Article LONG LIVERS: ← Page 3 of 14 →
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Long Livers:
can answer for the Effects of the Folly and Malice of ignorant and designing Men . However , be not uneasy at sounds which have no Meaning in them ; for thus to affirm any one who believes in the Almighty , Eternal Father , and adores his
divine and most Glorious Attributes , to be an Atheist , is the most impudent , most abominable , and most unpardonable p iece of Villainy and Ignorance hi the world , a flagrant Contradiction ; for those two are as repugnant as Light to Darkness , and Heaven to Hell .
Those indeed who hold , or would persuade the Vulgar that they hold , ( what they themselves know they do not believe ) a Plurality of Gods , deserve infinitely more that charitable predicate ; for a Multitude of Gods is utterly inconsistent with the Idea of the Divinity ; it is the same as a
Multitude of First Beings , Nonsense the most blasphemous and enormous ; for he that believes there are many Gods , believes in no God at all . And who could ever have imagined , ( had not History so informed us ) that the whole Worldexcept the
, Brotherhood , should have been guilty of so much Folly and Madness as to adore a wretched Company of Ribhalds , lewd Harlots , and their consecrated Bastards , with which holy Fry the Heathens peopled then Heavenswith a notorious
Whore-, master at their Head , and of whose hopeful Issue tho whole Band of puisne Gods ( Magnum Jovis incrementum ) were composed .
But if to cashier for ever out of our Creed this infinite ribble-rabble of spurious Divinities both he and she ; if to own one cannot believe the eternal Magazine of hol y Trumpery , and bend ( like Isacher ' s Ass ) beneath the insupportable Luggage of Infidel and Pagan Legendary Superstition
, the Reveries of paniper'd dreaming Enthusiasts , whose Brains , ever pester'd with a thousand fluttering inconsistent Ideas , and incoherent Phantoms , the Effects of the Fumes of Wine and indigested Luxury , who retail out their spiritual Haberdashery
of small Wares and holy Baubles , to the childish unthinking Idiot Multitude : If to do all this and believe only in one God the Father Almighty , Maker of Heaven and Earth , and of all Things visible and invisible , the most grand , essential , the prime , eternal , everlasting , fundamental Article of
the most holy , catholic , universal , and Christian Faith ( of which we are ) makes one an Atheist ; such , my dearest Brethren , are we all , and we glory in it . Let tho Lifidel and Pagan World say what they will , we shall have the Suffrages of all
Christians , under whatever other Denomination distinguished , who cannot he so inconsistent with themselves , as to take Umbrage at those who believe the prime Article of their ( that is , onr ) holy Faith . After this mannerthank our great God
, , we have learned Christ , and after the Way such call Atheism and Heresy ( I speak in Brother St . Paul's Style ) So worship we the God of our Fathers , who ( we know ) is but One as is our Faith . There is one Godone Faithone Baptismone Lord and
, , , Saviour of us all . 0 thou Eternal ONE ! thou Immortal UNITE ! thou Incomprehensible MOKA . S ! Never let us swerve from these everlasting
Truths . Send out thy Light and thy Truth , that they may lead and bring us to thy holy Hill and thy Tabernacle . We are imprisoned , who shall deliver us from the Body of this Death ? We are exiled Children from our Country , when shall we return 1 Here thou hast placed us as
Novices and Probationers , when shall we be professed amongst those blessed Fraternities above , and be made free Denizens of the celestial Jerusalem , not built with Hands , a \ id he re-instated in our Innocence Here we wander in the dark gloomy vale
of Tears and the Shadow of Death , where we remember nothing , and know nothing , and who dares say What dost thou ? Here hast thou placed us for Reasons best known to thy Almighty Justice , and thy inscrutable Counsels , into which the curious
Pryer is struck blind hy the radiant Majesty of thy Glories , thou inaccessible Light ! thou eternal Power ! Wisdom Love !
Pardon me , my dearest Brethren , this Digression , which prohahly however may not he without its Profits , and into which my Meditation on this divine Science generally leads me , of which tho' I know nothing , yet perhaps I have said too much . However to acquire thisas well
, as any of the other Sciences , whereby you will come to know , love and honour God a diligent application is absolutely necessary , and that cannot be without inward K 2
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Long Livers:
can answer for the Effects of the Folly and Malice of ignorant and designing Men . However , be not uneasy at sounds which have no Meaning in them ; for thus to affirm any one who believes in the Almighty , Eternal Father , and adores his
divine and most Glorious Attributes , to be an Atheist , is the most impudent , most abominable , and most unpardonable p iece of Villainy and Ignorance hi the world , a flagrant Contradiction ; for those two are as repugnant as Light to Darkness , and Heaven to Hell .
Those indeed who hold , or would persuade the Vulgar that they hold , ( what they themselves know they do not believe ) a Plurality of Gods , deserve infinitely more that charitable predicate ; for a Multitude of Gods is utterly inconsistent with the Idea of the Divinity ; it is the same as a
Multitude of First Beings , Nonsense the most blasphemous and enormous ; for he that believes there are many Gods , believes in no God at all . And who could ever have imagined , ( had not History so informed us ) that the whole Worldexcept the
, Brotherhood , should have been guilty of so much Folly and Madness as to adore a wretched Company of Ribhalds , lewd Harlots , and their consecrated Bastards , with which holy Fry the Heathens peopled then Heavenswith a notorious
Whore-, master at their Head , and of whose hopeful Issue tho whole Band of puisne Gods ( Magnum Jovis incrementum ) were composed .
But if to cashier for ever out of our Creed this infinite ribble-rabble of spurious Divinities both he and she ; if to own one cannot believe the eternal Magazine of hol y Trumpery , and bend ( like Isacher ' s Ass ) beneath the insupportable Luggage of Infidel and Pagan Legendary Superstition
, the Reveries of paniper'd dreaming Enthusiasts , whose Brains , ever pester'd with a thousand fluttering inconsistent Ideas , and incoherent Phantoms , the Effects of the Fumes of Wine and indigested Luxury , who retail out their spiritual Haberdashery
of small Wares and holy Baubles , to the childish unthinking Idiot Multitude : If to do all this and believe only in one God the Father Almighty , Maker of Heaven and Earth , and of all Things visible and invisible , the most grand , essential , the prime , eternal , everlasting , fundamental Article of
the most holy , catholic , universal , and Christian Faith ( of which we are ) makes one an Atheist ; such , my dearest Brethren , are we all , and we glory in it . Let tho Lifidel and Pagan World say what they will , we shall have the Suffrages of all
Christians , under whatever other Denomination distinguished , who cannot he so inconsistent with themselves , as to take Umbrage at those who believe the prime Article of their ( that is , onr ) holy Faith . After this mannerthank our great God
, , we have learned Christ , and after the Way such call Atheism and Heresy ( I speak in Brother St . Paul's Style ) So worship we the God of our Fathers , who ( we know ) is but One as is our Faith . There is one Godone Faithone Baptismone Lord and
, , , Saviour of us all . 0 thou Eternal ONE ! thou Immortal UNITE ! thou Incomprehensible MOKA . S ! Never let us swerve from these everlasting
Truths . Send out thy Light and thy Truth , that they may lead and bring us to thy holy Hill and thy Tabernacle . We are imprisoned , who shall deliver us from the Body of this Death ? We are exiled Children from our Country , when shall we return 1 Here thou hast placed us as
Novices and Probationers , when shall we be professed amongst those blessed Fraternities above , and be made free Denizens of the celestial Jerusalem , not built with Hands , a \ id he re-instated in our Innocence Here we wander in the dark gloomy vale
of Tears and the Shadow of Death , where we remember nothing , and know nothing , and who dares say What dost thou ? Here hast thou placed us for Reasons best known to thy Almighty Justice , and thy inscrutable Counsels , into which the curious
Pryer is struck blind hy the radiant Majesty of thy Glories , thou inaccessible Light ! thou eternal Power ! Wisdom Love !
Pardon me , my dearest Brethren , this Digression , which prohahly however may not he without its Profits , and into which my Meditation on this divine Science generally leads me , of which tho' I know nothing , yet perhaps I have said too much . However to acquire thisas well
, as any of the other Sciences , whereby you will come to know , love and honour God a diligent application is absolutely necessary , and that cannot be without inward K 2