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Origin Of Freemasonry In Nova Scotia.
Avallis at their head . ' Deeming it , as they said , 'for tho good of the Fraternity that Masonry should be propagated in the province , and that there Avas a necessity of encouraging it in this place . ' Erasmus James Philips , Esq ., of Annapolis Royal ,
was Provincial G . M . at that time ; and they agreed to petition him for a Warrant to hold a lodge at Halifax , ancl that his excellency mig ht be Master of it . This warrant was received on the 19 th of July , and on the same evening Lord Colvill , and
a number of the Navy gentlemen were entered apprentices in this lodge , it had also the honour of making many of tho principal inhabitants , and most of the gentlemen holding considerable offices in the province , and it Avas in this lodge that ora present S . G . W ., the E . W . and Hon . Richard Bnlkeley , Esq ., Avas made a Master
Mason . " Governor CoriiAvallis , indeed AAdiile he resided in the province was Master of this lodge , and governed it by a Deputy , according to the custom prevailing in Scotland . He Avas succeeded hi the government and in the chair by Governor LaAvrenceAVIIO
, enjoyed both till his death . Under the auspices of these gentlemen the fraternity met Avith CA ery reasonable encouragement ancl it nourished Avith great success . " On March 18 th , 1751 , the second lodge Avas formed at Halifaxwhen Bro . Murray
, acted as D . G . M ., and Bro . Nesbitt , late Attorney General , as S . G . W . in installing the officers . The next St . John ' s day they resolved to celebrate the festival Avith the usual pomp , to Avalk in procession to the
governor's house and from thence to Cliurcli to hear prayers ; but receiving the melancholy neAvs of the death of our brother , the late Prince of Wales , they resolved to appear in mourning as a mark of respect to his memory . Phili
" At this time our E . W . Bro . ps , probably acted only under a deputation , for Ave find a Grand Warrant dated seven years after this from the E . W . ancl Hon . William Stuart , Earl of Blesshigton , Grand Master of England [ G . M . of the Ancients ] , Phili
constituting Erasmus James ps , Esq ., Provincial Grand Master of Nova Scotia , and of the territories thereunto belonging . "It Avas granted by the consent and approbation of forty-seven regular lodges held in the cities ancl suburbs of London and Westminster , authorising the brethren
residing in the province of Nova Scotia to hold a Provincial Grand Lodge , independent of any former dispensation or constitution granted by him or his predecessor to NBAV England or elseAvhere , impoAvering our E . W . Bro . Philips to constitute regular
lodges within his OAVU jurisdiction , Avhicli mig ht make Masons according to ancient custom of the Eoyal Craft in all ages and nations throughout the knoAvn Avorld , giving the said G . L . authority to hear ancl determine all matters relating to the Craft Avithin said jurisdiction , and requiring all the Avorthy brethren under the same to conform to all the rules and orders which
from time to time might bo issued by the Provincial Grand Lodge . " Grand Master Philips Avas succeeded in his high office by his honor Jonathan Belcher , [ son of Governor Belcher of Massachusetts , ] Lieutenant Governor of the Province ; but the province being in its
infancy and having to struggle Avith many difficulties unfavourable to the cultivation of the Arts , the Grand Warrant , after tho death of the E . W . Bro . Belcher [ who died March 1776 ] lay dormant many years , a misfortune severely felt by the Craft . To
remedy this evU the lodges about Halifax had a meeting in the year 1783 , and determined to petition the Grand Lodge of England [ meaning , of the ancients ] for a renewal of their former Grand Warrant .
Accordingly a neAV Warrant referring to the old one was granted and arrived here in September , 1784 , constituting the E . "W . John George Pyke , Esq ., Grand Master of Nova Scotia agreeable to the choice ancl request of the petitioners . " Butattentive to the good of Masonry
, ancl Avishing to see it placed on a most respectable footing , the next year he signified his desire to the G . L . of resigning his hig h office ancl nominated as his successor his Excellency Governor Parr , AVIIO had ever SIIOAVII a friendldisposition to
proy mote the honour ancl welfare of the Craft This Avas received by the Fraternity with universal applause , and he Avas unanimously chosen by the G . L . and Avas installed and proclaimed G . M . December 27 , 1785 , in the presence of a numerous concourse "l
brethren . " The advantage of a G . L . in the province soon appeared very consp icuous ft 1 no less than fifteen ne \ v lodges have law been constituted . And we now see
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Origin Of Freemasonry In Nova Scotia.
Avallis at their head . ' Deeming it , as they said , 'for tho good of the Fraternity that Masonry should be propagated in the province , and that there Avas a necessity of encouraging it in this place . ' Erasmus James Philips , Esq ., of Annapolis Royal ,
was Provincial G . M . at that time ; and they agreed to petition him for a Warrant to hold a lodge at Halifax , ancl that his excellency mig ht be Master of it . This warrant was received on the 19 th of July , and on the same evening Lord Colvill , and
a number of the Navy gentlemen were entered apprentices in this lodge , it had also the honour of making many of tho principal inhabitants , and most of the gentlemen holding considerable offices in the province , and it Avas in this lodge that ora present S . G . W ., the E . W . and Hon . Richard Bnlkeley , Esq ., Avas made a Master
Mason . " Governor CoriiAvallis , indeed AAdiile he resided in the province was Master of this lodge , and governed it by a Deputy , according to the custom prevailing in Scotland . He Avas succeeded hi the government and in the chair by Governor LaAvrenceAVIIO
, enjoyed both till his death . Under the auspices of these gentlemen the fraternity met Avith CA ery reasonable encouragement ancl it nourished Avith great success . " On March 18 th , 1751 , the second lodge Avas formed at Halifaxwhen Bro . Murray
, acted as D . G . M ., and Bro . Nesbitt , late Attorney General , as S . G . W . in installing the officers . The next St . John ' s day they resolved to celebrate the festival Avith the usual pomp , to Avalk in procession to the
governor's house and from thence to Cliurcli to hear prayers ; but receiving the melancholy neAvs of the death of our brother , the late Prince of Wales , they resolved to appear in mourning as a mark of respect to his memory . Phili
" At this time our E . W . Bro . ps , probably acted only under a deputation , for Ave find a Grand Warrant dated seven years after this from the E . W . ancl Hon . William Stuart , Earl of Blesshigton , Grand Master of England [ G . M . of the Ancients ] , Phili
constituting Erasmus James ps , Esq ., Provincial Grand Master of Nova Scotia , and of the territories thereunto belonging . "It Avas granted by the consent and approbation of forty-seven regular lodges held in the cities ancl suburbs of London and Westminster , authorising the brethren
residing in the province of Nova Scotia to hold a Provincial Grand Lodge , independent of any former dispensation or constitution granted by him or his predecessor to NBAV England or elseAvhere , impoAvering our E . W . Bro . Philips to constitute regular
lodges within his OAVU jurisdiction , Avhicli mig ht make Masons according to ancient custom of the Eoyal Craft in all ages and nations throughout the knoAvn Avorld , giving the said G . L . authority to hear ancl determine all matters relating to the Craft Avithin said jurisdiction , and requiring all the Avorthy brethren under the same to conform to all the rules and orders which
from time to time might bo issued by the Provincial Grand Lodge . " Grand Master Philips Avas succeeded in his high office by his honor Jonathan Belcher , [ son of Governor Belcher of Massachusetts , ] Lieutenant Governor of the Province ; but the province being in its
infancy and having to struggle Avith many difficulties unfavourable to the cultivation of the Arts , the Grand Warrant , after tho death of the E . W . Bro . Belcher [ who died March 1776 ] lay dormant many years , a misfortune severely felt by the Craft . To
remedy this evU the lodges about Halifax had a meeting in the year 1783 , and determined to petition the Grand Lodge of England [ meaning , of the ancients ] for a renewal of their former Grand Warrant .
Accordingly a neAV Warrant referring to the old one was granted and arrived here in September , 1784 , constituting the E . "W . John George Pyke , Esq ., Grand Master of Nova Scotia agreeable to the choice ancl request of the petitioners . " Butattentive to the good of Masonry
, ancl Avishing to see it placed on a most respectable footing , the next year he signified his desire to the G . L . of resigning his hig h office ancl nominated as his successor his Excellency Governor Parr , AVIIO had ever SIIOAVII a friendldisposition to
proy mote the honour ancl welfare of the Craft This Avas received by the Fraternity with universal applause , and he Avas unanimously chosen by the G . L . and Avas installed and proclaimed G . M . December 27 , 1785 , in the presence of a numerous concourse "l
brethren . " The advantage of a G . L . in the province soon appeared very consp icuous ft 1 no less than fifteen ne \ v lodges have law been constituted . And we now see