by her will , that after the death of
her husband and herself , the sum of 4 > l . p . aim . for ever was to be paid to the Vicar and churchwardens of the parish of St . Helens , out of the rents and profits of a messuage in the Parish of Lambeth in Surrey ( being copyhold of the Manor of Kennington ) . After recounting various charitable purposes to which portions of this sum of money were to be assigned , the will states that " 6 s . yearly was to be bestowed in repairing her father ' s tomband the other
, 2 s . yearly to the Sexton for keeping clean the same tomb . " Dr . Featly died April 21 st 1645 , and the heirs refusing to pay the legacy , after some litigation , an order for payment was obtained in 1703 , but for some reason with a remittance of arrears . This order was made a final decree of the Court of Chancery , and was so enrolled in the Pett y Bag Office , March , 1703 . It would ajipearf that Dr . Featly was the son of John Fairclough