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Masonic And Anti-Masonic Processions, Caricatures, Etc.
"May 3 rd , 1744 .. Yesterday several of the mock Masons were taken up by the constable empowered to impress men for his Majesty ' s service , and were confined till they can be examined before justices . " The mock procession of 1745 being- already demonstrated , it therefore proves the tenacity of Masons in clinging to old nonsensical customs ; for no less than four anti-Masonic processions were required in London in order
to stop Masonic proeessionising . Besides the two caricatures , exclusive of Hogarth ' s , already mentioned , a caricature , designated " The Freemason ' s Downfall , or the restoration of the Scald Miserables , " was published in 1742 , price twopence . Another , of the same year , was published by Hurst , Chanse , and Co . ; and I believe that still another one is described of the same year . So , we see , that quite a mania was created about that time for anti-Masonic caricatures .
It is only necessary to state that Paul Whitehead , the poet , was believed at the time to have been the chief contriver of the "Scald Miserable" processions . Dr . Carey , surgeon to the Prince of Wales , also took part in an anti-Masonic show , for which Bro . Frederick Prince of Wales dismissed him from his service . I have no doubt the brotherhood were glad of it , and probably more than one Masonic enthusiast told Dr . Carey , " Sarve you right . " '
It is my firm belief , however , that Messrs . Whitehead and Carey deserve the thanks of the English Masons for having been instrumental in abolishing the nuisance of Masonic processions ; and I believe that if hisH . R . H . the present Prince of Wales could witness the tomfoolery of Masonic processions in America , that , as Grand Master , he would request the Grand Lodge to have marble statues of Whitehead and Carey placed in the most conspicuous part of Freemasons ' Hall , for having weaned the English brethren from public processioning .
Honesty And Truth.
THERE are two things of purest ray Which should be learned in earl y youth , And always fondly cherished—they Are Honest y and Truth ! These , firmly planted in the heart , May bid defiance to the wiles
Of soft hypocrisy , whose art Is treachery in smiles . Temptation ' s shafts will harmless fall Upon the heart that ' s firm and true ; Seductive Vice in vain will call—Will nothing hurtful do .
Be honest ! Then , though dreary clays Of want should come , and men should blame , Upon them thou may ' st proudly gaze , Not hide thy head in shame . Be truthful ! Thenwhate ' er betide
, , Thy conscience will be pure and free ! With Truth and Honesty to guide , Thy life must happy be ! W . COBBETT . T , 2
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And Anti-Masonic Processions, Caricatures, Etc.
"May 3 rd , 1744 .. Yesterday several of the mock Masons were taken up by the constable empowered to impress men for his Majesty ' s service , and were confined till they can be examined before justices . " The mock procession of 1745 being- already demonstrated , it therefore proves the tenacity of Masons in clinging to old nonsensical customs ; for no less than four anti-Masonic processions were required in London in order
to stop Masonic proeessionising . Besides the two caricatures , exclusive of Hogarth ' s , already mentioned , a caricature , designated " The Freemason ' s Downfall , or the restoration of the Scald Miserables , " was published in 1742 , price twopence . Another , of the same year , was published by Hurst , Chanse , and Co . ; and I believe that still another one is described of the same year . So , we see , that quite a mania was created about that time for anti-Masonic caricatures .
It is only necessary to state that Paul Whitehead , the poet , was believed at the time to have been the chief contriver of the "Scald Miserable" processions . Dr . Carey , surgeon to the Prince of Wales , also took part in an anti-Masonic show , for which Bro . Frederick Prince of Wales dismissed him from his service . I have no doubt the brotherhood were glad of it , and probably more than one Masonic enthusiast told Dr . Carey , " Sarve you right . " '
It is my firm belief , however , that Messrs . Whitehead and Carey deserve the thanks of the English Masons for having been instrumental in abolishing the nuisance of Masonic processions ; and I believe that if hisH . R . H . the present Prince of Wales could witness the tomfoolery of Masonic processions in America , that , as Grand Master , he would request the Grand Lodge to have marble statues of Whitehead and Carey placed in the most conspicuous part of Freemasons ' Hall , for having weaned the English brethren from public processioning .
Honesty And Truth.
THERE are two things of purest ray Which should be learned in earl y youth , And always fondly cherished—they Are Honest y and Truth ! These , firmly planted in the heart , May bid defiance to the wiles
Of soft hypocrisy , whose art Is treachery in smiles . Temptation ' s shafts will harmless fall Upon the heart that ' s firm and true ; Seductive Vice in vain will call—Will nothing hurtful do .
Be honest ! Then , though dreary clays Of want should come , and men should blame , Upon them thou may ' st proudly gaze , Not hide thy head in shame . Be truthful ! Thenwhate ' er betide
, , Thy conscience will be pure and free ! With Truth and Honesty to guide , Thy life must happy be ! W . COBBETT . T , 2