Article AMONG THE HILLS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article SEA-SIDE SIGHTS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Among The Hills.
In the balmy fragrance of a fresh summer morning you feel elated , ' satisfied with yourself , at peace with the world . What matter to you the debates of " great talking houses , " the reverses or the gyrations of statesmen , the startling intelligence of large type , the often terrific earnestness of the telegraphic message . You are farhappilyfrom the vanitiesthe - contentionsthe strugglesthe
, , , , , baseness of men : Nature is your companion , your guide , and your familiar friend . You are " among the hills , " and you soon learn to look on them with reverence and love;—to know then- outline ancl welcome them as old familiar friends ; to refresh your often wearied spirit and dazed understandings with a sight of their goodly outlinewith the realization of their quiet calmtheir might
, , y stature , their immovability and their perpetuity . Other things fade , not they . Many old landmarks are removed , they still remain . If any of my readers in their little holiday have , like myself , been " among the hills , "—if to them it has been given to gaze admiringly on some of the noblest scenes from nature that dominates in this our favoured land ; if any of those who have been over these paths have been privileged to look up to
these wondrous ancl speaking memorials of Creative greatness and wise development , they will , I feel sure , enter into my feelings , ancl assent to my few and hesitating words ! But no apology , I feel sure , is needed for any one who seeks to-day to offer his humble meed of admiration for that provision of ample ancl true enjoyment which Nature , ever kind and considerate , engaging and tender , offers to countless " Pilgrims " of all ages , and ranks , and sexes— " Among the Hills . "
Sea-Side Sights.
T SAW some little ones at play Upon the shingly shore , With lanky limbs , and unkempt hair Begrimed and matted o ' er . I saw them bathing in the sea
With tattered dress ; and thought How cheaply health and happiness From nature can be bought . I saw that after they were washed , How white their bodies were ; But oh ! their meagreness was
great—It proved how hard their fare . I , musing , thought what homes have these ? They need a parent's care . Improvidence then crossed my mind , The fault , it must lie there . How many sights we daily see ,
That move conrpassion ' s tears—Neglected children ! What more sad ? And those of tender years .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Among The Hills.
In the balmy fragrance of a fresh summer morning you feel elated , ' satisfied with yourself , at peace with the world . What matter to you the debates of " great talking houses , " the reverses or the gyrations of statesmen , the startling intelligence of large type , the often terrific earnestness of the telegraphic message . You are farhappilyfrom the vanitiesthe - contentionsthe strugglesthe
, , , , , baseness of men : Nature is your companion , your guide , and your familiar friend . You are " among the hills , " and you soon learn to look on them with reverence and love;—to know then- outline ancl welcome them as old familiar friends ; to refresh your often wearied spirit and dazed understandings with a sight of their goodly outlinewith the realization of their quiet calmtheir might
, , y stature , their immovability and their perpetuity . Other things fade , not they . Many old landmarks are removed , they still remain . If any of my readers in their little holiday have , like myself , been " among the hills , "—if to them it has been given to gaze admiringly on some of the noblest scenes from nature that dominates in this our favoured land ; if any of those who have been over these paths have been privileged to look up to
these wondrous ancl speaking memorials of Creative greatness and wise development , they will , I feel sure , enter into my feelings , ancl assent to my few and hesitating words ! But no apology , I feel sure , is needed for any one who seeks to-day to offer his humble meed of admiration for that provision of ample ancl true enjoyment which Nature , ever kind and considerate , engaging and tender , offers to countless " Pilgrims " of all ages , and ranks , and sexes— " Among the Hills . "
Sea-Side Sights.
T SAW some little ones at play Upon the shingly shore , With lanky limbs , and unkempt hair Begrimed and matted o ' er . I saw them bathing in the sea
With tattered dress ; and thought How cheaply health and happiness From nature can be bought . I saw that after they were washed , How white their bodies were ; But oh ! their meagreness was
great—It proved how hard their fare . I , musing , thought what homes have these ? They need a parent's care . Improvidence then crossed my mind , The fault , it must lie there . How many sights we daily see ,
That move conrpassion ' s tears—Neglected children ! What more sad ? And those of tender years .