Article ON THE RHINE. Page 1 of 2 →
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On The Rhine.
AT this period of the year , when so many of our " gentle Craft" are " on the wing , " it may be well in these pages to recall to our minds the " souvenirs " of that famous river , which still are prevailing with many of us , despite the irresistible drawbacks of gout , rheumatism , infirmities , andold age . For if once of old we were able to sing , " Wein herz est am Rhein , " to-day memory , which often plays great pranks with us all , takes us straight
away from a dull , silent , or weary present to laughing faces and wreathed smiles , to the gay songs of youthful friends , to clear faces , ancl sweet voices , ancl loving hearts now passed along ancl away adown the greater river of life . But as we stand to-day on the banks of the Rhine , whereon we pitch our tent , whether it be Bonn , or Bacharach , Nonnenwerth , or Bingen , Boppart , or Coblentzor even descend to Mayenceor Wormsor Mannheimthe thought
, , , , supervenes perforce of pleasant days and parted friends , of summer holidays ancl happy expeditions , and of that wondrous commingling of castles and vineyards , and hills ancl spires , ancl wood ancl water , which makes the " glorious Rhine" still a legend ancl a " lamp of beauty " to many a poor wayfarer here .
Now it is well known to many that you can get to the Rhine from Holland , ancl that the poetic Rhine is not that we greet only at Cologne or Koln , as the Germans term it , and which we generally leave at Mayence , always at Mannheim . By leaving Rotterdam in one of the lines of steamers on the Maas , which in some parts is called the Merwede , ancl again the Waal , you at last enter on
the true " German Rhine " at a place called Lobith , after Neymeguen , and ' where , with the conjunction of the Waal ancl the Leb , our " Rhine , " like our united Germany , is one . Many travellers have complained of the voyage up to Emmerich and Dusselctorf , and even to Cologne thus far , ancl . specially of the Dutch portion of the "trajet , " as "low , level , plain , ancl heavy "—something like the " canardscanauxcanaille " of the bored Frenchman of old .
, , But as I like seeing different countries , and looking on strange lands , ancl watching the various forms , nations , and scenery , I assume to think such complaints are neither fair nor reasonable . We cannot expect to see the " Siebengebirge , " for instance , amid the level plains ancl canals of Holland , and as each district has its peculiarities let us visit them ancl not grumble . With Cologne begins for most of our readers
the good old home of poetry ancl song , of robber knights , of decaying castles , of the Lurley Lei , of Roland and his " ladye dear . " Ancl I know of no pleasanter holiday than wandering clown the Rhine with a " congenial crew , " ancl spending some cheery hours amid the beauties , and songs , ancl " patois " of Rhine land .
You will find comfortable entertainment at all those well-known picturesque villages on the banks , sometimes in quaint kostelri . es , sometimes in new hotels ; but the Rhine has in itself , and of itself , enough to repay the wanderer , who , li ght of heart ancl devoid of care , pleasing and being pleased , forms part of that cheery group which nothing can daunt , tire , or put out of countenance , and which extracts poetry from every turn of the river , a legend from every ruin , ancl health and amusement from holiday hours ancl " al fresco " meals . Alas , our holidays are far too short in life , —they end too rapidly for you ancl me , Hnd readers .
Even to-day we can remember some peregrinations and pilgrimages of oldalas , when our hearts were lighter than they now are , —and yet of those true councillors ancl merry mates , and fresh , fair , and gay young maidens— " sodales et amici "—how few remain !
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On The Rhine.
AT this period of the year , when so many of our " gentle Craft" are " on the wing , " it may be well in these pages to recall to our minds the " souvenirs " of that famous river , which still are prevailing with many of us , despite the irresistible drawbacks of gout , rheumatism , infirmities , andold age . For if once of old we were able to sing , " Wein herz est am Rhein , " to-day memory , which often plays great pranks with us all , takes us straight
away from a dull , silent , or weary present to laughing faces and wreathed smiles , to the gay songs of youthful friends , to clear faces , ancl sweet voices , ancl loving hearts now passed along ancl away adown the greater river of life . But as we stand to-day on the banks of the Rhine , whereon we pitch our tent , whether it be Bonn , or Bacharach , Nonnenwerth , or Bingen , Boppart , or Coblentzor even descend to Mayenceor Wormsor Mannheimthe thought
, , , , supervenes perforce of pleasant days and parted friends , of summer holidays ancl happy expeditions , and of that wondrous commingling of castles and vineyards , and hills ancl spires , ancl wood ancl water , which makes the " glorious Rhine" still a legend ancl a " lamp of beauty " to many a poor wayfarer here .
Now it is well known to many that you can get to the Rhine from Holland , ancl that the poetic Rhine is not that we greet only at Cologne or Koln , as the Germans term it , and which we generally leave at Mayence , always at Mannheim . By leaving Rotterdam in one of the lines of steamers on the Maas , which in some parts is called the Merwede , ancl again the Waal , you at last enter on
the true " German Rhine " at a place called Lobith , after Neymeguen , and ' where , with the conjunction of the Waal ancl the Leb , our " Rhine , " like our united Germany , is one . Many travellers have complained of the voyage up to Emmerich and Dusselctorf , and even to Cologne thus far , ancl . specially of the Dutch portion of the "trajet , " as "low , level , plain , ancl heavy "—something like the " canardscanauxcanaille " of the bored Frenchman of old .
, , But as I like seeing different countries , and looking on strange lands , ancl watching the various forms , nations , and scenery , I assume to think such complaints are neither fair nor reasonable . We cannot expect to see the " Siebengebirge , " for instance , amid the level plains ancl canals of Holland , and as each district has its peculiarities let us visit them ancl not grumble . With Cologne begins for most of our readers
the good old home of poetry ancl song , of robber knights , of decaying castles , of the Lurley Lei , of Roland and his " ladye dear . " Ancl I know of no pleasanter holiday than wandering clown the Rhine with a " congenial crew , " ancl spending some cheery hours amid the beauties , and songs , ancl " patois " of Rhine land .
You will find comfortable entertainment at all those well-known picturesque villages on the banks , sometimes in quaint kostelri . es , sometimes in new hotels ; but the Rhine has in itself , and of itself , enough to repay the wanderer , who , li ght of heart ancl devoid of care , pleasing and being pleased , forms part of that cheery group which nothing can daunt , tire , or put out of countenance , and which extracts poetry from every turn of the river , a legend from every ruin , ancl health and amusement from holiday hours ancl " al fresco " meals . Alas , our holidays are far too short in life , —they end too rapidly for you ancl me , Hnd readers .
Even to-day we can remember some peregrinations and pilgrimages of oldalas , when our hearts were lighter than they now are , —and yet of those true councillors ancl merry mates , and fresh , fair , and gay young maidens— " sodales et amici "—how few remain !