Article A LITTLE GOOD ADVICE. ← Page 4 of 4 Article A LITTLE GOOD ADVICE. Page 4 of 4 Article LOIS' STRATEGY. Page 1 of 3 →
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A Little Good Advice.
at an archery meeting , received immense attention from a " man flirt , " AVIIO soon after married a plain woman with £ 40 , 000 . And lastly there is our little acquaintance , Fanny , once the merriest and wickedest little flirt in the
Avorld . She Avent one clay to a Review at Aldershot , and caught a heart complaint from a very good-looking Lieutenant of a famous Lancer Eegiment .
But of course he had no money , and she had none . " Stern parients " on both sides objected ; never heard of such an idea ; not to be thought of ; and one maiden aunt Avas very indignant and even
unbecoming in her remarks . AA hat Avere they to do , poor souls ? He went to India , she staid at home ; he distinguished himself in the mutiny ; got a bad wound ; the Star of India ; his promotion ; a liver complaint ; and what Avas ivorse for
Fanny , he married a Miss Nelly O'Hagan , daughter of the famous Brigadier O'Hagan , Avhose speech to a famous regiment Avas much admired at the time for its point and brevity , and may be judiciously remembered and imitated still .
"Eobbers /' said he , "come on , " and they Avent on " more Latronum . " See the dispatches . Our fair little friend Fanny has nevei married . She says she is content to " wander on alone . " She attends an ornate church , and is an indefatigable worker in the schools .
Who can say , after all , that she is unhappy ? No one is or need be unhappy who does his or her duty . And so , my fair friends and youngswells , had you but Avaited a " little hefore rashlpersuaded yourselves
you y ) 'ou Avere in We , how much of moonshine and melancholy and useless life would you have , humanly speaking , spared yourselves ?
Therefore don't many in haste to re-Pent at leisure . Iteniember love in a cottage does not , ne ver did , and never will pay .
A Little Good Advice.
But if you have a modest competence ( riches don't make marriages happy ) , and find a suitable person , in all the reality of considerate affection , and in all the earnestness of mutual sympathy , don't hesitate to take upon you the
holy estate of matrimony , and then if you love wisely , you can never love too Avell . TlIEOPIIILUS TOMLINSON .
Lois' Strategy.
" You shall marry him ! It's all settled . NOAV don't go to Avhimpering , for it AVZII be of no use . James Talbot is a good fehW , has plenty of money , and he likes you ; and if you don't marry him , you shall leave my house to-morroAv . "
" 0 , Uncle Tom ! You surely can't mean Avlmt you say ! You ivon ' t make me have that , horrid olrl bore 1 "
" What do you mean by calling one of my friends an old bore ? " fumed Uncle Tom . " Lois , you are a silly child ; you surely don't Avant that conceited fool , Gray ?" " He is no fool ! " cried Lois . " He has
more brains than the Avhole of the Talbots . I do love him , and I Avon't havo your detestable Jim !" " Yes , you Avill ! " roared the old man . " NOAV go to bed and make up your mind to obey me . "
Lois left the room and went to her OAVH apartment to indulge in a hearty cry , and then she Avrote a long letter to Louis Gray , a clerk in a hank , to -whom she was engaged . She Avas an orphan , and had not the
slightest remembrance of her parents . H or uncle had adopted her , and she had lived very happily Avith him up to her eighteenth birthday , Avhen he informed her that he had selected a husband for her in the person of Mr . James Talbotan old friend
, and schoolmate of himself , AVIIO Avas , besides , quite wealthy . Talbot , being charmed Avith the fresh young beauty of Lois , asked her uncle's consent to his suit , Avhich Avas gladly given . But with Lois it Avas
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Little Good Advice.
at an archery meeting , received immense attention from a " man flirt , " AVIIO soon after married a plain woman with £ 40 , 000 . And lastly there is our little acquaintance , Fanny , once the merriest and wickedest little flirt in the
Avorld . She Avent one clay to a Review at Aldershot , and caught a heart complaint from a very good-looking Lieutenant of a famous Lancer Eegiment .
But of course he had no money , and she had none . " Stern parients " on both sides objected ; never heard of such an idea ; not to be thought of ; and one maiden aunt Avas very indignant and even
unbecoming in her remarks . AA hat Avere they to do , poor souls ? He went to India , she staid at home ; he distinguished himself in the mutiny ; got a bad wound ; the Star of India ; his promotion ; a liver complaint ; and what Avas ivorse for
Fanny , he married a Miss Nelly O'Hagan , daughter of the famous Brigadier O'Hagan , Avhose speech to a famous regiment Avas much admired at the time for its point and brevity , and may be judiciously remembered and imitated still .
"Eobbers /' said he , "come on , " and they Avent on " more Latronum . " See the dispatches . Our fair little friend Fanny has nevei married . She says she is content to " wander on alone . " She attends an ornate church , and is an indefatigable worker in the schools .
Who can say , after all , that she is unhappy ? No one is or need be unhappy who does his or her duty . And so , my fair friends and youngswells , had you but Avaited a " little hefore rashlpersuaded yourselves
you y ) 'ou Avere in We , how much of moonshine and melancholy and useless life would you have , humanly speaking , spared yourselves ?
Therefore don't many in haste to re-Pent at leisure . Iteniember love in a cottage does not , ne ver did , and never will pay .
A Little Good Advice.
But if you have a modest competence ( riches don't make marriages happy ) , and find a suitable person , in all the reality of considerate affection , and in all the earnestness of mutual sympathy , don't hesitate to take upon you the
holy estate of matrimony , and then if you love wisely , you can never love too Avell . TlIEOPIIILUS TOMLINSON .
Lois' Strategy.
" You shall marry him ! It's all settled . NOAV don't go to Avhimpering , for it AVZII be of no use . James Talbot is a good fehW , has plenty of money , and he likes you ; and if you don't marry him , you shall leave my house to-morroAv . "
" 0 , Uncle Tom ! You surely can't mean Avlmt you say ! You ivon ' t make me have that , horrid olrl bore 1 "
" What do you mean by calling one of my friends an old bore ? " fumed Uncle Tom . " Lois , you are a silly child ; you surely don't Avant that conceited fool , Gray ?" " He is no fool ! " cried Lois . " He has
more brains than the Avhole of the Talbots . I do love him , and I Avon't havo your detestable Jim !" " Yes , you Avill ! " roared the old man . " NOAV go to bed and make up your mind to obey me . "
Lois left the room and went to her OAVH apartment to indulge in a hearty cry , and then she Avrote a long letter to Louis Gray , a clerk in a hank , to -whom she was engaged . She Avas an orphan , and had not the
slightest remembrance of her parents . H or uncle had adopted her , and she had lived very happily Avith him up to her eighteenth birthday , Avhen he informed her that he had selected a husband for her in the person of Mr . James Talbotan old friend
, and schoolmate of himself , AVIIO Avas , besides , quite wealthy . Talbot , being charmed Avith the fresh young beauty of Lois , asked her uncle's consent to his suit , Avhich Avas gladly given . But with Lois it Avas